We Stand Before the Secret of the World: Traces Along the Pathway of American RomanticismUniversitat de València, 2003 - 156 pages Diez ensayos publicados con anterioridad que, en conjunto, tienen la finalidad de proporcionar un debate coherente de la filosofía antisistemática del trascendentalismo americano y la forma en que se refleja en diversos escritores y pintores de los siglos XIX y XX en los Estados Unidos. Reflexiona sobre las implicaciones de la revolución romántica en el pensamiento occidental y demostrar la importancia del romanticismo para el desarrollo de la cultura americana. |
Preface | 9 |
The Piercing Virtue of Pain | 61 |
Emily Dickinson | 71 |
The Undiscovered Country from Whose Bourn Some Travelers | 83 |
An Essay in Extended Coherence | 99 |
The Romantic Dimension of Isaac McCaslins Freedom | 117 |
Further Shades of Meaning | 135 |
151 | |
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20th century already ambiguity American Scholar Beauchamp becomes beginning blood Cass completely concept consciousness context course critics culture death Delta Autumn divine earth Edmonds Emerson Emily Dickinson emotional essay experience express fact fascicles Fathers Faulkner feelings finally Freneau Heidegger Higginson human hunt ideas Ike's imagination Isaac McCaslin kind language living logic look Lucas Lucas Beauchamp M. H. Abrams Martin Heidegger mind Molly Moses mystery mystical natural world never novel ourselves Pantaloon in Black perceive perception physical Poe's poem poet poetry Porte Puritans R. W. B. Lewis race Ralph Waldo Emerson rational relationship renunciation revelation Rider Romantic Romanticism Roth says seems sense silence soul spiritual dimension story suggest things thinking Thomas Pynchon Thomas Wentworth Higginson thought Tomey's Turl Transcendentalism truth ultimate Uncle Buck unconscious mind understand Universitat de València vision Wasichus Whitman William Faulkner words writing