Invisible Acts of Power: Personal Choices that Create MiraclesThorndike Press, 2005 - 413 pages In this new teaching, Caroline argues that we are most godlike, most powerful, and most apt to increase our own power when we act invisibly, anonymously, without credit or expectation of reward--this is a universal spiritual principle taught by Jesus ("Give and there will be gifts for you"; "Do not parade your uprightness in public"; "When you pray, do not imitate the hypocrites ... go to your private room, shut yourself in ... and pray in secret ... your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you openly.") Buddha ("Fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds." "However many holy words you read, However many you speak, What good will they do you If you do not act on upon them?" "Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity. ", and other figures: true power, charity, and goodness come from acts that are not calculated. For this new inspirational and spiritual teaching, Myss has collected more than 1,200 stories from her own experiences and her students' and fans' experiences over the years and has culled from them, permissions already secured, to reprint in this book. |
Other editions - View all
Invisible Acts of Power: Channeling Grace in Your Everyday Life Caroline Myss No preview available - 2006 |
Invisible Acts of Power: Personal Choices that Create Miracles Caroline Myss No preview available - 2004 |
Common terms and phrases
act of power act of service angels answer asked Baba Yaga become believe blessed choice compassion consciousness courage creative divine divine grace door Ego Energy emotional empower energy center experience faith fear feel felt first-chakra forgive fourth-chakra generosity gift give grace guidance healing heart heaven help someone hero's journey higher consciousness homeless human husband ical intuition invisible act journey kind knew lives look meant medical intuitive mind miracle mother move neighbor never night ourselves pain person physical pray prayer received response second chakra self-esteem sense Serenity Prayer seventh chakra share sixth chakra soul spiritual story stranger survival Tao Te Ching tell Teresa of Ávila things third chakra Thomas Merton thought tion told truth walked wisdom woman wonderful words Writes wrote وو