| 1819 - 792 pages
...THE TOP OFFESOLE, ' OrinVALDARNO,tODESCRY NEW LANDS, ' RIVERS, or MOUNTAINS, IN HER SPOTTY GLORE.' " Who does not perceive the art of the poet in introducing,...conscious how unpoetical it was in itself, all the circumstances from NATURE, e.rternnl nature. The evening — the top of Fesole — the scenes of Valdarno,... | |
| William Lisle Bowles - 1820 - 66 pages
...moon, whose orb ' Through optic glass the Tuscan artist views 'At EVENING, FROM THE TOP OF FESOLE, 'Or in VALDARNO, to DESCRY NEW LANDS, ' RIVERS, or...conscious " how unpoetical it was in itself, all the circum" stances from NATURE, external nature. The " evening—- the top of Fesole — the scenes of... | |
| Abraham John Valpy - 1822 - 582 pages
...the moon, whose orb Through optic glass the Tuscan artist views At EVFNING, FROM THE TOP OF FtSOLE, Or in VALDARNO, to DESCRY NEW LANDS, RIVERS, or MOUNTAINS,...conscious how unpoetical it was in itself, all the circumstances from NATURE, external nature, — the evening — the top of Fesole— the scenes of... | |
| William Lisle Bowles - 1822 - 260 pages
...moon, whose orb " Through optic glass the Tuscan artist views " At EVENING, FROM THE TOP OF FESOLE, " Or in VALDARNO, to DESCRY NEW LANDS, " RIVERS, or...conscious how unpoetical it was in itself, all the circumstances from NATURE, external nature, — the evening — the top of Fesole — the scenes of... | |
| Abraham John Valpy - 1822 - 582 pages
...optic glass the Tuscan artist views At EVES ING, FROM THE TOP OF pESOLE, Or in VALDARNO, to DESCKY NEW LANDS, RIVERS, or MOUNTAINS, IN HER SPOTTY GLOBE."...conscious how unpoetical it was in itself, all the circumstances from NATURE, external nature, — the evening — the top of Fesole- — the scenes of... | |
| William Lisle Bowles - 1819 - 240 pages
...artist views " At EVENING, FIIOM TUP. T01. OP FKgOLB, " Or in VALDARNO, to DESCKY NEW LAND*, " R! VEJIS, or MOUNTAINS, IN HER SPOTTY GLOBE." Who does not perceive...conscious how unpoetical it was in itself, all the circumstances from NATURE, external nature. The evening — thetopof Fesole — the scenes of Valdarno,... | |
| 1819 - 788 pages
...Through optic glass the Tuscan artist views ' AtEVENING.FROMTHETOPOrFESOLE, ' OrinVALDARNO.tODESCRr NEW LANDS, • RIVERS, or MOUNTAINS, IN HER SPOTTY...conscious how unpoetical it was in itself, all the circumstances from NATURE, external nature. The evening — the top of Fesole— the scenes of Valdamo,—... | |
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