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fated country. Cicero the orator is one of the most distinguished of the ancient Romans.

Under Rule VI. Industry and virtue idleness and vice go hand in hand. Summer and winter seed-time and harvest are the gifts of an all-wise Providence. Painting and sculpture poetry and music will always have enthusiastic admirers.


COPY the following extract, inserting the punctuation points that have been described.


Swans in a wild state are found in the eastern part of Europe but they are most abundant in Siberia and the countries that surround the Caspian Sea Under ordinary circumstances they are perfectly harmless but when driven to act on the defensive have proved themselves formidable enemies. They have great strength in their wings an old swan using these as his weapons has been known to break a man's leg with a single stroke When their young are in danger they do not hesitate to engage with large animals and not unfrequently come off victorious from the struggle A female swan was once seen to attack and drown a fox which was swimming towards her nest for the purpose of feeding upon her young

When sailing on the water which is its favorite element the swan is a beautiful bird and its motions are graceful when seen on land however it presents a very different appearance its gait being awkward and all its movements exceedingly clumsy

It has been said by some authors that the swan which

during its life never sings a note sends forth when it is dying a most beautiful strain This is no doubt a mere fable at all events we have not sufficient evidence to establish it as a fact

Swans were formerly held in such esteem in England that by an act of Edward IV no one but the king's son was permitted to keep a swan unless he had an income of five marks a year By a subsequent act those who took their eggs were punished by imprisonment for a year and a day and fined according to the king's pleasure At the present day swans are little valued for the delicacy of their flesh though many are still preserved for their beauty



MAKE a dash.

For what is the dash used?

The dash is used,

I. To denote that a sentence is unfinished; as, "I cannot believe that he ."

II. To denote a sudden transition either in the form of a sentence, or in the sentiment expressed, as, "It was a sight-that child in the agony of death-that would have moved a heart of stone."

"He had no malice in his mind-
No ruffles on his shirt."

Make parentheses. Make brackets.
For what are parentheses and brackets used ?
Parentheses and brackets are used to inclose
words and clauses, that are not connected in con-

struction with other words in the sentence, but are suggested by them, or explanatory of their meaning; as,

"Know, then, this truth, (enough for man to know,) Virtue alone is happiness below."

"The wisest men, (and it may be said the best too,) are not exempt from sin."

Are parentheses and brackets much used by authors at the present day?


No; commas are generally used instead of them.


Copy and punctuate the following sentences.


1. A crimson handkerchief adorned his head His face was cheerful and his nose was red

2. Some and they were not a few knelt down 3. His eyes how they twinkled his dimples how merry 4. They poisoned my very soul hot burning poisons 5. Away ungrateful wretch. A father's curse rest ilas what am I doing I cannot curse my son

6. The friend of our infancy has she gone forever


Thou merry laughing sprite
With spirits feather light

Untouched by sorrow and unsoiled by sin
Good Heavens the child is swallowing a pin
Thou imp of mirth and joy

In love's dear chain so strong and bright a link
Thou idol of thy parents drat the boy

There goes my ink


8. Let us then for we cannot flee without disgrace boldly meet the foe.

9. Mr. Morton every old citizen knows him well died last week of apoplexy.



ARE any other marks used in writing besides those which

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Make an apostrophe. For what is the apostrophe used?

The apostrophe is used,

I. To denote the omission of one or more letters;

as, tho' for though; 'neath for beneath.

II. When s is placed after a noun, making it denote possession, an apostrophe is inserted before the s; as, John's book. But when the noun ends in s, and signifies more than one, an apostrophe alone placed after it makes it denote possession; as, "The ladies' seats."

Make quotation marks. For what are quotation marks used ? Quotation marks are used to inclose a passage quoted from an author or speaker, in his own words; as,

"To err is human; to forgive, divine." Are single quotation marks ('') ever used ? Yes; single quotation marks are used to inclose quotations that occur within quotations, or that are slightly altered from the words of the author or speaker; as, "The Scripture saith, 'Watch and pray.' "

Make a hyphen. For what is the hyphen used ?
The hyphen is used,

I. To connect two simple words that unite to form • compound word; as, "A spirit-moving strain."

II. At the end of a line, when there is not room for the whole of a word, the hyphen is placed after one of its syllables, to show that the remainder may be found at the beginning of the next line;* as, "He strove man


Make a caret. For what is the caret used ?

When some word that has been omitted is inter

lined, the caret is used to show where it should be


introduced; as, "Study this carefully."

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Copy and punctuate the following sentences: Apostrophe. Ill neer forget your kindness. They sat neath a spreading willow. Tho Milton was blind yet was his mind well stored with knowledge. Hark tis the signal gun. Where is my fathers hat? Zenos school was one of the most celebrated in Greece. Romes great

* When the pupil, in writing, cannot get the whole of a word in the line, and has to carry part of it to the next, he must be careful to divide it according to its syllables, and place the hyphen after a complete syllable.

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