tice can either prevent or remove, but practice of such a quality, it gives us pleasure to observe, is introducing to living reputation, the successful amateurs of our local harmonic society at the Golden Cross, and opening a source of inspiriting and rational recreation in the town unknown to it before. On Tuesday evening the increased number of visiters was considerable, and unqualified were the terms of approbation ex pressed. The room, which will contain one hundred persons, by the unremitting attention of Mr. Ireland, the innkeeper, to the comfort of his guests, is ventilated, as it were, by invisible means, for by tubes let into the wall, descending to the floor, and crossing in other directions, a dangerous current in any one place is avoided, and the cool temperature of the atmosphere, in all parts alike, is preserved. POETRY. The following lines were written by the son of the celebrated Dr. Russell, who has so much increased the population and prosperity of the town of Brighthelmston, by recommending its waters, the sea air, and bathing : : Brighthelmston was confes'd by all T' abound with females fair; But more so since fam'd Russell has Then fly that dang'rous town, ye swains, A pain from some bright sparkling eye A CHARADE. O hush ye winds, ye tempests cease to blow, ON THE GENERAL CONSEQUENCES OF EARLY AND IM PRUDENT MARRIAGES. Res est soliciti plena timoris amor.- -OVID Sunt lacrymæ rerum, et mentem mortalia tangunt.-STATIUS. The marriage state is but a lottery, In which most mortals wish their luck to try; For one short month, his flame feels no decay! Serves to increase its parents' weight of woes; When their young bosoms burn'd with fierce desires, Yet some there are, some few, some happy few, With heartfelt pride, nor fear dame fortune's frown ; Those chains sit easy, which, on others, bind. MENTOR. EPITAPH ON A PARISH CLERK, AT WESTER, IN CHESHIRE. There lieth entombed within this vault so dark, A tailor, cloth-drawer, soldier, and a clerk; Death snatch'd him hence, and also from him took MARRIAGES. On the 2d inst. at Rye, in this county, S. B. Chamberlayne, esq. of Ryes, in the county of Essex, to Elizabeth Woollett, of Rye, widow of the late J. Woollett, esq.-On the 4th inst. at South Berstead, Mr. C. L. Sparks, to Miss Moorey, both of Bognor. -On the 4th inst. Mr. Neighbour, of his majesty's private band, to Mrs. Best, relict of Mr. J Best, of the same band.-On the 4th inst. lord Stopford, to lady A. M. Scott, daughter of the late duke of Bucleugh.-R. A. Musgrove, esq. fourth son of the late sir J. Musgrove, bart. to Katherine, second daughter of Col. Lowther. DEATHS. Suddenly, on the 16th ult. at her son's, Tillington, Mrs. Stent, in her 64th year.-On the 27th ult. R. Wyett, esq. of Arundel. -At West Tarring, Sussex, Mrs. Pelling, aged 90.-On the 6th inst. in his 80th year, Mr. R. Earle, late clerk of the salt-office, Chichester. On the 1st inst. at Lewes, aged 63, Mr. J. Bishop, of Ringmer. Philo, and several other communications have been received. THE BRIGHTON GLEANER. No. 8. "Honour and worth from no conditions rise; MONDAY, JULY 29, 1822. VOL. I. EPITOME OF BRIGHTON-continued from page 242. This gallery, the furniture of which includes bamboo couches, a rich collection of oriental china, Chinese figures, &c. opens, at the northern extremity, into the Music Room. It is scarcely in the power of words to convey an accurate idea of its rich and glowing magnificence; the aerial imagery of fancy, and the embellishments of fertile invention, profusely described in the "Thousand and one Nights," and the popular tales of magic, involving the enchanted palaces of the Genii, fall short, in splendour of detail, to the scene of imposing grandeur, and the beautiful combination and effect of the myriads of of glittering objects, which, in the plenitude of art and refinement of taste, this superb apartment alone displays, It is fortytwo feet in the square, with two recesses of ten feet each, making the extreme length sixty-two feet. In height it rises forty-one feet to a dome thirty feet in diameter. This dome is gilt with green gold, and ornamented with sparkling scales and fossils, which diminish in size to the centre, and add much to the apparent elevation. In the point of this dome is an ornament, representing, in all its vivid tints, the sunflower, with others, on a minor scale, blended with it, in all the luxuriance of seeming cultivation; and from which ornament or flower, depends a glittering pagoda of cut glass connecting itself with an immense lamp, in the shape of an open lotus, or water lily, surrounded by gold dragons, and enriched by various transparent devices, emanating from the heathen mythology of the Chinese. The dome itself, which appears to have been excavated from a rock of solid gold, is supported by a convex cove, intersecting itself with an octagonal base. It is ornamented with Chinese devices, in green gold, upon a light blue and red ground. It also displays eight windows of stained glass, rich in devices of the Chinese fancy, the effect of which is indescribably imposing and brilliant, and which are contrived to admit of being suitably illuminated exteriorly. Descending from the cove's base, a splendid canopy is seen, with carved scrolls, bells, &c. At each of the angles of this costly room, a pagoda tower meets the view, formed of sparkling glass and china, with lamps suspended from its projecting angles, displaying the open lotus, &c. to correspond with the former, and give uniformity to the general are effect. The canopy before side of the room is a chimneymentioned is supported by columns of crimson and gold; their height from the floor measures twenty-three feet, and round which enormous serpents are twisted, in all their diversity of colours and terrific expression, of animal capability. The walls are covered with twelve paintings, highly finished, imitative of the crimson japan; the subjects introduced are views in China, principally in the neighbourhood of Pekin; they are equal in execution and niceties of finish, to the best miniature painting, and exhibit a beautiful specimen of British art. The pannels containing these paintings have frames of gold, with a bordering of blue and yellow fret, heightened in gold. The recesses thirty-three feet by ten, and sixteen feet high; they terminate in the square of the room by a covex cove, representing rows of bamboo, confined by ribbons. The north recess contains a magnificent organ, by Lincoln; it is the largest instrument in the kingdom; its compass is from CCC, with a double diapason throughout; it is as much distinguished for its peculiar delicacy of tone, as for its prodigious powers. The space which this stupendous instrument occupies, at the back of the recess is twenty feet in length, with an height and width of similar dimensions. There are two entrances to this room, one from the egyptian gallery, and the other from the yellow drawing-room, each under a splendid canopy, supported by gold columns. Uniformity is tastefully preserved, by apparent entrance-doors to correspond, on the sides opposite. On the west piece of white statuary marble, of exquisite workmanship, by Westmacot, ornamented with or-molu columns, &c. above which is an effulgent mirror, one hundred and forty-one inches in length, by ninety-two in width, encompassed by a rich and glittering canopy, supported by four columns of radiant gold. In front of this mirror a time-piece is placed, exquisitely superb and beautiful, and producing an effect not easily to be described. The stove, fender, fire irons, &c. are of polished steel and or-molu; they were furnished by Cutler, and excite the strongest feelings of admiration. To the right of the chimney is another couch, corresponding in magnificence with the one noticed. On the east side of the room, light is admitted by five windows, the draperies of which, composed of blue and red, and yellow silks, with rich fringes, are supported by dragons. The carpet, which entirely covers the floor, was manufactured at Axminster, and is one of the most spacious in the kingdom. It is of a light blue ground, with Chinese subjects, in gold colour. This dazzling apartment also contains many of the most rare and valuable specimens of oriental china, particularly those of the four pagodas, which are fifteen feet high, resting on bases of shining blue, and which were manufactured by Spode. Magnificent china jars, on supporters of extraordinary brilliance, also contribute to interest and astonish all beholders. The embellishments of this apartment may truly be said to impart the highest degree of credit to the pro |