cy, and can never wholly obliterate. About thirty years ago, a young man, with an aged grandmother and her son, came to reside at a trifling distance from Fort Cumberland; they took up their abode at a small cottage in the neighbourhood, and principally depended for subsistence on the precarious occupation of fishing. They had once been respectable trades - people at Portsmouth; but a variety of unforeseen circumstances had reduced them to poverty, and compelled them to seek the security of solitude. For a few months after their arrival, the encouragement they received from the Fort, where they daily carried their baskets of fish, had restored them to comparative tranquillity, when the unusual violence of some equinoctial gales dashed their little fishing smack against the adjacent rocks, and rendered their humble occupation at once dangerous and profitless. To increase, if possible, their misery, the old lady and the father of the young man languished in the agony of extreme want, without either friends or relatives to succour them. He could have borne his own sorrows with firmness; but the sight of his dearest connexions dying from positive exigency, and sinking on their couch of sickness without even a mouthful of bread to eat, and scarcely a torn rag to shield them from the chilly night air, drove him to the verge of distraction. When he saw the fading lustre in the eyes of his aged grandmother her form slowly sinking in the grave-her wan looks imploring even one solitary meal to comfort her-her pallid cheeks gradually assuming the cadaverous hue of death,his agony assumed the aspect of determined insanity. He seized the opportunity when his father, partially recovered from indisposition, had gone to petition the governor of the fort for relief, to station himself by the highroad, with intention of wresting money from each traveller, for the purposes of future provision. With a brace of horse-pistols in his pocket, he sallied out from the cottage to put his nefarious designs into immediate execution. The night was well adapted to the occasion-it was dark and stormy, and the continued roar of the ocean waves, and the solitary shriek of the sea-bird, increased the natural gloom of the scene. The young man, in the mean time hastened tremblingly onward, and his mind assumed a stern resolution from the corresponding influence of the night-prospect. A tempest had already commenced; the hollow-sounding thunder echoed along the dim arch of heaven, and the lightning flashed with splendor around him. As he passed the lonely gibbet, under which the bones of unburied malefactor were yet bleaching, and heard the sullen swing of the chains to which a mouldering skeleton was attached, he imagined his similar situation in case of detection, and his boasted courage for the first time failed him. The storm meanwhile raged with unabated violence, and a broad stream of lightning shone dimly through the ghastly skeleton, whose whitening bones hung dangling in the wind. At this instant the noise of approaching footsteps was heard echoing across the heath-the sounds advance nearer, and a dark figure, wholly muted up in a night cloak, stood by the side of the robber. He drew his pistol from its hiding-place, and the stranger moved slowly on twice he attempted to pull the trigger, and twice it trembled in his grasp. The courage of despair came at length to his assistance; he thought of his dying grandmother-his own father starving in utter hopelessness-and the thought smote on his frenzied imagination. He fired-and with a suppressed groan of anguish, the death-choked voice of which rushed full on his racked brain, the stranger dropped lifeless at his feet. Agitated with a variety of contending emotions, he bore the ensanguined body to the cottage,and placed it on a chair, until he should return with a lantern to dispossess it of its money and wearing apparel. It was now deep midnight; the old lady had long since retired to her bed, and all around was still, but the distant roar of waters or the sullen sound of the north wind, as it whistled gloomily through the bleak walls of the cottage. After a short interval the murderer returned, bearing a dark-lantern in his hand. He cast a suspicious glance around, locked the door of the apartment, and then, with a trembling frame, attempted to unveil the countenance of his victim. Gently he drew back the cloak that concealed the face; and the body rolled with a heavy crash to the ground, and disclosed the glazed eyes and convulsed stiffened features of his father!of that father, for whose sake he had thus plunged himself deep in guilt, and whom he had murdered as he returned from the fort with a promise of assistance from the governor. He gazed at the corpse as though he had gazed his whole soul away at the sighthe burst out into a hellish shout of triumphant laughter, and the fire of the deepest, the deadliest madness, flashed across his brain. He then raised the body from the ground, and with a bitter shriek, the sound of which is described as having been like nothing earthly, rushed with it into the room of his grandmother. A dim rushlight was burning in the chimney corner as he entered, and the tattered fringe was drawn close round the bed. He approached-he drew aside the curtains, and roused the trembling woman by the wild frenzy of his triumph. She started at the noise; and the first objects that presented themselves were the blood-stained figure of her son, gazing at her with eyes fixed in the livid ghastliness of death, and the fearful aspect of her grandchild, gnashing his teeth with frenzy, blaspheming with the most awful imprecations, and shouting aloud with the unearthly yellings of a dæmon. She could see, she could feel no more-death seized her at the instant-she cast but one look of kindness, as if imploring a blessing on her murderer, and then closed her eyes in the eter nal slumber of the grave. In the mean time, the shrieks of the unhappy parricide drew the attention of some guards belonging to the Fort, and who happened to be passing at the moment. They rushed forward to investigate the cause, and beheld a sight of never-to-be-forgotton horror. of the old lady was reposing on the bed where she had but just The dead body now expired, and the maniac had placed the corpse of his father in his arms, and was weeping and laughing over it like an infant, as he unconsciously twined his fingers through the dark grisly locks stiffened with clotted gore, and passed his hand across the pallid features that struck to his heart with the icy chilliness of death. With some difficulty the guards were able to secure him; stratagem at length prevailed, and he was removed on board the convict ship that was stationed off the coast opposite Fort Cumberland. The bodies of the mother and her son were quietly committed to the grave, and the circumstances of the dreadful transaction remembered but as a dream that once was. Time rolled on, and as the hour of his trial approached, the spirit of the poor maniac seemed to settle into a calm melancholy, The heavy clogs that had hitherto been attached to his feet were now, therefore, removed, and he was permitted to occupy the cabin that looked out upon the sea shore. Here he would sit for hours watching the vessels as they passed to and fro, and weeping at the remembrance of for mer days. At a distance was the gibbet, the scene at once of his guilt and probable punishment. A shudder of horror passed over his mind whenever he beheld it, and the wildness of insanity again took possession of his soul. But when the fit was passed, tears would sometimes come to his relief, and he would weep alone in silence. His disposition, naturally generous and kind hearted, appeared softened by misfortune, and even his brother convicts would feel for so lonely a situa tion, as they saw him with eyes fixed on vacancy, muttering and talking to himself. His health, in the mean time, failed, and it was evident from the increasing depression of his spirits, and the hectic glow of his complexion, that "his days were numbered in the land." For himself he seemed to rejoice in the prospect of approaching death, and a faint smile would often pass across his face, as he surveyed his wasted features, and felt the increasing languor of his frame as the hour of dissolution arrived, he wished for the last time to behold the grave where all that was once dear to him lay buried. With this visionary idea, he seized the fitting opportunity, when the windows of his prison were thrown open, and the guards had retired for the night, to emancipate himself from the slight shackles that bound him, and swim to the neighbouring shore. At the dead hour of midnight, lights were seen moving in the convict ship, the alarm bell was rung, the thunder of cannon echoed across the ocean, and the universal confusion of the guards and seamen announced the escape of the prisoner. A well-manned boat, in which two savage bloodhounds were placed, was instantly rowed to the sea-coast; and the dogs, closely followed by their pursuers, were sent to hunt out the residence of the maniac, They set forward on their chase, and soon arrived at the little cottage where the sufferer once dwelt, and which was now generally avoided as the unholy resort of evil spirits. The officers approached at the instant, but had scarcely arrived, when a faint shriek of agony was heard. It proceeded from the convict, who had been traced up to the ruined home of his father, and was discovered sobbing on the matted couch where he had last slept. The blood-honnds rushed upon their prey, and ere a few minutes had elapsed, the corpse of the parricide, torn in a thousand pieces, lay scattered in that mangled state upon the ground. He was buried with his murdered victims, in the little knoll of earth that we have mentioned in the opening description, and though "the winds of many winters have sighed over his remains," and the sea-birds have built their nests upon his grave, he lies as quietly as if all nature was hushed in stillness around him. His tale, meanwhile, is often told to the passing stranger, as he pauses to contemplate the wild spot where he sleeps, and the tears of genuine pity often falls at the remembrance of his misfortunes. Superstition has consecrated his burial-place, and when the dark wave dashes against the beach, and the rising storm broods over the face of the landscape, his spirit is reported to rise from its cold sepulchre, and exult in the sight of destruction. reverie by the shriek of a female voice. Turning suddenly around, he saw a young horse, which, being frightened, had run away with its rider, and was rushing impetuously towards the precipice. He was too far off even to attempt to throw himself before the affrighted animal. One expedient only presented itself. With unerring aim he drew up his rifle, and the horse fell on the very brink of the cliff. The stranger ran to the assistance of the unfortunate female. Though pale as the tenant of the grave, a lovelier object never met his view. Her dark hair fell loosely on her cold bosom-she appeared lifeless. He raised her in his arms, and bore her to the hamlet at the foot the hill. By the assistance of the cottagers, Mary was soon sufficiently restored to be removed to the house of her father, which was not far distant.-A fever ensued, and William, whose extensive studies had given him some knowledge in medicine, attracted by a charm which he could neither resist or define, resolved to remain, and prescribe for her, until her fate should be determined. Mary was just eighteen when the accident happened which introduced the accomplished and fascinating stranger to her knowledge. By his kindness, and that of her parents, she slowly recovered; but the lively radiance of her fine blue eyes was changed to a mild and pensive sweetness, less dazzling-but, oh! to the heart of sensibility how interesting! The lily stole the rose's blossom: the throbbing heart, and expressive flush that rose when William eutered the room, too plainly told that love, that obtrusive urchin, had left the city, and entered the cottage of Mary, with the stranger. William was the most accomplished man Mary had ever seen. Pleasing in his manners, insinua ting in his address, sensible and handsome, and also, the preserver of her life! What female heart could be insensible to so much excellence! The affectionate and assiduous attention of William soon restored her, in some degree, to her former health, and the chain that had so long detained him, gathering new strength, he found it impossible to break a connexion that was already so dear to him. All Franksburg talked of the courtship, and when I saw William and Mary lead down in the dance together, I could not help thinking they were formed for each other. I went up to Franksburg last fall, to visit my old friend, and to congratulate him on the purposed connexion. It was one of those pleasing moonlight evenings in the month of September, when I arrived at the gate, such as had always been enlivened by the song and dance, under the old elm by the door. But the sound of joy was no more heard on the green. William gone the cheek of the soldier was wet with anguish; and the wife of his bosom seemed fast declining in sorrow to the grave. was Pale and dejected, Mary sat by the window, her head reclining on her hand. Her eye, moistened by a tear, was fixed on vacancy, or wandered heedlessly from object to object.-Seduced by the man who saved her life, she was soon to become a mother. The old man took my handpressed it between his :-"0! this is an ungrateful world." said he. His heart swelled-he turned away, to conceal his emotion. An aged missionary, whose hair was silvered with the frost of 70 winters, endeavoured to turn their affections to another world, and to lead them for consolation beyond the tomb. Ye votaries of pleasure-ye gay, ye wanton seducers of the fair, whom you should protect; O! could you have seen the cottage of poor Freeman, your infamous trophies over deluded innocence would have been scorpions to your consciences. Such ruins-Hark! the watchdog announces a stranger! The door opened, and in a moment we beheld William at the feet of her father. Mary shrieked. and fainted. "I come-I come," said he, "for forgiveness I come to offer all the reparation in my power. Not a moment of happiness have I known since I left you." Noble youth! thou hast set a pattern by thy return to virtue most worthy to be followed. DR. JOHNSON ON WAR. Many naturalists are of opinion, that the animals which we commonly consider as mute, have the power of imparting their thoughts to one another. That they can express general sensations is very certain; every being that can utter sounds, has a different voice for pleasure and for pain. The hound informs his fellows when he scents his game; the hen |