Apollonius, 158. Ariofto, 470 note. Ariftotle, 283 note, 495. Army, its agitation after the death of Charles, 374. B. Bacon, the fculptor, 501. refigns, 379. Bargrave, Dr. 95 note. Baroni, Leonora, 97, 506 note. Bayle, 313, 336, 340. Beaux of the puritan age, 162. Bendish, Henry, 444 note. Benfon, Mr. 502. Bentley, Dr. 474 note. Betterton, 428. Birch, Dr. 4, 46, 281 note, 340, 371, 394, 528. Blackburn, archdeacon, 3. Blake, admiral, 396, 436. conduct on the death of Bouquet, Mr. 556. Cromwell, 410. Bourdeaux, the French ambaffador, Marvell, Andrew, account of him, | Milton, panegyrics on him there.96. 406 note. 101. ...... Italian fonnet to her, goes to Naples, 103. 111, 541. projects an epic poem, 113, ... prevented from visiting Si- revifits Rome, 120. goes to Venice, ib. returns to England, 125. engages in controversy, ... educates his two nephews, ... hence called a fchoolmaf- his conduct in this refpect plan of inftruction, 155. his fecond elegy to Deo- books of Reformation anfwers to Hall's De- Animadverfions on the |