The Cincinnati Lancet and Clinic, Volume 13; Volume 52J.C. Culbertson, 1884 |
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Common terms and phrases
abdominal action antiseptic appear applied atropine attack bacilli bacteria blood Board of Health body carbolic acid cause cavity cent child chloroform cholera Cincinnati cold comma-bacilli condition conjunctiva cord cornea cure cyst death diagnosis diarrhoea dilatation diphtheria disease doses effect epidemic examination experience fact favor fever fluid forceps frequently germ given glands hemorrhage hospital incision infection inflammation intestine iodoform irritation jequirity Journal Koch LANCET LANCET AND CLINIC large number less limb lungs matter Medical medicine ment method months mucous membrane muscles mydriasis nerve nervous normal observed occurred operation organs pain paper patient peritoneal pharynx physician placenta poison practice present produced Prof pulse quantity quarantine remedy removed salicylic salicylic acid sanitary skin solution stomach suffering surface surgeon surgical symptoms temperature tion tissue treatment tumor ulcer urine uterus vessels weeks wound yellow fever
Popular passages
Page 368 - Knowledge before — a discovery that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in our philosophy.
Page 485 - Conference be used with the view of having appropriated by the national legislature the sum of $500,000, to be used, or as much thereof as may be needful, in case of a cholera invasion, in stamping out the disease from the infected localities, and in preventing its spread from State to State. The removal of local unsanitary conditions favorable to the development of cholera is the especial work of State and Local Boards of Health. Much has been done already in some States, but much remains which...
Page 485 - Smart before this Conference, but which system is now inoperative for want of an appropriation by Congress, meets with our cordial approval. To enable these protective measures to be carried out, we recommend that Congress be urged in the strongest terms to legislate on this subject at an early date in its coming session, and to appropriate such funds as may be needful. The expenses incident to the work which has to be performed at foreign ports, and the establishment of refuge stations at points...
Page 213 - So long as an ovarian tumor •does not materially interfere with the appearance, prospects, •or comfort of the patient; so long as no injurious pressure is exercised by it on the organs of the pelvis, abdomen, and chest; so long as heart, and lungs, digestive organs, kidneys, bladder, and rectum perform their functions without much disturbance ; so long as there is no great emaciation, no very wearying pain, no distressing...
Page 575 - Your committee recommend that when this Conference adjourns it be to meet in Washington, DC, the second Wednesday in December next, and that the Secretary of this Conference be directed to invite the attendance at that time of the quarantine officers, and the health officers of the principal cities in the United States and Canada; and that all delegates to that meeting be prepared to report the sanitary status of their State or locality, and what steps have been taken to improve the same, and to...
Page 573 - ... deem necessary, and to satisfy himself that all persons about to sail are free from dangerous communicable diseases, are not recently from infected places, and are properly protected from small-pox, giving to her commander a certificate of the inspection, and of all precautionary measures taken. And it shall be the duty of the central authority in this country...
Page 573 - ... being either accredited consuls, or attached to the consulates. The duties of these officers shall be to give notice, by telegraph when practicable, of the existence or appearance of any of the...
Page 484 - ... inter-State, State, and local. So far as relates to State and local boards of health, their organization and activities are greater than ever before; but it must be admitted, that after cholera has been introduced into a country, inland quarantines are not easily and successfully maintained, although efforts in this direction are then advisable. In view of the threatened introduction of cholera into this country during the coming year, and the...
Page 573 - ... diseases at foreign ports and places, and of the departure of dangerous vessels for the United States and Canada, to all State and local health authorities in the country which may be interested in the same. We further recommend, in case of those foreign ports which have no consular agents of this country or no telegraphic communication with this country, and which are liable to transmit pestilence through commercial intercourse, that one or more medical officers be chosen to visit such ports...
Page 573 - To the Conference of State Boards of Health: MR. PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS: Your committee, to whom was referred papers relating -to the practical work required for the prevention of epidemic cholera in this country, respectfully report as follows : Origin and Dissemination. — There are three essential factors to the prevalence of cholera in this country as an epidemic, — (i) the importation of the disease by means of ships more or less directly from its only 'place of origin in India...