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The Confession of Faith and Form of Covenant, of the Old South Church, in Boston, Massachusetts, with Lists of the Founders, the Pastors, the Ruling Elders and Deacons, and the Members.

Boston: Printed by Crocker & Brewster. 1841. 88 pp. 12m0. 14 Acts and Resolves passed by the General Court of Massachusetts, in 1845. P. 562, Chap. 229. An Act to Incorporate the Old South Church, in Boston.


Catalogue of the Library of Rev. Thomas Prince, former Pastor of the Old South Church. Presented by him to the Old South Church and Society.

Boston: Press of Crocker & Brewster. 1846. 112 pp. 8vo. 16
Prepared by G. H. Whitman.

Report [of the Committee of the Old South Church, to whom was referred "the Subject of Donations for sustaining the Preaching of the Gospel in the City"].

[Boston, 1848.] 7 pp. 8vo.


Sketch of the Old South Church, Boston. By Rev. L. Whiting. (In American Congregational Union. Year Book. 1854, pp. 62-69. New York, 1854.)

With Woodcut of the Meeting-House.


The Confession of Faith and Form of Covenant of the Old South Church, in Boston, Massachusetts, with Lists of the Founders, the Pastors, the Ruling Elders and Deacons, and the Members.

Boston: Press of Crocker & Brewster. 1855. 119 pp. 8vo. 19 Sermon and Addresses, at the Installation of the Rev. Jacob M. Manning, as Associate Pastor of the Old South Church in Boston, March 11, 1857.

Boston: T. R. Marvin && Son. 1857. 91 pp. 8vo.


Contains Sermon on the Revelation of God in His Works, by Edwards A. Park, D. D.; Charge to the Pastor, by William A. Stearns, D. D.; Right Hand of Fellowship, by George W. Blagden, D. D., Senior Pastor; Address to the People, by Nehemiah Adams, D. D.

Acts and Resolves passed by the General Court of Massachusetts, in 1859. P. 269, Chap. 88. An Act to change the Name of the "Old South Church in Boston." Approved March 7, 1859.


Old South Chapel Prayer Meeting: its Origin and History; with interesting Narratives, and Instances of remarkable Conversions in answer to Prayer. [By Benjamin W. Williams.]

Boston: Published by F. E. Tilton & Co. 1859. 199 pp.



Reasons for the Appointment of a Committee, to investigate the prudential Affairs of the Old South Church in Boston. To which are added Copies of Mrs. Norton's Deeds.

[Boston, 1859.] 46 pp. 8vo.

The introductory note is signed Joseph Ballard.


Act of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Old South Society in Boston.

Boston: Printed by Alfred Mudge & Son. 1861. 18 pp. 16mo.

Catalogue of Books in the Old South Sabbath School Library.

[Boston, 1861.] 16 pp. 16mo.



Exercises at a Consecration of the Flag of the Union, by the Old South Society in Boston, May 1st, 1861.

Boston: Printed by Alfred Mudge & Son. 1861. 16 pp. 8vo. 26
Has a title on cover, with a representation of the American flag.

Pastors Memorial. Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Installation of George W. Blagden, D. D. as Pastor of the Old South Church and Society in Boston.

[Boston.] Published for the use of the members. 1862. 118 pp.


Members of the Old South Church, January 1, 1863.


Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, printers. 1862. 21 pp. 16mo. 28 Chronicles of Old South Church, being the Third Congregational Church in Boston. (By George F. Bigelow.]

Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, printers. 1863. 10 pp. 8vo.


Attorney General vs. Old South Society in Boston & others. (In Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. By Charles Allen. Vol. 13, pp. 474497. November, 1866. Boston, 1872.)


Relating to the use of the Trust Funds by the Church on a charge brought

by Joseph Ballard.

Act of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Old South Society in Boston.

Boston: Printed by A. Mudge & Son. 1867. 18 pp. 24mo. 31 Account of the Poor Fund and other Charities held in Trust by the Old South Society, City of Boston; with Copies of original Papers relative to the Charities and to the late Trial before the Supreme Court of Massachusetts in 1867. By Joseph Ballard.

Boston: Press of Geo. C. Rand & Avery. 1868. 234 pp. 8vo. 32 Catalogue of the American Portion of the Library of the Rev. Thomas Prince. With a Memoir, and List of his Publications. By Wm. H. Whitmore.

Boston: J. K. Wiggin & Wm. Parsons Lunt. 1868. xxv, 166 pp. Portrait. 12 mo.


The List on pp. 1-166 is a reprint with the same type, of the American part of the Catalogue of the Prince Library, published by the Boston Public Library. The Cross References and Shelf-Numbers of that Catalogue are omitted. Some copies have a Portrait of Mr. Prince.

The Prince Library. The American Part of the Collection which

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formerly belonged to the Reverend Thomas Prince, by him bequeathed to the Old South Church, and now deposited in the Public Library of the City of Boston.

[Boston, 1868.] (2), 70 pp. L. 8vo.

Title on cover.


Act of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Old South Society, in Boston.

Boston: M. Stevens. 1870. 18 pp. 16mo.


List of Pastors, Officers, and Members of Old South Church, in Boston, June 1, 1870. Also, a List of Members admitted since January 1, 1855.


Boston: F. Frank Farmer, printer. 1870. 34 pp. 12mo. Memorial Discourses delivered in the Old South Church, Boston, on the two hundredth Anniversary of its Organization, May 23, 1869. By Rev. George W. Blagden, D. D., Senior Pastor.

Cambridge: Welch, Bigelow & Company. 1870. 45 pp. 8vo. 37 The Prince Library. A Catalogue of the Collection of Books and Manuscripts which formerly belonged to the Reverend Thomas Prince, and was by him bequeathed to the Old South Church, and is now deposited in the Public Library of the City of Boston.

Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, City Printers. 1870. xvii, 160 pp. Portrait. L. 8vo.


Arranged in three parts: American, Foreign, Manuscripts. Preface by Justin Winsor, giving an Account of the Collection. The Portrait is not in all Copies.

The Old South. Argument of Richard H. Dana, Jr., Esq., before the Committee on Parishes and Religious Societies, November 27, 1872.

[Boston, 1872.] 7 pp. 8vo.


Acts and Resolves passed by the General Court of Massachusetts at a special Session of 1872. P. 437, Chap. 368. An Act to authorize the Old South Society to lease Real Estate. Approved, December 12, 1872.


The Old South Meeting-House. Arguments and Evidence in behalf of Pew-Owners desirous of preserving the Building for the Continuance of Public Worship therein. For the Petitioners, Linus M. Child. For the Remonstrants, George O. Shattuck, Samuel M. Quincy, M. F. Dickinson.


Boston: A. C. Getchell, printer. 1874. (4), 83 pp. 8vo. Hearing before the Committee on Parishes and Religious Societies, L in the matter of the Old-South Meeting-House. Argument of George O. Shattuck, in behalf of those Pew-Owners who desire to preserve the Meeting-House and use it for public Worship.

[Boston, 1874.] 22 pp. 8vo.


Tax-Exemption No Excuse for Spoliation: Considerations in Opposition to the Petition, now before the Massachusetts Legislature, to permit the Sale of the Old South Church. By Josiah Phillips Quincy. Boston: Published by the proprietors of "Old and New." 1874. 12 pp. 8vo.


Testimony of Dea. Frederick D. Allen, in favor of leasing the Old South Meeting-House. Given before the Committee on Parishes and Religious Societies.


Boston: Alfred Mudge && Son, printers. 1874. 19 pp. 8vo. Old South. Deeds and Documents relating to the Gift of Land, &c., to the Third Church in Boston (now Old South) by Madam Norton. Boston: Press of Rand, Avery & Co. 1874. 35 pp. 8vo. Old South. Opinion of Hon. B. R. Curtis [as to the proposed Act authorizing the Old South Society to lease the Meeting-House and Land under the same. April, 1874].

[Boston, 1874.] 11 pp. 8vo.



Senate. No. 142. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Report of] the Committee on Parishes and Religious Societies, to whom was referred the Petition of the Old South Society, in the City of Boston, for a Change in its Act of Incorporation. March 20, 1874. 3 pp. (In Massachusetts. Documents printed by Order of the Senate, 1874. Boston, 1874.)

Contains a proposed bill presented by the committee.


Senate. No. 143. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-Four. An Act relating to the Old South Society in Boston and the disposing of its MeetingHouse.


Bill offered by Mr. Hayes as a substitute for Senate no. 142. Senate. No. 229. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-Four. An Act relating to the Old South Society in Boston.


Bill offered by Mr. Bancroft as a substitute for Senate no. 142. The Old South. Speech of Hon. Francis B. Hayes, (Member from Suffolk,) delivered in the Massachusetts Senate, on Thursday, April 16, 1874.


Boston: Wright & Potter, State printers. 1874. 22 pp. 8vo. The Old South. Remarks of Hon. Henry S. Washburn upon the Bill authorizing the Lease of the Meeting-House, pending in the Massachusetts Senate. April 23, 1874.


Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, printers. 1874. pp. 8vo. The Old South. Remarks of Hon. Jonathan A. Lane upon the Bill authorizing the Lease of the Meeting-House, pending in the Massachusetts Senate. April 23, 1874.

Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, printers. 1874. 17 pp. 8vo. 52

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Speeches of Senator Lane and Senator Washburn, in favor of the Bill authorizing the Old South Society to lease its Meeting-House, pending in the Massachusetts Senate.

Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, printers. 1874. 34 pp. 8vo. 53 Acts and Resolves passed by the General Court of Massachusetts in 1874. Chap. 270. An Act relating to the Old South Society in Boston. Approved May 26, 1874.


An Act relating to the Old South Society in Boston and the Disposing of its Meeting-House. [1874.]

[Boston, 1874.] 4 pp. No title-page. 8vo.


Old South Society in Boston 7's. Uriel Crocker and others. Attorney-General vs. Old South Society in Boston. (In Massachusetts Reports, 119. Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, October, 1875 - March, 1876. Pp. 1-28. Boston, 1876.)

56 Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Supreme Judicial Court. Suffolk, ss. In Equity. At Chambers. Old South Society, Petitioners, vs. Uriel Crocker et als. Report of the Evidence taken at the Hearing of above Case before Mr. Justice Colt.

Boston: Printed by Alfred Mudge & Son. 1876. 290 pp. 8vo. 57 Supreme Judicial Court. Suffolk, ss. September Term, 1875. Old South Society, In Equity, vs. Uriel Crocker et als. Before Mr. Justice Colt, January 28, 1876. Closing Argument for the Respondents by Mr. E. R. Hoar.


[Boston, 1876.] 16 pp. No title-page. 4to. Old South Society, In Equity, versus Crocker and Others. Closing Argument for the Plaintiffs, by B. F. Thomas.

Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, printers. 1876. 28 pp. 8vo. Wendell Phillips on the "Old South," Boston, June 14, 1876. [Boston: Reuben Hildreth, printer, 1876.] (2), 11 pp. 8vo.



Consists of his Oration delivered in the Old South Meeting-House, June 14, 1876. A revised edition of this Oration was published in 1884.

History of the Old South Church of Boston.

[Boston.] Published for the Benefit of the Old South Fund. 1876. (4), 73 pp. 8vo.


A compilation by Miss Elizabeth Putnam Sohier, using Wisner and Quincy as authorities.

Old South Meeting-House preservation Committee. Catalogue of the Loan Collection of Revolutionary Relics exhibited at the Old South Church, November, 1876. For the Benefit of the Old South Purchase Fund.

Boston: Press of George H. Ellis. 1876. 16 pp. 8vo.


There were the following editions: 2d, 24 pp.; 3d, 28 pp.; 4th, 34 pp.;

5th, 43 pp.; 5th, amended, 43 pp.; 6th, 44 pp.; 7th, 44 pp.

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