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ANNALS of COMMERCE, MANUFACTURES, FISHERIES, and NAVIGATION, with brief Notices of the Arts and Sciences connected with them; containing the Commercial Transactions of the British Empire, and other Countries, from the earliest Accounts to the Meeting of the Union Parliament in January 1801; and comprehending the most valuable part of the late Mr. Anderson's History of Commerce, viz. from the year 1492 to the end of the Reign of George II, King of Great Britain, &c. with a large APPENDIX, containing Chronological Tables of the Sovereigns of Europe, Tables of the Alterations of Money in England and Scotland, a Chronological Table of the Prices of Corn, and a Commercial and Manufactural GAZETTEER of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, with a General Chronological Index. The Ancient Part composed from the most authentic Original Historians and Public Records, printed and in manuscript; and the Modern Part from materials. of unquestionable authenticity (mostly unpublished), extracted from the Records of Parliament, the Accounts of the Custom-house, the Mint, the Board of Trade, the Post-office, the East India Company, Bank of England, &c. by David Macpherson, in 4 large vols. royal 4to. Dedicated, by permission, to the Directors of the Hon. East India Company, 81. 8s. boards.

The Annals of Commerce are a stupendous assemblage of well-selected materials, hardly a page of which can be perused without pleasure and instruction.

"This work will be found equally interesting to the man of letters, to the philosopher, and the statesman. It abounds with curious and amusing details, with facts weil calculated to excite reflection, and from which the most important conclusions may be drawn. It shews the revolutions which commerce has undergone, the restrictions with which it has at times been fettered, the bold and hazardous enterprises which the commercial spirit has inspired, and the ruinous speculations which it has sometimes prouced."-Critical Review, October 1806.


The LIFE of ST. COLUMBA, the Apostle, and Patron of the Ancient Scots and Picts, and joint Pa tron of the Irish, commonly called Colum-Kille, the Apostle of the Highlands, by John Smith, D. D. one of the Ministers of Campbelton, Honorary Member of the Antiquarian and Highland Societies of Scotland, I vol. 8vo.-Price 3s. sewed.


"The Life of this celebrated Saint of the sixth century was written in Latin by two of his successors, Cummin and AdomTheir performances, like other works of the same nature, and of the same age, are filled with visions, prophecies, and miracles. Dr. Smith has, therefore, undertaken to disencumber the memoirs of this great and good man from the miraculous garb with which they have been so long invested; to separate the fact from the fable, and to shew the Saint in his real character."Monthly Review, Dec. 1798.


DISSERTATIONS on the EXISTENCE, ATTRIBUTES, PROVIDENCE, and MORAL GOVERNMENT of GOD, and on the Character, Security, and Happiness, of his Righteous Subjects, by the Reverend David Savile, A. M. Edinburgh, 1 vol. Svo. Price 7s. boards.

"The learned and pious author of these Dissertations, by a rare felicity of composition, in an elaborate argument on some of the most sublime and abstruse points of theology, and most perplexing and intricate questions of morals, has happily blended a concise appeal to the understanding of his readers, with a pathetic address to the heart; he labours not only to convince their reason, but to influence their conduct, so as to lead them to act in conformity to a well-founded faith; and in the discharge of our inspectorial office, we have scarcely seen a tract, which, in so short a compass, conveys so much solid and usful information on the momentous subjects which it discusses and recommends.

"In his Dissertation on the Prospect of a Future State opened by the Gospel, the Knowledge of Eternal Life, and the Glory of the Rigeteous in Heaven, are several exellent arguments, and animated passages, naturally springing from the grandeur and sublimity of the subject, which our scanty limits will not suffer

us to transcribe, but the perusal of which we earnestly recommend to our readers. It will make them both wiser and better; and were our opinion to have any weight with public teachers, and with the heads of our learned universities, we know no single volume, on these subjects, from its plainness and impressiveness, so fit to be introduced as a class-book in the education of youth." Anti-Jacobin Review, Aug. 1808.


A DISSERTATION on MIRACLES, containing an Examination of the Principles of David Hume, Esq. in an Essay on Miracles, by the late George Campbell, D. D. Principal of the Marischal College, and one of the Ministers of Aberdeen, a new edition, 12mo.-Price 3s. 6d. bound.

"The genteel and ingenious manner in which our author speaks of his adversary, must give every inpartial reader a favourable opinion of his candour; and those who are qualified to judge of such subjects, will, we are persuaded, after an attentive perusal of his Dissertation, entertain as favourable an opinion of his abilities."-Monthly Review for June 1762.


LECTURES on the NATURE and END of the SACRED OFFICE, and on the Dignity, Duty, Qualifications, and Character, of the Sacred Order, by John Smith, D. D. one of the Ministers of Campbelton.-Price 5s. in boards.

"To impress this duty (the duty of his office) on the mind of every conscientious Clergyman, nothing would more contribute than a perusal of the volume now before us, which enters into the detail of the subject with minuteness, with candour, and without enthusiasm. It ought to be recommended to every one previous to his engaging in the clerical profession."-European Magazine for Sept. 1798..

"The various gifts and graees indispensable to a suitable and efficient discharge of all the duties incumbent on whoever would act the part of a real Christian pastor conscientiously and faithfully, are here detailed at great length, and with equal accuracy and perspicuity. Lady's Monthly Museum for Nov. 1798.

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SERMONS on PUBLIC OCCASIONS, and a LETTER on THEOLOGICAL STUDY, by Robert late Archbishop of York. To which are prefixed, Memoirs of his Life, by George Hay Drummond, A. M. Prebendary of York, in 1 vol. 8vo. with a finely engraved Portrait of the Author. Price 6s. in boards.

"As the collection of Sermons which this volume presents to the public, is in itself valuable, and they are become scarce, from the lapse of time since each discourse was separately printed, we doubt not that the serious reader will consider himself indebted to the present editor for thus rebuilding a monument to the talents and acquirements of the late venerable metropolitan of York. To the Sermons is subjoined, a Letter on Theological Study, addressed by the Archbishop to a private friend, which contains some very valuable hints and directions for the younger Students in Divinity. As the respective merits of each of these Sermons have already been canvassed, it will be unnecessasy for us to enter again into an investigation of their contents, farther than to state in general, that they abound in good sense and sound argument, and are replete with wise maxims of policy, both in regard to the duty of governors and the obedience due from the governed.". Monthly Review for September 1806.


OBSERVATIONS on the ZOONOMIA of ERASMUS DARWIN, M. D. by Thomas Brown, Esq. 1 large vol. 8vo.-Price 8s. in boards.

"Mr. Brown is the first formidable antagonist whom the novelty of Dr. Darwin's theories has provoked. He has entered on his investigation, however, with all the respect due to the great talents and extensive knowledge of the author whom he criticises; and whatever may have been our partiality to the beautiful fabric which he attempts to overthrow, we must consider him as a champion worthy of being admitted to the encounter.

"To conclude, we think that this book is a very respectable specimen of the author's talents and attainments. With much vigour and acuteness of mind, it exhibits a liberal and truly philosophical spirit; and though we have ventured in some instances to express a difference of opinion with Mr. Brown, we cannot take leave of his performance without intimating our hope that we shall have fresh occasions hereafter of giving our unbiassed suffrage to his abilities."-Monthly Review, June and July 1799.


MATHEMATICAL TABLES, containing the Logarithms of Numbers; Tables of Sines, Tangents, and Secants, both Natural and Logarithmic, to every Minute of the Quadrant; a Table of Versed Sines, both Natural and Logarithmic, to every Minute of the Semicircle; a Table of Sexagesimal Parts, to every second Minute, and to every two-third Minutes, reduced to the Denomination of a First Minute; and Supplementary Tables. To which is prefixed, a Particular Account of the Nature and Use of Logarithms of Numbers, Sines, Tangents, Secants, and Versed Sines, with the Manner of their Formation; by George Douglas.

By these Tables, an angle is obtained to degrees, minutes, se. conds, and thirds, by a more easy and accurate method than by any other Tables in circulation; but the most striking advantage is, that of obtaining the true result of all the cases in spherical trigonometry where the result was found to be ambiguous, that ambiguity being now entirely removed by the Tables of versed sines being extended to 180 degrees, as is fully proved and examplified in the introduction. These acquirements are not to be obtained by any other Tables extant.

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