their Stein-henghen, hangingstones. The immense single stone, on a barrow of great magnitude, overlooking Poolbay, in Dorsetshire, the inhabitants now call Eagle-stone, from the Saxon hlig, or holy, and stan, a stone. Also the seven brothers, or seven stones on Matlock-moor, Derbyshire, from the Saxon seven brederon, or brothers. About the middle of the fifth century, it appears, this town was subjected to the ravages of the Saxon invadors, the second landing of their leader, Ella, afterwards their King, being effected at Shoreham, a distance westward of not more than six miles; and in the division of lands and property which followed their successful descent, it is supposed that the place fell to the lot of Brighthelm, who distinguished it by his name, and whose posterity had possession until deprived of it by the Normans: although the book called Doomsday, states, that two of the three Manors of Brighthelmston had been held of Edward the Confessor; but it has been aptly observed, that, notwithstanding, they might not have belonged to that Prince; for the Normans who denounced Harold the Second as an Usurper, invariably substituted the name of Edward, when Jurors were empannelled to make returns of the several Manors within their Hundreds, putting down that of Harold, as the Republican statutes of the 17th century are all references to Charles the Second. It is, therefore, with much appasent justice presumed, that the whole, or most of this town and parish, belonged to the ancestors of Earl Godwin, for many generations antecedent to the conquest. [To be continued.] There is much in the Life of Charles the First, the once reigning Monarch of this country, which the Historians have left to conjecture, particularly as relates to the actual Character and Religious feelings of that unfortunate Monarch. A synopsis of the Life of this illustrious personage, written in 1658, commencing with his Birth, Anno Domini, 1600, and terminating with his Martyrdom, in 1648, has been put into our hands, as a document of no ordinary value; and which, as it explains much of what otherwise appears ambiguous in his Reign, we shall offer to the Subscribers of THE BRIGHTON GLEANER, Verbatim et literatem, without further preface---viz. A SHORT VIEW OF THE LIFE AND REIGN OF KING CHARLES THE FIRST, TACIT. HIST. LIB. I. Alii diutius imperium tenuerunt, Nemo tam fortiter reliquit. Our Chronicles tell us of a man in Queen Elizabeth's time that wrote the Ten Commandments, the Creed, the Pater-noster, the Queen's Name, and the Year of our Lord, within the compass of a Peny; and gave the Queen a paire of spectacles of such an artificiall making, that by the help thereof she did plainly and distinctly discern every letter. The contracting of the Life and Reign of King Charles into so narrow a compasse as I have limited to my self, may seem to be a work of no lesse difficulty. And yet I hope to do it in such a plain and perspicuous manner, that every one who runs may read it without the help of any such spectacles as our Chronicles speak of. To brevity I am in joyned, and it must be my businesse to avoid all obscurity; though I am conscious to my self that I shall draw this picture with too much shadow. But I take the pencil into my hand, and thus form my lines: 1600. Charles, the third son of James the Sixth, King of the Scots, and of Anne his wife, daughter of Frederick the Second, and sister of Christiern the Fourth, Kings of Denmark, was born at Dunfermeling (one of the principall towns of Fife), in Scotland, on the nineteenth day of November, Anno. 1600, derived by a long descent of royall ancestors from Malcolm Con mor, King of the Scots, and the Lady Margaret his wife, sister and sole heir of Edgar Atheling, the last surviving Prince of the English Saxons. So that his title had been good to the crown of England, though he had borrowed no part of his claim from the Norman Conquerour. Which I observe the better to encounter the extravagant follies of some men in the book called Antinormanisme, and some other pamphlets of that time: in which it is affirmed that this King had no other right to the crown, than what he claimed from the Conquest; and, therefore, that the English nation having got the better of him by the sword, might lawfully free themselves from that subjection, which, by no other title than the sword of the Normans, had been laid upon them. And At his first coming into the world, he was so weak and unlike to live, that his christening was dispatcht in haste, without attending to the performances of those solemnities which are accustomably used at the babtisme of such princely infants. as the name of Henry was given to the Prince, his elder brother, with reference to Henry Lord Darnlie, the father of King James, by Mary Queen of Scots; so was this younger son called Charles, in relation to Charles Earle of Lennox, the younger brother of that Henry, and by consequence uncle to King James. 1602. Having received some measure of strength, he was, at the age of two years, created Duke of Albany, Marquess of Ormond, Earle of Rosse, and Baron of Ardmanock; of which four titles, the two first and the last, are wholly at the King's disposing, to be bestowed on whom he pleaseth. But the Eerdom of Ross falling unto the Crown in the time of King James the Third, was so settled in the Crown by Act of Parliament, that it is not lawful for the King to sell, alienate, or dispose of the same unto any other, than to the second son of Scotland. 1603. On the 26th of March next following, Anno 1603, King James had news, by Sir Robert Cary, one of the younger sons of the Lord Hansdon (who had stole a posting journey thither) that Queen Elizabeth was dead, contrary to the opinion of many of his Scottish courtiers; who being wearied with the tediousness of their expectation, did believe at last, that it should never be acknowledged by the Lords of England, that the Queen was dead, so long as there was any old woman of that nation left, to weare good clothes, and take the name of Queen upon her. For bringing which news the Duke of Albany (as if he were more concerned in it than all the rest of the King's children, as indeed he was) was afterwards committed to the governance of Sir Robert's Lady, and he himself, from that time forwards, of principall esteem and place about him. This news being seconded by that of the proclaiming of King James, for her true and lawfull successor to the imperiall crown of this realm, the King prepared himself for England. At which time (as I have been told by some persons of quality) a certain Laird of the Highlands, though of very great age, came to his court, to take his leave of him, whom he found accompanied by all his children, the young Duke being then held in his nurse's armes. His addresse unto the King consisted of prayers for his long life and prosperity; and those prayers intermixt with some desires, that in the midst of the felicities and glories of the English court, he would not be unmindful of his native countrey. Which having said, without taking any great notice of the Prince, he applyed himself wholly to the Duke, whose hands he kist with such an ardency of affection, as if he meant they should grow for ever to his lips. And when the King told him, that he had mistook himself in his addresses to the infant, as not being his eldest son, and Prince of Scotland, he answered, that he knew well enough what he did, and that it was this child in whom his name and memory was to be perpetuated to succeeding ages, with other speeches of like nature: which being then either unregarded, or imputed unto age and dotage, were called to mind after the death of Prince Henry, and then believed to have something in them of a prophetical spirit. But to proceed. On the fifth day of April, in the year 1603, King James began his journey to England, and in the end of May, the Queen, accompanied by Prince Henry and the Lady Elizabeth, set forwards also; finding at Berwick a noble train of Lords and Ladies, sent thither from the court to attend her coming, and wait upon her in her journey. 1604. The next year order was given for bringing the young Duke to the court of England. But before such as had the charge of him could begin their journey, the young Duke was taken with a fever: which being signified to the King, he sent thither Doctor Atkins, one of his Physicians, who in six weeks restored him to such a degree of health as made him fit to be removed to a warmer aire, and more comfortable climate. On the sixteenth of July this remove began, which brought him by short and easie stages, in the first week of October, to Windsor Castle, where the King then was, by whom he was committed to the governance of the Lady Cary, as before is said. And not long after, for his better welcome into England, he was, on the sixth day of January next following, (commonly called Twelfth-day) invested solemnly with the title of Duke of York, by cincture of a sword, imposition of a cap and coronet of gold upon his head, and by delivering unto him a verge of gold; himself with ten others of eminent nobility, having been made Knights of the Bath (with all the accustomed ceremonies) the day before. [To be continued.] ALLEGORICAL LETTER TO A YOUNG LADY. Madam, As you are tenant at will, in a very handsome, genteel house, and are now capable of furnishing it in the politest manner, and ruling it by the strictest maxims of economy and decorum, permit a friend to give a few cursory hints in an affair of so much importance. Your building is composed of some of the finest materials I ever saw; and is so much the more liable to discover any flaw or spot that may accidentally touch it. It is erected of a proper height, a just size, formed on a regular plan, and furnished with the most accurate proportion. On the top stands an eminent turret, furnished with a room of a globular form, which, I observe, has two chrystal windows in front; these are so constructed as to be exceedingly useful, as they command an extensive prospect, and, if always kept clean and bright, will prove a very great ornament to the house. I advise you not to look through them at every object that passes by: be sure to shut them close at night, and open them as soon as you please in the morning. On each side I discover a small portal to receive company; take care they do not always stand open, for then you will be crowded with visiters, and, perhaps, many such as you will not like: let them never be shut against the instructive parent, the advising friend, nor the supplicating orphan. I took notice of the gate in front, at which all your company go out---let that generally be barred close: be cautious what visitors you let go out publicly, lest, by any ill character being seen coming from it, you draw a scandal upon your house. It will be necessary, therefore, to lay a strict injunction of vigilance on the two porters, who stand sentinels in livery of the deepest scarlet, just without the ivory palisados. I have seen some people paint the two pannels just below the windows, but I would advise you to the contrary, for natural colour far exceeds all the decorations of art; this part of the edifice is supported by a pillar of Corinthian marble, the base of which is ornamented by two alabaster semiglobes, over which is generally drawn a fine lawn curtain of admirable needlework. Beneath is the great hall, in which you have a closet of exquisite workmanship; this, I suppose, is the place of your secret retirement, open to none but yourself or some faithful friend. I advise you to keep this always clean, furnish it well, make it a library of the best practical authors, and visit it frequently, especially when you come from church, or leave a circle of acquaintance which you have met at the teatable. Let the outside of the hall not appear like a hearse hung round with escutcheons, nor like a coach of state, bedaubed with gilt and colour; but let it be plain and neat, to convince the world that it is kept more for use than ornament. You are sensible, Miss, that time effaces all things; it demolishes the strength and beauty of the noblest structures. So you will not be surprised to find your little tenement subject to the same change; doubtless, it has often wanted repairs, though you have lived in it no longer, which are plain intimations that the house will one day fall. You may be soon turned out---the landlord may give you warning, or not, that is uncertain---be always ready, and prepared to go when called upon, and then you will not be afraid to go at the shortest warning. One thing I would have you observe, which is, that when you quit the house, no other tenant will inhabit it, but it will lie waste and in ruins; yet the proprietor will some time or other rebuild it for your reception, in a more durable manner, with the same materials; but so refined and modest, that it will be liable to no accident nor decay : and as it is absolutely necessary, that your habitation be new reared in some other place, I heartily wish it may be in a finer country, under a milder climate, and well shel tered from all storms; then will your situation be happy and honourable, and your lease never expire. I am, Madam, Your's, &c. Mr. Editor, I felt much pleasure on perusal of the advertisement, apprizing the public of your intention to afford them so much information as forty pages must necessarily contain, at so moderate a charge; conceiving, that the dissemination of knowledge, by such a publication, will be most essentially promoted : and I much hope that your exertions will be amply supported by valuable communications, and remunerated by an extensive sale. For my own part, I feel incompetent to the impartation of valuable information, and therefore intend to confine my endeavours to an obtainment of it, from those who are sufficiently liberal to afford that which I solicit. A small portion of leisure I employ in making researches in the spacious field of science; and in some of those books which fall in my way, I meet with problems which I cannot solve---with paradoxical statements which I cannot decipher---with contradictory assertions, which mysterize rather than elucidate---and with hypotheses which send the mind, upon the wings of imagination, on a flight of fruitless discovery. As my library is small, my leisure hours but few, and, as I like best to find truth without much wandering, I purpose from time to time (if you will allow me), through the medium of your publication, to request from some indulgent correspondent, |