" cline thine ear to wisdom, apply thine heart to understanding: cry after knowledge, and lift up thy voice; "seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures: then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, &c. which is the beginning of wisdom. It is the " Lord who gives wisdom even to the simple, and out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding." 66 CHAP. II. Observation, Reading, Instruction by Lectures, Conversation, and Study compared. THERE are five eminent means or methods whereby the mind is improved in the knowledge of things, and these are observation, reading, instruction by lectures, conversation, and meditation; which last, in a most peculiar manner, is called study. Let us survey the general definitions or descriptions of them all. I. OBSERVATION is the notice that we take of all occurrences in human life, whether they are sensible or intellectual, whether relating to persons or things, to ourselves or others. It is this that furnishes us, even from our infancy, with a rich variety of ideas and propositions, words and phrases: it is by this we know that fire will burn, that the sun gives light, that a horse eats grass, that an acorn produces an oak, that man is a being capable of reasoning and discourse, that our judgement is weak, that our mistakes are many, that our sorrows are great, that our bodies die and are carried to the grave, and that one generation sucpowers, may be included under the general name of observation. ceeds When this observation relates to any thing that imme diately concerns ourselves, and of which we are conscious, it may be called experience. So I am said to know or experience that I have in myself a power of thinking, fearing, loving, &c. that I have appetites and passions working in me, and many personal occurrences have attended me in this life. Observation therefore includes all that Mr Locke means by sensation and reflection. When we are searching out the nature or properties of any being by various methods of trial, or when we apply some active powers, or set some causes at work, to observe what effects they would produce, this sort of observation is called experiment. So when I throw a bullet into water, I find it sinks: and when I throw the same bullet into quicksilver, I see it swims: but if I beat out this bullet into a thin hollow shape like a dish, then it will swim in the wa ter too. So when I strike two flints together, I find they produce fire; when I throw a seed into the earth, it grows up into a plant. All these belong to the first method of knowledge, which I call observation. 66 II. READING is that means or method of knowledge whereby we acquaint ourselves with what other men " have written or published to the world in their writings." These arts of reading and writing are of infinite advantage; for by them we are made partakers of the sentiments, observations, reasonings, and improvements of all the learned world, in the most remote nations, and in former ages, almost from the beginning of mankind. III. PUBLIC OF private lectures are such "verbal in"structions various theorems or problems, i. e. speculations or practices, by demonstration and operation, with all the instruments of art necessary to those operations. IV. CONVERSATION is another method of improving our minds, wherein, " by mutual discourse and inquiry, we " learn the sentiments of others, as well as communicate 66 our sentiments to others in the same manner." Sometimes indeed, though both parties speak by turns, yet the advantage is only on one side; as when a teacher and a learner meet and discourse together: but frequently the profit is mutual. Under this head of conversation, we may also rank disputes of various kinds. V. MEDITATION or study includes all those " exercises "of the mind whereby we render all the former methods "useful for our increase in true knowledge and wisdom." It is by meditation we come to confirm our memory of things that pass through our thoughts in the occurrences of life, in our own experiences, and in the observations we make: it is by meditation that we draw various inferences, and establish in our minds general principles of knowledge. It is by meditation that we compare the various ideas which we derive from our senses, or from the operations of our souls, and join them in propositions. It is by meditation that we fix in our memory whatsoever we learn, and form our own judgement of the truth or falsehood, the strength of weakness of what others speak or write. It is meditation, or study, that draws ont long chains of argument, and searches and finds deep and difficult truths, which before lay concealed in darkness. It would be a needless thing to prove that our own solitary meditations, together with the few observations that the most part of mankind are capable of making, are not sufficient of themselves to lead us into the attainment of any 1 thods have their peculiar advantages, whereby they assist each other; and their peculier defects, which have need to be supplied by the other's assistance. Let us trace over some of the particular advantages of each. I. ONE method of improving the mind is observation, and the advantages of it are these. 1. It is owing to observation that our "mind is furnish"ed with the first, simple, and complex ideas." It is this lays the ground-work and foundation of all knowledge, and makes us capable of using any of the other methods for improving the mind: for if we did not attain a variety of sensible and intellectual ideas by the sensation of outward objects, by the consciousness of our own appetites and passions, pleasures, and pains, and by inward experience of the actings of our own spirits, it would be impossible either for men or books to teach us any thing. It is observation that must give us our first ideas of things, as it includes in it sense and consciousness. 2. All our knowledge derived from observation, whether it be of single ideas or of propositions, is knowledge gotten at first hand. Hereby we see and know things as they are, or as they appear to us; we take the impressions of them on our minds from the original objects themselves, which give a clearer and stronger conception of things; these ideas are more lively, and the propositions (at least in many cases) are much more evident. Whereas what knowledge we derive from lectures, reading, and conversation, is but the copy of other men's ideas, that is, the picture of a picture; and it is one remove further from the original. 3. Another advantage of observation is, that we may gain knowledge all the day long, and every moment of our lives, and every moment of our existence, we may be adding something to our intellectual treasures thereby, except only : and the advantages of it are such as these. 1. By reading we acquaint ourselves in a very extensive manner" with the affairs, actions, and thoughts of the living and the dead in the most remote nations, and in most distant ages," and that with as much ease as though they lived in our own age and nation. By reading of books we may learn something from all parts of mankind; whereas by observation we learn all from ourselves, and only what comes within our own direct cognizance; by conversation we can only enjoy the assistance of a very few persons, viz. those who are near us, and live at the same time when we do, that is, our neighbours and contemporaries: but our knowledge is much more narrowed still, if we confine ourselves merely to our own solitary reasonings, without much observation or reading: For then all our improvement must arise only from our own inward powers and meditations. 2. By reading we learn not only the actions and the sentiments of different nations and ages, but we transfer to ourselves the knowledge and improvements of the "most learn ed men, the wisest and the best of mankind," when or Wheresoever they lived: For though many books have been Written by weak and injudicious persons, yet the most of those books, which have obtained great reputation in the world, are the products of great and wise men in their several ages and nations: whereas we can obtain the conversation and instruction of those only who are within the reach of our dwelling, or our acquaintance, whether they are wise or unwise: and sometimes that narrow sphere scarcely affords any person of great eminence in wisdom or learning, unless our instructor happen to have this charaçter. And as for our own study and meditations, even when we arrive at some good degrees of learning, our advantage for i |