BRIGHTON. COURT AND FASHIONABLE GLEANER. The duke of York closed his sojourn here, and left the palace, for the Horse Guards, early yesterday. Yesterday week and fortnight, the commander-in-chief attended divine service at the cavalry barracks, with the seventh fusiliers, and third dragoons. This day fortnight, his royal highness, as the patron of the institution, presided at the annual meeting of the "United Fishermen," which was numerously attended, and the funds declared as in a flourishing condition. After the meeting, the lord lieutenant of the county, lord Alvanley, and Mr. Wyndham, had the honour of dining with the royal duke. Lord Alvanley, sir Matthew Tierney, bart. and sir Thomas Stepney, bart. dined with the commanderin-chief, the day after; lords Stowell and Alvanley, and count Lieven, on Wednesday; lord Alvanley, Mr. Grant, and the speaker of the House of Commons, Mr. Manners Sutton, and the earl of Blessington, on Thursday; sir Richard Borough, Mr. Bromell, and lord Alvanley, on Friday; count Lieven, and lord Alvanley, on Saturday; lord Alvanley, lord Robert Manners, and sir Edward Blackeney, on Sunday. This day week, his royal highness dined with sir Richard Borough, in Regencysquare; on Tuesday, lord Alvanley, &c. again partook of the hospitalities of his table; on Wednesday, sir Thomas Stepney and sir Richard Borough; on Thursday, the royal duke dined with the marchioness of Lansdown, at Worthing; on Friday, his royal highness entertained lord Alvanley, sir Richard Borough, and sir Thomas Stepney, at the palace, and took his farewell dinner there, with a small party, on Saturday. The duke of York was somewhat indisposed at the beginning of the last week; sir M. J. Tierney waited on him several successive days; his royal highness's indisposition presently disappeared. He was never in better apparent health, than when we had to regret his departure yesterday. The duke of York often mingled with the votaries of fashion on the Steyne, last week—that is, the brick pavements of it, all classes of royalty, nobility, and gentry, having been ploughed out of the promenades they formerly enjoyed upon its then verdant surface-and Heaven only knows when their wonted privileges are to be restored. When the king returns to this place, yet remains uncertain. The palace, however, has been put in such order for occupancy, that it may be got ready, within a very short time after the earliest notice. The marchioness Cornwallis, and two daughters, lady Ramsay, and sir John Gifford, are among the last arrivals at the royal York hotel. The Russian ambassador, lady, and sons, are in the departure list, but are expected shortly to return to the York hotel. The marquis of Salisbury dined at the York hotel on Friday, but returned to Worthing in the evening. Among the most recent arrivals at the Old Ship tavern, are lady Blandford, lady Briscoe, lady Gresley, lady Biggett, col. and Mrs. Pocock, &c. &c. Mrs. Coutts intends being here shortly. Mr. Elliott's man sion on the West-cliff, has been engaged for her. As the legitimate offspring of fashion, subscription balls, under the superintendence of the M. C. we hear, are about to commence at the Old Ship. The only regret is, that they have not commenced before. Our libraries, Tuppen's, Lucombe's, Donaldson's, Loder's, and Wright's, are daily and nightly filled with elegant visit ants. TOWN AND COUNTY. MAGISTRATES AND COMMISSIONERS. Much interest was excited on Thursday fortnight in a question that came on to be argued, between the magistrates and the local commissioners - it arose from the refusal of the beadle, Mills, to attend, when sent for, to assist in quelling a riotous proceeding, by sir David Scott. The beadle, who received his appointment from the commissioners, said, he had been compelled to the refusal, by the direction of the commissioners, as expressed to him by Mr. W. R. Mott. The beadle had been cited to appear to shew cause, why a fine of forty shillings, should not be adjudged against him, for neglect of duty. The commissioners' clerk and solicitors (Messrs. Attree, & Cooper,) were present in support of the beadle, several of the commissioners also, and the bench included the following magistrates, J. M. Cripps, esq. chairman, sir D. Scott, bart. J. H. Bates, T. R. Kemp, and A. Donovan, esqs. Richard Morley, deposed, that he had delivered a message from sir David Scott, to the beadle, Mills, at the door of the Old Ship Tavern, on Monday evening, requiring his personal attendance to assist in quelling a disturbance then raging on the Level; that Mr. W. R. Mott had come up, at the time, and forbade a compliance with the requisition by the said beadle; and that on his, the deponent, remonstrating with Mr. W. R. Mott, he had been menaced with punishment. The beadle deposed, that he had been solely prevented from obeying the summons of sir David Scott, by the peremptory order which Mr. W. R. Mott had expressed to him. The beadle said he had been regularly sworn before a magistrate, to perform the various duties of his office to the best of his skill and ability. Mr. W. R. Mott denied any intent to give personal offence in what had occurred the message had been delivered to the beadle by a stranger he did not bring it in writing it might have been a hoax he was the reverse of supposing, on the part of the commissioners, that he had acted improperly. The commissioners' clerk, Mr. T. Attree, decidedly regarded the beadles as the servants of the commissioners, and so being at their disposal-but he deprecated disputes between the magistracy and the commissioners. Mr. Donovan characterized what had occurred, as a most outrageous insult to the gentlemen in the commissionthe impression which it had made on his mind, he said, had induced him to travel from Framfield to be present at the investigation. A beadle was a conservator of the peace, and under the direct controul of the magistrates, no matter by whom appointed. Constables were not appointed by the magistrates, but by lords of manors at Court Leets, and yet who would deny that magistrates had an entire control over them! The present question was one which equally concerned every gentleman in the commission in the country-it was neither confined to Brighton nor Sussex-if the Law were to be changed, at the will of any local body of persons, or, if not changed, that insults were to be directed with impunity at the impartial administrators of it, the time had arrived for gentlemen to resign their commissions, and he had no doubt that such would follow in all parts of the kingdom, if the remedy were not applied. He should, therefore, mark his disapprobation of what had occurred, by voting for the full penalty against the beadle, and an indictment, for the part he had taken, in inducing him to neglect his duty, against Mr. W. R. Mott. Mr. M. professed himself ready to meet the consequence of the decision of the bench, in the proper court. The magistrates collectively were in coincidence with Mr. Donovan, Mr. Cripps alluded to the unjustifiable conduct of the commissioners, in passing resolutions which had a tendency to bring the magistracy into contempt, and particularly that which went to disable himself, and Mr. Bates, to act in their official capacity-the court of King's Bench should be applied to, if the conduct of a magistrate were disapprovedthere redress, if established as necessary, would follow-a contrary procedure was preposterous, and magistrates had it in their power to retaliate with much severity. Sir David Scott, to prove its extraordinary character, cited one of the resolutions alluded to, but it was said, he had not cited it correctly, which occasioned it to be read from the commissioners' book, and sir David was found to be accurate even to the placing of the words it ran thus : "That the beadles be called in, and directed not to attend upon J. H Bates, and J. M. Cripps, esqrs. as justices of the peacenor to attend the meetings of the bench of magistrates, but as directed by the clerk of the commissioners," Mr. Mott added, that, in conformity with the resolution cited, when the message had arrived from sír David Scott, on the Monday evening, he bad advised an application to the clerk, for instructions upon the subject, but which advice had not been attended to. The unpleasant situation in which the beadle had been, and was placed, called forth frequent remarksif he obeyed the commissioners, he was liable to a fine; and if, in preference, he obeyed the magistrates, his situation, as beadle, would be lost. He was a poor man, and the latter might involve his ruin. Much more was said, but the bench continued undivided in opinion and the result was, that the beadle was amerced in the full penalty of forty shillings, grounded upon the first sec. of the thirty-third of George III.; but, upon the condition, that the said conviction should be appealed against, at the ensuing quarter sessions, the indictment against Mr. Mott, it was agreed, should be suspended. Charles Smith and John Brown, two well-looking London lads, one from Drury-lane, the other from Wapping, neither appearing more than eighteen, have been committed to the goal, at Lewes, for trial at the December assizes, charged with robbing Mr. Bates, chemist, of this town, of a gold watch, chain, and seals. Goldsmith, the landlord of the public-house, at Coppersgap, has been fined ten pounds, for having had his house open, during divine service, on a Sunday. The above convictions took place at our local bench, this day se'nnight.-On Thursday, John Pigger, charged with robbing the shop of Mrs. Paine, in North-street, of two umbrellas, was fully committed for trial. A beautiful, not to say a large, sturgeon, was sent to the duke of York, by the society of United Fishermen, yesterday se'nnight, and of which his royal highness was pleased to accept. The fish weighed upwards of sixty pounds. Part of it was afterwards directed by the duke, to be sent to the Russian ambassador, at the Royal York Hotel. LOCAL CATCH AND GLEE CLUB. This society had a numerous attendance on Tuesday, with the veteran Incledon, in the chair. When we observe, that the chorus in Macbeth, beginning"Speak, sister, speak," was performed with skill and the most pleasing effect, the quality of the general entertainment needs no peculiar explanation. Incledon joined in several harmonies with almost his former powers and excellence-the latter induced a gentleman loudly to observe, that he could compare him to nothing so aptly, as an old and valuable cremona, that had been hung up in the dust and neglected, but which being again taken into use, and its peculiar tones extracted, all other fiddles could but be heard and regarded as of minor worth and consequence. Gibbon never sung better, nor afforded more satisfaction, than on this occasion. "Will Watch," by an amateur, Newnham, was made to deserve very favourable notice, and a visitant, Mr. Flint, complied with a request, in the introduction of a rural ballad, which, for method and feeling, was umong the most agreeable offerings of the night. In Scottish melodies Mr. Donaldson excels-he was heard, with loud and expressed approbation, in the present instance. "God save the King," as usual, concluded the divertissement. POETRY. BY LORD BYRON. And wilt thou weep when I am low? Wilt sigh above my place of rest. breast; Doth through my cloud of anguish shine; And for a while my sorrows cease To know that heart hath felt for mine! O lady ! blessed be that tear, It falls for one who cannot weep: Such precious drops are doubly dear To those whose eyes no tears may steep. Then wilt thou weep when I am low? THE FAIR DEFENDED. Cur nostræ Etatis mulieres vix vestiantur. Unstain'd by vice, the lovely Eve, Nor clothes nor vesture wore ; Hence do our fair, who virtue love, Their purity they boldly prove, |