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" Julia Alpinula, a young Aventian priestess, died soon after a vain endeavour to save her father, condemned to death as a traitor by Aulus Caecina. Her epitaph was discovered many years ago ; — it is thus — Julia Alpinula Hie jaceo Infelicis patris,... "
Poems Chiefly Philosophical: In Continuation of My Book and a Half Year's Poems - Page 5
by James Henry - 1856 - 300 pages
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Histoire des Suisses, Volume 1

Johannes von Müller, Müller - 1795 - 372 pages
...Déesse Avenche. Mes larmes n'ont pu (35) Julia jllpinula hîc jaceo infelicis patris infelix proies, deae Aventiae sacerdos. Exorare patris necem non potui , male mori in fatis illi erat. Vixi annos XXIII : Gruterinscr. 3ic. Aujourd'hui l'on ignare absolument où cette pierre est restée....
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The History of the Helvetic Confederacy, Volume 1

Joseph Planta - 1807 - 676 pages
...resorted to for its salubrious waters. 11 Julia Alpinula hie jaceo, irtfelicis patris infelix proles, dex Aventiae sacerdos : exorare patris necem non potui ; male mori in fatis illi erat : vixi anuos xxiii. Gruter Ing«rip. 31Q. 10. CHAP, gions, and saved what yet remained of the de^r^^...
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The works of ... lord Byron, Volumes 7-8

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1819 - 466 pages
...Caecina. Her epitaph w$s discovered many years ago; — it is thus — Julia Alpinula ., . ' Hie jacso . . Infelicis patris, infelix proles Deae Aventiae Sacerdos;...Exorare patris necem non potui , Male mori in fatis ille crat. Vixi annos XXIfl. I know of no human composition so affecting as tMsj nor a history of deeper...
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The Works of Lord Byron: Childe Harold's pilgrimage

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1821 - 308 pages
...death as a traitor by Aulus Caecina. Her epitaph was discovered many years ago ; — it is thus — Julia Alpinula Hie jaceo Infelicis patris, infelix...Exorare patris necem non potui Male mori in fatis ille erat. Vixi annos XXIII. I know of no human composition so affecting as this, nor a history of...
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The Natural History of Ireland, Volume 2

William Thompson - 1850 - 378 pages
...ago ; it is thus : — " Julia Alpinula : Hie jaceo : lufelicis patris infelix proles. Dese Aventise Sacerdos. Exorare patris necem non potui : Male mori in fatis illi erat. Vixi annos xxiii." I know of no human composition so affecting as this, nor a history of deeper interest....
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Codex inscriptionum romanarum Danubii et Rheni, Volume 3

Johann Wilhelm Christian Steiner - 1854 - 478 pages
...PROLES DEAE AVENT SACERD EXORARE PATRIS NECEM NON POTVI MALE MORI INFATIS ILLI ERAT VIXI ANNOS XXIII Julia Alpinula hie jaceo, infelicis patris infelix proles , deae Aventiae sacerdos exorare patris necetn non potui. Male mori in fatis illi erat. Vixi annos XX11L Diese Inschrift erhielt Lipsius von...
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Poetical Works, Volume 4

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1866 - 402 pages
...ago; — it is thus: — "Julia Alpinula: Hicjaceo. Infelicis patris infelix proles. Dese Aventise Sacerdos. Exorare patris necem non potui: Male mori in fatis illi erat. Vixi anuos xxui." — I know of no human composition so affecting as this, nor a history of deeper...
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Metrical epitaphs, ancient and modern, ed. by J. Booth

Metrical epitaphs - 1868 - 266 pages
...Foremost among the latter is found the celebrated epitaph from Avenches : " JULIA Alpinula hie jaces Infelicis patris infelix proles Deae Aventiae Sacerdos...patris necem non potui Male mori in fatis illi erat Vixi annos xxm. " To this imaginary Julia Alpinula Lord Byron has devoted a beautiful stanza in ' Childe...
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Principles of the interpretation of Latin inscriptions, an address

Arthur Thomas Whitmore Shadwell - 1884 - 86 pages
...denounced it. It runs — "Julia Alpinula hie jaceo. Infelicis patris infelix proles. Deae Avent(icanae) Sacerd(os) Exorare patris necem non potui — Male mori in fatis illi erat Vixi annos XXIII." This occurs in Grater's great book of inscriptions, who got it from Justus Lipsius,...
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Works, Volume 2

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1899 - 592 pages
...Caecina. Her epitaph was discovered many years ago; — it is thus: — " Julia Alpinula : Hicjaceo. Infelicis patris, infelix proles. Deae Aventiae Sacerdos....Exorare patris necem non potui : Male mori in fatis illc erat. Vixi annos XXIII." — I know of no human composition so affecting as this, nor a history...
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