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The Pictorial Edition of Shakspere-The Tempest.

Dawnings of Genius, or the Early Lives of some of the Eminent Persons of the last Century. By Anne Pratt, author of Flowers and their Associations.

Regulus, the Noblest Roman of them all; a Tragedy in Five Acts. By Jacob Jones, Esq.

The Books of the Old Testament, or Covenant, Translated from the Hebrew and Chaldee; being the Authorized Version, Revised and Compared with other Translations, Ancient and Modern. By the Rev. Alfred Jenour, Rector of Pilton. Vol. VI., containing from Job to Solomon's Song.

Ancient and Modern York, forming a Guide to the Antiquities of the City of York. By Robert R. Pearce.

The Poems of Geoffrey Chaucer Modernized.

Philosophic Nuts. By Edward Johnson. No. 5.

The Controversy between the Tract No. 90 and the Oxford Tutors.

A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. General Editor, W. T. Brande. Part 4.

The Handmaid, or the Pursuits of Literature and Philosophy considered as Subservient to the Interests of Morality and Religion. Five Dissertations by Rev. J. Davies, B.D.

Four Lectures on Spiritual Christianity, delivered in the Hanover Square Rooms, London, March 1841. By Isaac Taylor.

The French School. Part I. L'Echo de Paris. By M. Lepage. Fifth edition.

Sketches of China, partly during an Inland Journey of Four Months, between Peking, Nanking, and Canton, with Notices and Observations relative to the Present War. By John F. Davis. 2 vols. 12mo.

Letter to the Hon. Henry Clay, President of the American Colonization Society, and Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Chairman of the General Committee of the African Civilization Society, on the Colonization and Civilization of Africa. By R. R. Gurley.

Three Lectures to Christian Mothers. By James Cameron, Portobello. A Familiar Introduction to the History of Insects. By Edward Newman, F.L.S., Z.S., &c.

Your Life. By the Author of My Life, by an Ex-Dissenter. Outlines of a Private Calendar, designed to Aid the Cultivation of Practical Piety and Closet Devotion, with an Explanatory Introduction.

Dr. Trueman's Visit to Edinburgh in 1840. His Introduction to the Religious World so called, or a Series of Dialogues illustrative of the Ways, Manners, and Conversational Powers of Ladies engaged in active duties of Benevolence, &c. By Ann Walker.

A Winter in the Azores, and a Summer at the Baths of the Furnas. By Joseph Bullar, M.D., and Henry Bullar. 2 vols. 8vo.

Fisher's Historic Illustrations of the Bible, Division 2. 4to.

Family Secrets, or Hints to Those who would make Home Happy. By Mrs. Ellis. Parts 3 and 4.

The Rhine, Italy, and Greece Illustrated. Parts 2-5. 4to.

The Holy Bible, with Scott's Commentary; a new edition, with Engravings on Steel after Nature. 4to.

Introductory Discourses delivered in Manchester New College, in the Session 1840. 2 vols. 8vo.

The North American Review, No. CXI., April 1841.

Slavery and the Slave Trade in British India; with Notes of its Existence in Ceylon, Malacca, and Penang, from Official Documents.

Civilization; its Necessity, Progress, and Blessings. No. 1. 8το.

Chapters on Churchyards. By Caroline Southey, authoress of 'Solitary Hours,' &c.



American Slavery, works on, 333; anti-
slavery cause not that of enthusiasm,
ib.; analysis of works reviewed, 334
et seq.; rise and progress of the pro-
slavery spirit in the United States,
335; condition of the slaves, 338; slave-
breeding states, 341; internal slave-
trade of the United States, 345; im-
portations of slaves from Africa, 348 ;
participation in the crime by American
Christians, 349.

Argument from History, 578; conduct of
the whigs, ib.; division of the country
into parties, 579; character of Tory-
ism, 580; its changeableness, ib.; its
opposition to intelligence and justice,
581; conduct of Tories in the days of
Charles I., ib.; Charles II., 584; days
of James, 586; time of Anne, 587; the
Georges, 588; Tory opposition to free-
dom, 589; petition of right, ib.; Long
parliament, 590; restoration, 592; the
seven bishops, 593; prevalence of Whig-
gism, 594; liberty of the press, 595;
toleration, 596; act of settlement, ib.;
succession of the house of Hanover, 597;
septennial bill, 598; Whiggism the
preserver of liberty, 589; present cha-
racter of the Tories, ib.; present duty
of the public, 603.

Barker, E. H., edition of Tacitus, 726.
Bible, Historic Illustrations of the, 246.
Bible Monopoly, Works on by Thomson

and Campbell, 216; value of printing,
ib.; present state of the question, 217;
origin of the patent for almanacks, 217;
similar character of Bible monopoly,
218; law proceedings on the subject,
219; the rights of dissenters incomplete
without liberty to print the scriptures,
223; origin and character of the pre-
sent right, 225; curious case in chan-
cery, extract, 226; duty of dissenters
on the subject, 227; working of the
Bible patents, extracts, 228; question
of accuracy, extract, 230; reply of the
author of Jethro to Mr. Spottiswoode,
extract, 231; abolition of the patent in
Scotland, extract, 235; Dr. Thomson's


plan to obtain cheap Bibles, extract,
239; advertisement from Oxford, 240;
remarks on their prices, 241; duty of
the people of England, 242.
Biblical Cabinet, works of Tholuck, 366.
Brande, W. T. Esq., Dictionary of Science,
&c., 365.

Brightwell, T., Notes on the Pentateuch,
415; errors originating with the learn-
ed, ib.; erroneous views as to the in-
terpretation of the scriptures, ib.; an-
tidotes to error furnished by learning,
417; sufficiency of the scriptures, 419;
valuable character of the work, 420.
Brown, Dr. J., What ought the Dissenters
to do? see Scottish Ecclesiastical Affairs.
Buchanan, Rev. J., Improvement of Af-

fliction, 487.

Bunyan, John, Holy War, 115.
Campbell, A., Sacred Writings of the
Apostles and Evangelists, 683; import-
ance of correct translation, ib.; effects
produced by translations, 684; work
not original, 686; comparison with Drs.
Campbell, Doddridge, and M'Knight,
ib.; objections to the plan, 688; mo-
dification of the Greek text, 690; care-
lessness of the execution of the work,
691; reprehension of the author, 693.
Campbell, Rev. J., Monopoly and Unre-
stricted Circulation of the Scriptures
contrasted, see Bible Monopoly.

Carpenter, Dr. L., Sermons on Practical
Subjects, 666; character of Unitarian-
ism, ib.; modes of opposing it, 667;
amiable character of the author, 670;
character of his sermons, 671; prayer,
672; our Lord's teaching, ib.; perni-
cious example, 673; value of Chris-
tianity, ib.; education, 674; ascension
of Christ, ib.; desire to know the will
of God, 675; the Christian in death,


Childe, Rev. C. F., Sermons preached at
Walsall, 605.

Christian Observer, conduct of to the
Eclectic Review, 242.
Clayton, Rev. G., Course of Sermons on
Faith and Practice, 605.

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Cobbin, Rev. I., the Classical English
Vocabulary, 116.

Conder, F. R., Railway Transit, 485.
Congregational Calendar, 117.

Cramp, Rev. J. M., Council of Trent, 723.
Cranfield, T., Memoir of, 723.

Cuban Slave, Poems by a, 406; interest-
ing character of the volume, ib.; Dr.
Madden's account of its origin, 407;
autobiography of the author, 408; to
calumny, 412; thirty years, ib.; the
clock that gains, ib.; picture of a cap-
tive, 413; commendation of the volume,
and its editor, 414.

Cummings, Rev. A., Memoir of Dr. Pay-
son, 366.

Cunningham, W., Letter to J. Hope, Esq.,
see Scottish Ecclesiastical Affairs.
Doctrines of the Church of England,
works on, 489: origin of the book of
homilies, ib.; state of the times, 490;
sketch of character of the homilies, ex-
tracts, 491; their political principles,
493; hostility of the church to freedom,
494; doctrines taught by the Society
for promoting Christian knowledge, 496;
registration and baptism, 498; state of
the evangelical clergy, 499; baptismal
regeneration, 500; notice of "Plain
Tracts," 503; increase of a spirit of in-
quiry, 505; eighty-sixth Tract for the
Times, 506; dangers arising from the
establishment, 508; royal christening,
note, ib.; public movements, 510.
Dunn, H., Principles of School Teaching,

see School Discipline.

Durfee, J. Esq., " What Cheer ?" 366.
Edinburgh Cabinet Library, Historical
and Descriptive History of Iceland, &c.,

Edwards, Rev. J. and Cross, W., Ele-

mentary Latin Works, 725.
Elementary English Grammars, by Allen,
Cornwell, and Smart, 693; neglect of
English Grammar in Schools, ib.; defi-
ciency of good works, 694; articles, 695;
nouns, 696; verbs, 697; arrangement
of derivatives by Dr. Allen, 701.
Ellis, Mrs., Family Secrets, 364.
Forbes, E., History of British Star-fishes,

Foundling Hospitals, French works on,
421; discrepancies in national manners,
ib.; systems pursued as to helpless
children, 422; German plan, ib.; sta-
tistics as to France, Ireland, and Eng-
land, 425; Würtemberg and Bade,
426; infanticides, ib.; desertion and
exposure, 427; mortality in foundling
hospitals, 428; morals, 429; evils of
the catholic system, 430; family con-
nexions, 431; projected reforms, 432;

expenditure, 434; importance of a
change of system, ib.

Gladstone, W. E., Church Principles con-
sidered in their Results, 369; attempt
of the author to establish Puseyism, ib.;
its dangerous character arising from its
fallacies, 370; its apparent metaphy-
sical profundity, 372; analysis of the
volume, ib. et seq.; erroneous views of
the church, extract, 374; prerogatives
of the church, 379; the sacraments,
extract, 381; apostolical succession,
384; evasions of the author, 388;
practical relations of church principles,
390; author's view of his opinions, 394;
his improper assumptions, 395.
Green, Rev. J., Eton Latin Grammar
translated, 722.

Griffin, Rev. J., Memoirs and Remains
of, 155; value of the lives of good men,
ib.; sketch of Mr. G.'s life, 157 et
seq.; narrative of Captain Wilson, er-
tract, 162; London Missionary Society,
extract, 163; success at Portsea, 164;
new chapel, 165; success and happi-
ness, 166; character of the volume, 169.
Groser, Rev. W., What can be done to
suppress the Opium Trade? 118.
Harford, J. S., Life of Bishop Burgess,
35; scarcity of episcopal biography, ib.;
sketch of the bishop, ib. et seq.; works
and correspondence, 37; ordination
and promotion, 39; attachment to the
anti-slavery cause, 40; elevation to the
bench, 43; his faithful discharge of its
duties, 44; improper reflections of the
author on dissenters, 46; elevation of
Bishop Burgess to Salisbury, 47; his
death, 49; censure passed on the au-
thor, 50.

Hartley, Rev. J., Continental Sermons,

Hastings, Lady Flora, Poems, 572; duty
of the critic, ib.; beauty of the work,
573; dying sybil, 573; la Notte ed il
Giorno, 574; the rainbow, 575; love
of lady H. to Italian poetry, ib.; the
cross of Constantine, 576; religious
tendency of the poems, 577; the swan
song, 578.
Henderson, Dr. E., New Translation of
Isaiah, 285; desirableness of such a
work, ib.; defects of Lowth's work,
286; translation by Gesenius, 288;
qualifications of Dr. H. for his underta-
king, 289; character of the prophets,
290; Isaiah, 292; analysis of the
book, 294, et seq.; Dr. H.'s rejection
of a double sense, 296; extracts, 297
et seq.; commendation of the volume,

Hiley, R., Treatise on English Grammar,

199; tests by which a book should be
tried, ib.; faults of the work, 200; com-
mendation of Bishop Lowth's Gram-
mar, 202.

Hinton, Rev. J. H., Work of the Holy
Spirit, Individual Effort, and the Ac-
tive Christian, 721.

Hook, Dr. W. F., Novelties of Romanism,
see Protestant Association.

Hopkins, H., Exercises in Orthography

and Composition, 725.
Illustrated Commentary on the Old and
New Testaments, 116, 365.
Intelligence, Literary, 119, 247, 367, 487,

Jesse, J. H., Memoirs of the Court of
England during the reign of the Stuarts,

Jews, Captivity of the, 247.

Jowett, Rev. W., the Christian Visitor,

Kennedy, Q., the Voice of Conscience, 119.
Kerns, Dr. T., the Arcana of Nature re-
vealed: or Proofs of the Being and At-
tributes of God, 85; character of
Atheism, ib.; Epicurean system, 86;
modern notions, 89; La Marck's sys-
tem of Appetencies, 90; inconsistencies
of the systems of atheism, 92; social-
ism, 93; results produced by atheism,
95; design of Dr. K.'s work, 96;
creation of the earth, 97; commenda-
tion of the work, 100.

Klauer, W., Guides to the German lan-
guage, 114.

Lang, Dr. J. D., Religion and Education
in America, 32; the author, and his resi-
dence in New South Wales, ib.; im-
portance of the voluntary system, ib.;
author's visit to the United States, 33;
value and imperfection of the book, 34.
Lawrence, H., Historical Memoirs of the
Queens of England, see Queens, the,
of England.

Layman, a, Unitarianism tried by Scrip-
ture and Experience, 486.
Leicestershire Mercury, 101.
Lepage, M., the French School, 117.
Lindley, Dr. J., Theory of Horticulture,
276; history and progress of the art,
ib.; principles developed by it, 277;
uses of water, 278; influence of light,
279; operations of air, 280; adjust-
ment of temperature and moisture, 281;
Mr. Ward's plan of growing plants in
glass cases, 282; science as taught by
plants, 284; commendation of Dr. L.'s
book, 285.

London University, the, and the colleges
connected with it, 1; commencement
and plans of the University, ib.; prin-
ciple on which founded, 2; injustice of

the restriction of literary degrees, ib.;
loss of the monopoly of the old univer-
sities, 3; colleges connected with the
university, 4; superiority of University
college, 5; judicious plan of study, 6;
importance of the Hebrew language, 7;
works of Bacon and Locke, 8; English
philosophy, 9; proposal for a change
as to chemistry, physiology, and botany,
10; importance of theology, 14; ex-
tract from the Times, 15; Spring Hill
College, extract, 17; regulations of
London University as to examination
for degrees, 19; examination in the
languages, 27; papers of last examina-
tion, 28.

Love, Dr. J., Letters, 487.

M'Crie, Dr. T., Miscellaneous Writings,

M'Neile, Rev. H., Jezebel, a Type of Po-
pery, see Protestant Association.

Madden, Dr. R. R., Egypt and Moham-
med Ali, 653; sketch of Mohammed
Ali, ib. et seq.; memorial presented to
him, extract, 655; extracts from me-
morial, 657; expeditions for the cap-
ture of slaves, extract, 659; misery of
the slaves, 661; Mohammed's treat-
ment of the subject, 664; commenda-
tion of the work, 666.

Marriage, the law of, 121; origin of the
law of marriage, ib.; its unchanged
character, 122; abuses of the law, 123;
extract from Dwight, 124; degeneracy
of morals, 125; legislation of Moses,
126; opposed to polygamy, 128; ex-
tract from Sir W. Jones, 130; law as
to kindred and affinity in the time of
Christ, 134; extract from considera-
tions on the law of marriage, 136;
marriage in the middle ages, 138;
views of the Wickliffites, 139; of the
universities, 140; enactments of the
legislature, ib.; the common law, 142;
Archbishop Parker's table, 143; its
inconsistencies, 146; Lord Lyndhurst's
act, extract, 147; marriage with a
wife's sister, 150; views of legislators,
153; fallacies of Mr. Dwight's book,
154; conclusions derived from the
whole subject, 155.

Martineau, Harriet, The Hour and the
Man, 462; sketch of Toussaint, ib. et
seq; hour of changing sides, 468;
character of the work, 470.

Menzel, W., German Literature, trans-
lated by T. Gordon, 510; reference to
former review, ib.; character of the
translation, 511; sketch of Menzel,
512; obscurity of German authors,
extract, 513; philosophy of Hegel, 516;
education, 518; empiricism, 519; ob-

jects of education, 521; character of
the work, 522.

Moase, C., The Church Member's Moni-
tor, 116.

Montgomery, J., Poetical Works, 719.
Moody, C., New Eton Greek Grammar,

Moore, Rev. D., Christian System Vindi-
cated, 726.

Morison, Dr. J., Family Prayers, 723.
Müller, K. O., History of the Literature

of Ancient Greece, 51; origin of the
work, ib.; decline of Greek poetry, ib.;
moral effects of the Peloponnesian war,
52; case of Athens, ib.; summit of
Grecian intellect, 54; Greek language,
55 views of the author as to the
Odyssey and the Iliad controverted,
56; Theogony of Hesiod, 58; Archi-
lochus, 59; Tyrtæus, 60; Mysteries of
the Greeks, 63; Orphic opinions, 64;
Alcæus and Sappho, 65; Æschylus,
65; corruption of Greece, 67: high
commendation of the book, 67.

Nonconformist Prisoners and Noncon-
formist Duties, 101; operation of pre-
latical persecution, 101; its unchange-
able character, 103; character of Mr.
Baines, 104; character of toleration,
106; grievance of church-rate, 108;
necessity of vigorous exertion, 109;
conduct to be pursued, 111; effects
produced on the Establishment, 112.

Old English Songs and Ballads, 169; in-
fluence of old verse, ib.; public obliga-
tions to Dr. Percy, 170; defects of his
book, ib.; ballads, 171; horn of red
gold, 173; popular ballads, 174: bal-
lad of William of Cloudesley, analyzed,
ib.; character of the political songs of
England, 179; Richard of Almaigne,
180; miracles of De Montfort, 181;
insurrection of the Flemish burghers,
extract, 182; Magna Charta, 183;
address to the Virgin, 184; character
of Reliquiæ Antiquæ, 186; importance
of such works, 187.

Orange, Rev J., Life of George Vason,


Owen, Dr., Dominion of Sin and Grace,

Pardoe, Miss, The City of the Magyar, or
Hungary and her Institutions in 1839,
1840, 68; character of the author's
works, ib.; importance of Hungary, ib.;
habits of the country, 69; Oszlau, 70;
mineral productions, extract, 72; Diet
of Vienna, extract, 78; banditti, ex-
tract, 80; Hungarian nobility, extract,
82; value of the work, 84.

Pendergrast, Rev. J., The Edipus Tyran-
nus of Sophocles, 721.

Pepys, S. Esq., Life and Correspondence
of, 450; sketch of the author, ib.; let-
ters to Lord and Lady Sandwich, 452;
Duke of York, 453; Pepys committed
to the Tower, ib.; results of the resto-
ration, extracts, 456; Milton's De Doc-
trina Christiana, 458; correspondence
between Dryden and Pepys, 460;
character of the work, 461.

Percy, Dr. T., Reliques of Ancient En-
glish Poetry, see Old English Songs
and Ballads.

Poor Law Chaplaincy Case, 702; evils of
Whig legislation, ib.; enactment of
Poor Law Amendment act, 703; ex-
ceptions to it, ib.; letter to Lord John
Russell, 705; laws of Abingdon Union,
707; discrepancies, 708; improper
interference of the Commissioners, 710;
resolutions of the Braintree Board, er-
tracts, 713; necessity of parliamentary
interference, 717; general dissatisfac-
tion with the Commissioners, 718; im-
portance of Dissenters being represented
in parliament, ib.

Prophecy, works on unfulfilled, 435; pro-
minence of the subject, ib.; difficulties
surrounding it, 436; prerequisites to
its study, 437; fundamental rule, ib.;
extract from Jefferson, 438; import-
ance of distinction between the literal
and the symbolical, 439; commenda-
tion of Mr. Faber's view, 440; extract
from Dr. Urwick, 441; extract from
Jefferson, 442; destruction of Jerusa-
lem, 443; hypothesis a source of evil,
444; evil of isolating Scripture pas-
sages, 446; necessity of remembering
the spiritual character of Christ's king-
dom, extract, 447; character of
Chauncy's work, 448; Dr. Urwick's,
ib.; Mr. Tyso's, 449; Mr. Freeman's.
ib.; Mr. Morison's, 450.

Protestant Associations, 609; character
of popery, ib.; its extension, 610;
modes of opposition to it, 611; ob-
jections to Protestant Associations, 614;
Church of England too popish, ib.;
objectionable as an establishment, 618;
suspicions to which exposed, 619;
character of its politics objectionable,
620; explanation of Mr. M'Neile's
exclamation, 621, note: way of dis-
arming popery, 623; duty of Dissent-
ers, 624.

Pryce, Rev. E. S., Popular Education,

Quadrupeds, the Book of, 118.

Queens, the, of England, works on, by
Lawrence and Strickland, 203; com-
mendation of Miss Strickland's work,
ib.; Margaret of Anjou, 204; interview

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