THE HISTORY OF NICOLAS PEDROSA, BY MR. CUMBERLAND. ADVENTURES OF A BASHFUL MAN Sold by T. KNOTT, No. 47, Lombard-street: and CHAMPANTE & WHITROW, Jewry-street, London. THE HISTORY OF NICOLAS PEDROSA, BY MR. CUMBERLAND. ADVENTURES OF A BASHFUL MAN Sold by T. KNOTT, No. 47, Lombard-street: and CHAMPANTE & WHITROW, Jewry-street, London. NICOLAS PEDROSA. Nicolas Pedrosa, a busy little being, who followed the trades of shaver, surgeon and man-midwife in the town of Madrid, mounted his mule at the door of his shop in the Plazuela de los Affligidos, and. pushed through the gate of San Bernardino, being called to a patient in the neighbouring village of Foncarral, upon a pressing occasion. Everybody knows that the ladies in Spain in certain cases do not give long warning to practitioners of a certain description, and no body knew it better than Nicolas, who was resolved not to lose an inch of his way, nor of his mule's best speed by the way, if cudgelling could beat it out of her. It was plain to Nicolas's conviction as plain could be, that his road laid strait for ward to the little convent in front; the mule was of opinion, that the turning on the left down the hill towards the Prado was the road of all roads most familiar and agreeable to herself, and accordingly began to dispute the point of topography with Nicolas by fixing her fore feet resolutely in the ground, dipping her head at the same time between them, and launching heels and crupper furiously into the air, in the way of argument. Little Pedrosa, who was armed at heel with one massy silver spur of stout, though antient, workmanship, resolutely applied the A |