The Seasons: By James ThomsonA. Millar, 1758 - 209 pages |
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amid beam beauty beneath blaft blaze blifs bloom bofom boundleſs breaft breath breeze burft clouds croud deep defcends diftant earth ether facred fafe fair brow fave fcene feafon feas fecret fenfe fhade fhine fhore fhower fide filent fimple fing firft firſt fkies flame fleep flocks flood fmile fnow focial foft foftened fome fong fons foreft foul fpirit fpreads froft ftands ftill ftores ftorm ftream ftrong fuch fudden funk fwain fweep fweet fwelling fwift gale gloom grace grove heart heaven hills immenfe Inceffant laft lefs loft luftre mingled mix'd moffy mountains Mufe mufic Nature's night o'er paffions peace profpect rage rife rocks rofe round ſcarce ſcene ſhade ſhake ſky Spring ſtill tempeft thee thefe theſe thofe thoſe thou thouſand thro toil treaſures vaft vale vex'd wafte waſte wave whofe whoſe wild winds wing wintry woods