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Alcock, Dr. John Aldrich, Dr. Henry

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92 212 189 97


Allen, W. Anonymous


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85 316 142 143 124 38 42 160 275 120

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Barrow, Thomas Barry, Ć. A. Battishill, J.

190 128 193 332 245 41

7 192 37


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Bb Bellamy, Richard F Bennett, Alfred G Blow, Dr. John E mi. Boissier, R. A.

F Brown, Arthur H.. G

209 Forward, T.

E 89 Fussell, B., 292 Gadsby, Henry . Bb 121 Gardner, C. 150 Garrett, Dr. G. M.. 224 Gibbons, C. 67

Gilbert, Dr. W. B.: 226 294 235 295 Goldwin, A. 267 Goodson, Richard: 130 || Goss, Sir John A 277 183

F 185 Greene, Dr. M. A

Gregorian 12 287 ||Hackett, J. D. Bb 225 Havergal, H. E.. 146 Hayes, Dr. William 244 268 222 291 331 123

BD 156 Hervey, Rev.F.A.J.

A 195

F 300 | Higgs, J.

A 290 Hiles, Dr. Henry E 229 | Hindle, John

Ab 271 Hine, William 326 Hopkins, Dr. E.J. 243 166

Bb 167 241 Houseley, Henry 276 Hullah, Dr. John 296 Humfrey, Pelham. 269 133 Jackson, R. 127 ||Jones, John 117 155 Kelway, T.

Ab 84 223

Kempton 5

Kent, James 157

King, Charles 15

Lee, W., 162

Leslie, H. 333

Littleton, A. :.: 164 Macfarren, Sir G. A. A 318

Bb 11

Macfarren, Walter F
Martin, G.'W.

Eb 273

Medley, Bishop j.: 327 68

Monk, Dr. E. G. 196 215 ||Monk, Dr. W. H. 191 246 147 Moore, J. H.

154 214

Nares, Dr. James A

Novello, Vincent A 319

Bb 274 228 || Oakley, Sir H. S. E 264 230

Ouseley,Rev.F.A.G. O 66 140 232 40

E 211 1

Bb 153 188 Oxford Chant 299 91 Pratt

Ab 239 Pring, Dr. Joseph. Ab

Purcell, Daniel . 35

Purcell, Henry 145 Purcell, Thomas 39 119 Reinagle, A. R. : 10

Rimbault Dr. E. F. 298 213 270

Round, H. 301 Russell, William 233 158 122

Bb 95 132

Savage, w. 87

Scotch Chant 262 ||Smith, Boyton 149 Stainer, sir John 131

Statham, Rev.Dr.W. 237 Steggall, Dr. Chas. 234

Stephens, C. E.. 182 314 ||Stevenson, Sir J. A. 148 2

Tallis, Thomas 6

Terry, E. R. 197 Thorne, E. H. 151 Tomlinson, R.

96 Tours, Berthold 129 Tucker, W.

Turle, James 3 293

Eb 288

Turner, Dr. William A 272

Turton, Bishop T.. 152 33 Vincent, Dr. Chas. E 14

E 163 Walter, Dr. W. H.. G

A 302 ||Webbe, Samuel. G 289

Whitney, S. B. 265

Woodward, Dr. R. Bb 126 330 X

93 194 242

315 210 88 43 231

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32 186 297 141

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Camidge, John Charlesworth, J. Colborne, L. Cooke, Dr. B. Corfe, Dr. C. W. Creser, Williain Croft, Dr. William Crotch, Dr. W.

159 86

4 34 125 144 94 98 8

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Dupuis, Dr. T. S.

Bb {

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236 238

Edwards, E. Elvey, Sir G. J..


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Elvey, Dr. Stephen Bb Farrant, Richard F Felton, Rev. W.


mi. Field, J. T.


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48 170 56 61

Armes, Dr. Philip Attwood, Thomas

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Barnby, Sir Joseph

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137 ||Gibbons, C.

Eb 199 | Goss, Sir John E 201

52 Handel 111 Harris, J. T.

Eb 25 Havergal, Rev.W.H. 176 Hawes, W.

Eb 198 Hayes, Dr. William 105 Hayes, Rev. W.E.. Db

Heathcote, Rev. G. 104 Henley, Rev. P.. 108 Higgins, w. 334 Hodges, Dr.Edward 309 Hopkins, Dr. E.J.. 280 219

Bb 17 279 Jackson, William . Bb 101 Jacobs, Rev. W. A

Jones, John 328

A 54 Joule, B. St. J. Gb 19 100 Kettle, C. E.

C 168 202 | Langdon, Richard. F 106 Lawes, Henry Bb 320

Lemon, John. 134 329 Matthews, S. 205 Mendelssohn.

D Mornington, Earl of D 308


Barrow, Thomas F

Bennett, Alfred.
Boyce, Dr. William
Buck, Dr. Dudley .
Clemens, O. E. A
Cooke, Robert G mi.
Crotch,Dr. William

109 Parke, Rev. R. N. 252 Pitman 70 Propert, Rev. W.P. 283 | Pye, K.J.

71 175 ||Randall, Dr. John. 112 Robinson, John 217 281 Rogers, Sir J. L. 45 Rose, C. J.. 99 Rudá, A. F. 57 ||Russell, E. H. 172

Russell, William 110 305 | Smart, Henry 200

Smith, John S. 60

Soaper, John 254

Stainer, Sir John

Stevenson, Sir J. A. 176

Stewart, C. H. 23

Toule, B. St. J. 53 Troutbeck, Rev. J. 204

Turle, James .

203 278

24 248 249 321 171 251 59

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169 216 136 253 307 107

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254 103 18 58 218 250

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Elvey, Dr. Stephen

Foster, J.

310 20 21 322

Walter, Dr. W. H.

Wesley, Dr. Samuel 304 Woodward, Dr. R. . 26 44 Worgan, John


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72 303

46 135

22 306 282


Garrett, Dr. G. M..


G Ab

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KEY. No.


Gale, Clement R. Maybrick, M. Oakeley, Sir H. S.

73 47 51

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LMIGHTY Father, bless us in the worship in which we are about

to engage. Help us to remember that we are in the presence of the King of Kings, and that Thou God seest us. May the devotion of our hearts so accompany the service of our lips, that we may offer Thee an honest and acceptable sacrifice of praise; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

OR, YRANT, O Lord, that we may in all wisdom and understanding,

sing Thy praises, and keep in the fellowship of Thy children; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

ET Thy Holy Spirit be with us, O God, that we may enter Thy

courts with reverence and love, and render a service acceptable unto Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



E thank Thee, Most Merciful Father, for all the blessings we

receive. May the memory of this hour of worship go with us as we leave Thy house, and may Thy loving-kindness follow us all the days of our lives; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

OR, RANT, O Lord, that what we have sung with our lips we may

believe in our hearts and practice in our lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (EAVENLY Father, we thank Thee for this Holy Day, and all

the blessings it brings to us: and remembering the holy truths we have heard, may we live as Thy faithful and obedient children; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.






ARDON, O Lord, the imperfections of our service. Make us more

worthy to lead the praises of Thy Church. And may we so worship and serve Thee here below, that we may worship and serve Thee hereafter in heaven; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

OR, HE Lord bless us and keep us ; the Lord lift up His countenance upon us, and give us peace, now and evermore. Amen.


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