LINES ADDRESSED TO MISS ANNE B***E, On her leaving Hagley, in Worcestershire. Such are the fleeting pleasures of our race, They're scarce enjoy'd ere doom'd to bid farewell; Scare have we learn'd to welcome some kind face, To hail the smile, to bless the magic spell, That binds in sweet unison the kindred heart, (Unknown its movements, and unseen the tie) That led thy footsteps to our calm retreat; To please, and win that smile so mild and sweet. From base alloy unmix'd with sordid ore, But oh, farewell!-accept this humble meed- Shouldst thou, far, far from this sequester'd vale, And oft as Eve her purple curtains close, June 27, 1822. M. H. ON SUICIDE. When fate in angry mood has frown'd, The great who'd be releas'd from pain, But know, beneath life's heavy load, 'Midst thousand ills that grieve, When dangers threaten-cares infestWhen friends forsake and foes molest, 'Tis braver far to live. ENIGMA. Ye enigmatic sirs, each strive to tell My name, and whence I came, and where I dwell; I am of universal use, you'll own, Take one hint more (and then I'll bid adieu) EPIGRAM, On a young fortune-hunter who married an old widow. I care not a pin for what any one says, But I'm sure that this marriage has shortened my days! A DREAM. I thought this heart consuming lay EPIGRAM. Tom prais'd his friend, who chang'd his mind In union divine "Wedlock's the end of life," he cried. MARRIAGES.-On Thursday, the 29th ult. Mr. Lloyd, of the Ship in Distress, to Mrs. Fairs, of the Richmond Arms, both of this town. -On the 18th ult. at Speldhurst, Mr. Jonn Goldsmith, aged 64, to Mary-Anne Ashdown, aged 72, both of Queen's-court, Quarry-hill, near Tunbridge. The marriage of this youthful couple excited great notice in the vicinity.-On Friday se'nnight, Mr. Richard Marren, Chemist, to Miss E. Terry, both of Lewes.-On the 31st ult. at Maidstone, Thomas Scardefield, esq. of Littlington, to Jane, daughter of Mr. Robinson, formerly of Arundel. DEATHS. On the 10th ult. in child-bed, aged 23, Mrs. D. Hallett, of Rotherfield.-On the 26th ult. in this town, W. Campbell, esq. of Lewes, aged 25.-On the 30th ult. Mrs. Dulany, of the Grand-parade, aged 98.-Last week, at Arundel, Mrs. Broad, aged 96.-On the 27th ult. in this town, Mrs. Harriet Blanchard, aged 77.-On the 27th ult. at Worthing, captain Douglas Miller. On the 28th ult. Robert, son of Mr. Wright, of the colonnade library, in this town, aged four years.—-On the 26th ult. at Littlehampton, Mr. Edward Streeter, aged 35. Z is not forgotten; several communications have been received. THE BRIGHTON GLEANER. "Honour and worth from no conditions rise; Act well your part, there all the honour lies." No. 12. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1822. VOL. I. EPITOME OF BRIGHTON-continued from page 402. a THE THEATRE.-In such place as Brighton, it is essential to the common interests of the town, that there should be a suficient number of buildings appropriated for public amusements; to these particulars, therefore, the inhabitants have not been inattentive; until within the last forty years, how ever, there was no other temple dedicated to Thalia and Melpomene, than a barn; the first theatre was built by the late Mr. Roger Johnstone, formerly the property-man at Covent-garden Theatre, who, having continued it for three years only, it was then leased to the late Mr. Fox, of Covent Garden Theatre also, in 1777, for the term of fifteen years, at the annual rent of sixty guineas. It was understood, however, between the lessor and the lessee, that the former, in addition, was to have the net receipts of the house on one night, to be called his benefit night, clear of all expences, in every succeeding year; and that his family should be free of the theatre, or possess the right of witnessing the performances there, at all times, without being liable to any charge as the consequence of their visits. The latter stipulation was correctly introduced into the covenants of the lease, but not so the former, net profits being there stipulated instead of net receipts; the issue of this was, that Mr. Paine was called on to defray the expences of his first benefit night, contrary to what had previously been understood, and orally agreed upon, between him and Mr. Fox. This circumstance had nearly given rise to an unpleasant litigation between the parties, in which Mr. Paine, in all probability, would have been the sufferer, for the want of a document to establish the propriety of his claim; but such a mortification and injury he preserved himself from, by having recourse to the following expedient : The right of gratuitous admissions to the theatre, to himself and family, as above specified, was undisputed; and as no place in the house was stipulated for, as the only part they should be permitted to enter in their visits, he determined to avail himself of his privilege to the full extent of its bearing. He, therefore, collected his family together, and with them entered the theatre a succession of nights, resolutely occupying the best seats in the boxes, to the exclusion of other and more profitable applicants. The manager, thus opposed, and law and equity pronouned by the public, as both in favour of Mr. Paine, consented to ratify his first agreement, and the system of warfare adopted to harass and punish him, ceased. Before the expiration of the fifteen years' lease, the house was found inadequate to the accommodation of the increased population of the town, and a new one was erected in Duke-street. The license for the theatre here, is yearly obtained from the magistrates at the quarter sessions at Lewes. And Mr. Fox, on finishing the house in Dukestreet, applied for the removal of the licence to that place, and which was granted, no opposition being offered to the measure by Mr. Paine. The latter, however, discovered the error of his non-resistance before the next application for the licence became requisite, when his opposition to it was a matter of course: but which proved ineffectual from delay, and the licence was granted to the same house, on which, without opposition, it had been bestowed the year before. The family of Paine were, therefore, pecuniary sufferers of several hundred pounds per annum by this event; and for which, the only compensation ever received, fell short of one hundred and twenty pounds or guineas. On the death of Mr. Fox, the Duke-street Theatre was purchased by H. Cobb, esq. of Clement's Inn, who built the present house in the New-road, in 1807, and removed the licence thereto, having first satisfied the ground landlord in respect to the measure. One moiety of the theatre has since been sold to sir Thomas Clarges, bart. The audience part of this house is remarkably handsome, and furnished with two tiers of boxes and a gallery. On the exterior of the edifice, a well-constructed colonnade is found very serviceable, and which runs along the whole front of the structure. The prices of admission are, boxes, five shillings, pit, two shillings and sixpence, and gallery, one shilling-second price, boxes, three shillings and sixpence, pit, one shilling and sixpence, and gallery, sixpence. The nights of performance are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, or more often, and these nights were selected at the first opening of the theatre, in North-street, in consequence of the subscription balls being held at the Castle and Old Ship, on Mondays, and Thursdays. (To be continued.) CHARLES THE FIRST-continued from page 405. In the mean time, the queen being with child, began to draw near the time of her delivery. And it was generally believed that the earl of Essex, with his forces, had some aim on Oxford, as the seat royal of the king— the residence of his court and |