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F BLESSED be the Lord ! 'God of 8 In holiness and righteous I ness bt I s Israel: for he hath visited | and fore him: all the l days I of our life. re I deemed · his people;

mf 9 And thou child, shalt be called the F 2 And hath raised up a mighty sal | va- próphet I of the | Highest: for thou shalt tion | for us: in the house 1 of his , ser- go before the face of the Lord I to pre ! vant | David;

pare his I ways; mf 3 As he spake by the mouth of his I 10 To give knowledge of salvation / unholy | Prophets: which have been / since to · his / people: fór the re I mission of the | world be | gan;

their | sins, 4 That we should be saved I from our ! 11 Through the tender mércy I of our | enemies: and from the I hand of I all that God: whereby the day-spring from on hate us.

high hath | visited I us; 5 To perform the mercy promised to I 12 To give light to them that sit in darkour fore | fathers: and to re / member ness * and in the / shadow of 1 death: his holy I covenant;

(p) and to guide our féet l into the I way S To perform the oath which he sware

of | peace. to our forefather | Abra l ham: that I he F f Glory be to the Father I and to the I would I give •

Son: and I to the | Holy | Ghost; p 7 That we being delivered out of the F As it was in the beginning * is now, hånd l of our l enemies: might sérve him and I ever I shall be: world without ) with | out. | fear;

end · =TA' = | men.

| us;

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Ff BLESSED: be the Lord | 8 In holiness and righteous !

God of Israel: for he hath ness before him : all the days • visited | and re | deemed · his 1 = | of our life. people;

mf 9 And thou child, shalt be F 2 And hath raised up a mighty called the prophet of the | Highsal | vation | for us: in the house l est : for thou shalt go before the of his | servant | David;

face of the Lord | to pre i pare his / mf 3 As he spake by the mouth ways; of his | holy | Prophets : which 10 To give knowledge of salvahave been , since the world be ltion | unto · his , people : for the gan;

re mission of their | sins, 4 That we should be saved 11 Through the tender mércy | from our | enemies : and from of our | God: whereby the daythe | hand of | all that I hate spring from on | high bathi

visit : ed | us: 5 To perform the mercy promised 12 To give light to them that to | our fore | fathers : and to re 1 sit in darkness * and in the / shamember · his holy | covenant; dow . of death : (P) and to guide

6 To perform the oath which he our feet | into the | way of l sware to our forefather | Abra | peace. bam : thất | he would I give = |

Ff Glory: be to the Father |

and · to the Son: and to the p 7 That we being delivered out Holy | Ghost; of the hånd | of our | enemies : F As it was in the beginning * might sérve | him with | out. = 1 is now, and I ever | shall be : world

without | end. = A. = | men.


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Arr. by J. STAINER.

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As he { Spahis brothe mouth } Prophets : which have been since the world be -gan.

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To give light to them that sit in darkness* and in the shadow of


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light to them that sit in darkness* and in the shadow of


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