learn, that a Blockhouse had then been completed to defend the place against any hostile attempts that might be made upon it from the sea. : This recorded fact, therefore, is sufficient to invalidate an absurd belief which once prevailed, that the Blockhouse was originally seated in the centre of the town, and that the encroachment of the water merely gave it its frontier situation but, abstracted from this proof, which completely refutes the extravagant traditional error, it must be regarded as impossible, and for which no feasible reason could ever exist, that a fort, specifically designed to resist attacks by sea, should be hid from even a prospect of the water, and be built in the middle of a town!! In the propagation of such an opinion, therefore, ignorance must have been the prime agent, instigated by envy, perhaps, to injure the growing prosperity of the inhabitants, by causing a fallacious rumour to have credence, of the dangerous insecurity altogether of their promising place of residence. The Blockhouse, there is strong reasons for believing, though not finished until the reign of Elizabeth, was commenced by Henry the Eighth. It stood on the southern part of what is now called the East Cliff, and between Black Lion-street and Ship-street, enfilading the roads to the east and west, and commanding the full sweep of this part of the British channel. A flint wall, of suitable strength and substance, extended to the right and left of the fortress, and which Elizabeth completed by adding thereunto four ponderous gates; the last of these were removed to make a convenient entrance to a battery, constructed there in the reign of George III.; but which, from the failure of one of the groynes or jetties, has since been washed away. The remains of this battery, however, are still to be seen; but of the Blockhouse or walls, scarcely a vestige can, at this time, be discovered. with many of the Nobility, were waiting in the Privie-Chamber for the King's coming out; the Prince (to put a jest upon him) took the Arch-Bishop's square cap out of his hand, and put it on his Brother's head, telling him, that if he continued a good boy, and followed his book, he would make him one day Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. Which the child took in such disdain, that he threw the Cap upon the ground, and trampled it under his feet, not being with out much difficulty and some force taken off from that eager nesse. This, though at first it was not otherwise heheld than as an act of childish passion, yet when his brother, Prince Henry dyed, and that he was heir apparent to the Crown, it was taken up by many zealous Churchmen for some ill presage unto the Hierarchy of Bishops, the overthrow whereof by his Act and Power did seem to be foresignified by it. But in that their fears were groundlesse, and their conjectures no better grounded than their fears, there never being a more gracious Patron to the Church, nor a more resolute Champion in behalf of the Hierarchy than he proved to be. What is presaged (if there were any presaging in it) in reference to the Archbishop's Person, may be shewen hereafter. 1611, 1612. In the eleventh year of his Age, he was made Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, and on the sixth day of November, Anno 1612. he lost his Brother, Prince Henry, whom he immediately succeeded in the Dukedome of Cornwall, with all the Royalties, Rents, Profits, and Commodities of it; according to the entail which was made thereof by King Edward the third, when he conferred it upon Edward the Black Prince his eldest Son. The first solemn Act which he appeared in after this change of his condition, was at the Funerall of Prince Henry on the 7th of December following, which he attended as chief Mourner. On the 14th of February then next ensuing, being Sunday, and St. Valentine's day, he performed the Office of a Brideman (a Paranymph the Grecian call him) to the Princesse Elizabeth, his sister, married upon that day to Friderick the Fifth, Prince Elector Palatine: a marriage which drew him afterwards into many cares and great expences, of which, more hereafter. In his Childhood he was noted to be very wilful, somewhat inclining to a perversenesse of disposition, which might proceed from that retiredness which the imperfection of his Speech, not fitting him for publick discourse, and the weakness of his limbs and joynts (as unfit for action) made him most delight in. But now being grown both in years and state, he began to shake off that retirednesse, and betake himself to all manner of man-like excercises; such as were vaulting, riding great horses, running at the ring, shooting in crosse bowes, muskets, and sometimes in great pieces of ordnance, in which he became so perfect, that he was thought to be the best marksman, and the most comely mannager of a great horse of any one in all the three Kingdoms. And as he shaked off this retirednesse, so he corrected in himself the peccancy of that humour which had grown up with it; there being no man to be found of an evener temper, more pliant to good counsel, or lesse wedded then he was to his own opinion. 1616. On the third of November, Anno, 1616, he was, at Whitehall (with all the accustomed solemnities), created Prince of Wales, Earl of Cheste and Flint, and put into the actuall possession of all the Regalities, Profits, and Commodities belonging to them; his houshold being then formed and constituted, and all the officers of State, which belong unto him, appointed to their severall places. And now it was expected that he should break out into more glory than he had done formerly, and take upon him as the Heir of so great an Empire. But considering very wisely, that the forward and enterprizing nature of his brother, Prince Henry, the popularity which he effected, and the great resort of young Noblemen continually unto his Court, had been displeasing to his Father; he resolved to keep himself at a close ward, and not to seem so great as he was, that when time served, he might appear greater than he seemed to be. Old Princes do not love to have their eldest sons too active, and to tread too close upon their heels; and, therefore, many times do interpose the power of a favorite to keep at the greater distance; a policy much used by King James in the whole course of his Government, who for that cause, in the life-time of Prince Henry, took Sir Robert Carr into his most especiall favour, whom he first made Gentleman of his Bed chamber, and on the twenty fifth of March Anno 1611, created Viscount Rochester, and the same year made Knight of the Garter also, conferring on him all the power and trust he was capable of; that by the greatnesse of the one he might keep down the daring nature and confident spirit of the other. Prince Charles understood this well enough, and carried himself with so much prudence, that he disputed not the power of his Father's favourites, suffering all Honours, Offices, and other matters at the Court, to be carried by them as best pleased the King. Which though it was generally ascribed unto Pusillanimity, and the defect of spirit in him, yet was it look'd upon as an act of the greatest wisdom by more knowing men. For had he in any wayes crost the designs and counsels either of Carr, then Earl of Somerset, or of the Duke of Buckingham, his Father's favourites, (who at that time did much out-shine him) he had not only incurred the King's displeasure, but of necessity must have divided the Court, and by consequence the Kingdom also into severall factions, each labouring to advance their own, though to the ruine and destruction of the publick peace. Only to take off somewhat of imputation, he made so much use of his power and interest with the King, as to prefer three of his servants unto Titles of Honour, Anno 1621. viz. Sir Robert Cary of Lepington; Sir Thomas Howard, second Son to the Earl of Suffolk, and Master of his Horse, to the Hononr of Viscount Andover, and Lord Howard of Charlton; and Sir John Vaughan Controller of his Houshould, to the Honour of Lord Vaughan of Molinger, in the Realm of Ire land. 1618. On the eighteenth day of November, Anno 1618, there appeared a great blazing Star, the fore-runner of many wofull events in these parts of Christ endom. But the first sad effect thereof which we found in Eng land, was the death of Queen Anne, which hapned Tuesday the second of March next follow ing. A losse which the Prince bare with great equanimity, or evennesse of spirit; neither banishing all shews of grief with a stoical apathie, nor spending his time in too much womanish lamentation. At the funerall of this great Queen, he was principall mourner, and it became him so to be; she having always him so to be; she having always expressed more affection for him than for any of the rest of her children. 1619. Not long after the death of the Queen, King James fell very sick at Newmarket, and having a desire to come to London, advanced on his way as far as Royston, where he was fain to stay till his sickness was over, which at last became so dangerous, that his death was feared. At which time, Dr. Andrews Bishop of Winchester, attending on him, bewailed with great affliction the sad condition which the Church was like to fall into, if God should take away his life, the Prince being in the hands of of the Scots, which made up the greatest part of his houshold, and not well principled by those which had the tutelage of him, either as to the Government or Liturgie of the Church of England. The King acknowledgeing this sad truth, and condemning his own negligence in it, made a solemn vow, that if God would be pleased to restore him to his health, he would take the Prince into his own immediate care, instruct him in the Conhim on so right a bottome, that troversies of Religion, and set there should be no fear of his disaffection either unto the Hierarchy, or the rites and ceremonies of the Church; which he did accordingly, that at such time as the Prince made his journey into Spain, and that some principal persons in all the Places and Offices belonging to him, were to follow after, Dr. Maw, and Dr. Wren, two of his Chaplains being appointed for that service, came to King James to know his pleaadvised them not to put themsure and commands. The King selves upon any unnecessary disputations, but to be only on the defensive part, if they should be challenged. And when it was answered that there could be no reason to engage in such disputations, where there could be no moderator; the King replied, that Charles should moderate between them and the opposite party. At which when one of them seemed to smile on the other, the King proceeded, and told them, that Charles should manage a point in Controversie with the best studied Divine of them all; and that he had trained up George so far as to hold the conclusion, though he had not yet made him able to prove the premisses. (To be continued.) If you wish to be always thirsty, be a drunkard; for the oftener and more you drink, the oftener and more thirsty you will be. If you seek to prevent your friends raising you in the world, be a drunkard; for that will defeat all their efforts. If you would effectualy counteract your own attempts to do well, be a drunkard; and you will not be disappointed. If you wish to repel the endeavours of the whole human race to raise you to character, credit, and prosperity, be a drunkard; and you will most assuredly triumph. If you are determined to be poor, be a drunkard; and you will soon be ragged and pennyless. If you would wish to starve your family, be a drunkard; for that will consume the means of their support. If you would be spunged on by knaves, be a drunkard; and that will make their task easy. If you would wish to be robbed, 'be a drunkard; which will enable the thief to do it with more safety. If you would wish to blunt your senses, be a drunkard; and you will soon be more stupid than an ass. If you would become a fool. be a drunkard; and you will soon lose your understanding. If you wish to incapacitate yourself for rational inter course, be a drunkard; for that will render you wholly unfit for it. If you wish all your prospects in life to be clouded, be a drunkand; and they will soon be dark enough. If you would destroy your body, be a drunkard; for drunkenness is the mother of disease. If you mean to ruin your soul, be a drunkard; its effects may exclude you from heaven. If you are resolved on suicide, be a drunkard; that being a sure mode of destruction. If you would expose both your folly and secrets, be a drunkard; they will run out as the liquor runs in. If you are plagued with great bodily strength, be a drunkard; and it will soon be subdued by so powerful an antagonist. If you would get rid of your money without knowing how, be a drunkard; and it will vanish insensibly. If you would have no resource when past labour but a workhouse, be a drunkard; and you will be unable to provide any. Finally, if you are determined to be utterly destroyed, in estate, body, and soul, be a drunkard; and you will soon know that it is impossible to adopt more effectual means to accomplish your---end. Drunkenness expels reason--drowns the memory---defaces beauty---diminishes strength--inflames the blood---causes internal, external, and incurable wounds---is a witch to the senses, a devil to the soul, a thief to the purse---the beggar's companion, the wife's woe, and children's sorrow---makes the strong weak, and a wise man a fool.---He is worse than a beast, and is a self |