O! would I were a mermaid now, Alas! I was not born beneath "The virgin and the seales," So I must curse my cruel stars, And walk about in Wales. Now Ben had sail'd to many a place But when he call'd on Sally Brown, He found she had got another Ben, Oh, Sally Brown, oh, Sally Brown, Then reading on his 'bacco box, And then he tried to sing " All's Well," His head was turn'd, and so he chew'd His pigtail till he died. His death, which happen'd in his berth, They went and told the sexton, and QUERE. What is love? a morning vapour, 'Tis the sigh the infant utters, Ere it knows the use of breath : 'Tis the moth that gaily flutters Round the flame that dooms its death. 'Tis the glow-worm's witching glory, "Tis the dream that haunts our pillows; 'Tis the tears of weeping willows- "Tis, oh, 'tis, the rose, in fancy, And I've heard a married man say, TO A LADY, Who chose for the motto of her seal, " Forget me not.” I shall doat to think upon; Spring will present that smile of thine ¿ Believe me, lady, though we sever, C. C. EMPEROR. TURKISH GALLANTRY. LADY I can't abide you Turkish folk, TURKISH AMBASSADOR. In England, true, this plan may do, BIRTH.-In Grosvenor-place, London, the lady of colonel Fitzclarence, daughter of the earl of Egremont, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. On the 6th inst. at Littlehampton, Mr. R. Witherby, of St. John's College, Cambridge, to Emma, second daughter of Wm. Hale, esq. of Petworth, in this county.-On Wednesday, Mr. John Trangmar, grocer, of Boyce's-street, to Miss Sawyer, of Brighton-place.-At Funtington, Mr. Reeves, builder, to Miss Spencer, of Emsworth. DEATHS.-On Friday the 19th inst. Mrs. Davison, of Warden's buildings, relict of the late Mr. Davison, many years a respectable cow-keeper in this town.-On Thursday, the 8th inst. at his father's house in Lewes, in the 31st year of his age, Mr. George Elphick, of Jermyn-street, London.-On Sunday, the 18th, Mrs. Cheesman, wife of Mr. Cheesman, formerly a builder of this town.-On Thursday, the 23d, Alexander Baldey, son of Mr. Alexander Baldey, grocer, Ship-street, in this town. Several communications are unavoidably postponed. of THE BRIGHTON GLEANER. No. 11. "Honour and worth from no conditions rise; MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1822. VOL. I. EPITOME OF BRIGHTON-continued from page 362. ROYAL YORK HOTEL.-The Castle and Old Ship taverns, at which were the public assembly rooms, were coeval, as superior concerns of that nature, with the earliest dawn celebrity acquired at this place. The transfer of the fee simple of the latter to his majesty, rendered a substituting inn, with a steyne site, a desideratum. Several houses, in what was then called "Steyneplace," in one of which, his majesty, in former days, had himself resided, were, therefore, selected for such a purpose, altered and opened into one, licensed, and designated, in reference to the royal duke, Frederick, whose permission was applied for and obtained, the "Royal York hotel." In the new construction of the edifice in question, the chief attention paid was to combine elegance with spaciousness in the several apartments, and well has that part of the design been effected. The coffee-room opens, to the east of the vestibule, upon the Steyne, by sliding sashes descending to the floorit contains no fixed boxes, and, therefore, whether occupied by few persons or many, nothing appears wanting to give it a cheerful aspect. It is often pre ferred by noblemen, without their families, to more private rooms. The apartment to the west of the vestibule, has communication with another, by means of folding doors, the two conjunctively affording space for tables at which an hundred persons, without the aid of side tables, may conveniently dine together, under all the favourable auspices of elegant accommodation and when divided and used as separate apartments, each has an appearance, in architectural beauty and airiness, every way acceptable and inviting. Spacious sitting rooms occupy nearly the whole of the next floor, those to the north, on which the solar rays have but little influence, even in the warmest days of summer, commanding, in enlivening prospect, the whole sweep of the Steyne, Grand-parade, Level, and slope of the northern Downs; while those to the south open on the ocean, and are constantly cooled and refreshed by the invigorating breezes from the world of waters. This house was opened by Mr. Sheppard, its present tenant and conductor, who soon found, by the willing patronage bestowed by nobility on the establishment, that his limits, expansive as they were, would be too confined for his purpose, and, therefore, added the two adjoining houses to the west, as useful allies, to the concern. There is nothing that an inn, in its exuberance of means, can bestow, that will be looked for here in vain-for in the amplitude of such means, an essential point, the directing spirit of sound and willing management has never been absent. OLD SHIP TAVERN.-This inn, with that of the Castle, for a long series of years, constituted the only inns of any considerable importance in Brighton. It is situated in Ship-street, and has lost nothing of its original character for excellent management and superior accommodation. The public assembly rooms were at the Castle, and at the Old Ship. The appropriation of the former, however, as before described, has left the Old Ship with the advantage of having the only rooms of that kind within the town. They consist of a ball room, elegantly fitted up, about eighty feet in length by between thirty and forty feet in breadth, a spacious card room, the admiration of architects for its proportions and design, a tearoom, and a drawing room. The assemblies here are held weekly, from July to February, on Monday nights; the price of admission to which is six shillings, tea and coffee included. There is sometimes a cotillion ball on Thursdays. W. S. Forth, Esq. is the master of the ceremonies, who succeeded the late Mr. Wade, in 1808. The tavern part of the Old Ship is very extensive, and contains many spacious rooms, in addition to two houses, connected with the concern, on the Eastcliff, where those who prefer sea views may have elegant accommodation, and an uninterrupted prospect of the full sweep of this part of the British channel. Besides the above taverns, the town has also to boast of many others, viz. The New Steyne Hotel, at the top of St. James'sstreet; the New Inn, in Northstreet; the New Ship Hotel, in Ship-street; the Star and Garter Hotel, on the East-cliff; the White Horse Hotel, in Great Eaststreet; the Prince Regent Hotel, in Church-street; the Gloucester Hotel, in Gloucester-place; the Norfolk Hotel, on the Westcliff; the Marine Hotel, on the Marine-parade, &c. and none of these are regarded as of secondary import. (To be continued.) CHARLES THE FIRST-continued fom page 365. In the battle of Taro, between the confederates of Italy and Charles the eighth of France, it happened so that the confederates kept the field, and possessed themselves of the camp, bag gage, and artillery, which the French in their breaking through had left behind them. Hereupon a dispute was raised, to whom the honour of that day did of right belong; which, all know |