8. AMES (FISHER). Works. Compiled by a number of Friends, etc. Portrait by Edwin. Large 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Boston, 1809 FIRST EDITION, scarce. 9. AMBROSS (MISS). Life and Memoirs of the late Miss Ann Catley, the Celebrated Actress, etc. Two medallion portraits of "The Temple Toast" and "The Amorous Advocate" on one sheet inserted. Fine copy. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, with many uncut leaves, by Pratt. London: J. Bird, n. d. [1789] A rare and very curious dramatic item. 10. ANTIQUE WATCHES. [Catalogue of a] Collection of Watches formed by Mrs. George A. Hearn with Historical Introduction. Numerous fine plates, illustrating a large number of the most exquisite specimens of antique watches. Large 8vo, half morocco, gilt. [N. Y.:] Privately Printed, 1907 11. ΑΝΤΟNINUS ARCHIEPISCOPUS FLORENTINUS. Tractatus notabilis de excommunicationibus Suspensionibus interdictis, irregularitatibus et penis. Idem de Sponsalibus et Matrimonio. Gothic Letter, double columns, 40 lines to a full column, 136 leaves, signatures a to r, decorative initial on first page, other initials supplied by hand in red, rubricated throughout. 4to, limp vellum. Venetiis: ducta et impensis J. de Colonia Agripinensi: ac J. Manthen de Gherretzem, 1474 EDITIO PRINCEPS. A fine copy of the VERY RARE FIRST EDITION, with the blank leaf for ai not mentioned in Hain's collation. ONE OF THE FIRST BOOKS FROM THIS CELEBRATED EARLY VENETIAN PRESS, no dated work before 1474 being known. 12. ARABIAN NIGHTS (The). Translated from the Arabic by Sir R. F. Burton. Reprinted from the original (with some expurgations) by Leonard C. Smithers. 12 vols. full gilt cloth, demy 8vo. London, 1893 13. ARCTURUS: A Journal of Books and Opinion. [Edited by E. A. Duyckinck and C. Mathews & containing original contributions by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Longfellow & others.] Dec., 1840, to May, 1842, complete & all published. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1840-'42 PRESENTATION COPY FROM E. A. DUYCKINCK, one of the editors, with autograph inscription. The complete work is rare. 14. ARMENGAUD (M. J. G. D.). Les Galeries Publiques de l'Europe. Profusely illustrated with woodcuts. 3 vols. 4to, full green levant morocco, gilt backs and sides, gilt edges. Paris, n. d. 15. ARTIST BIOGRAPHIES. Portraits and reproductions of celebrated paintings. 5 vols. 12mo, half brown levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Boston, 1882 Text 16. ASCHAM (ROGER). The Schoolmaster, etc. mostly in black letter, woodcut border to title, initials, and ornaments, leaf of printer's device with colophon at end (title soiled, otherwise a fine large copy). Small 4to, panelled calf tooled in blind and gold, gilt back, inside borders, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. At London: Printed by Abell Jeffes, 1589 The last of the old quarto editions, which Hazlitt says is much rarer than those of 1570 and 1571. 17. AUGUSTINE (ST.). Of the Citie of God: with the Learned Comments of Io. Lod. Vives. Englished by J. II. [ealey]. Woodcut on title (wormed in lower blank margins and a few other tiny wormholes, pp. 811-12 bound out of place), small folio, original calf, old rebacking (worn). [London]: Printed by George Eld, 1610 THE RARE FIRST EDITION in English of St. Augustine's most celebrated work. 18. BACON (SIR FRANCIS). Two Bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and aduancement of Learning, diuine and humane. To the King. Small 4to, slight waterstain in top corner of some ll. at beginning and faint early writing on title, original calf. London: Henry Tomes, 1605 THE RARE FIRST EDITION. A fine, large and genuine copy. 19. BANCROFT (GEORGE). History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent. maps. 10 vols. 8vo, cloth (stamp on 2 titles). Portraits and Boston, 1839-74 20. BANK NOTE PORTRAITS. A set of Portraits of the Presidents from Washington to Benjamin Harrison, with engraved views of the White House and Capitol. Small 4to, full green morocco, gilt edges. Washington, n. d. VERY SCARCE. These portraits are on India Paper, and were engraved by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Autograph presentation copy from the Chief of Bureau to Gen. George S. Batcheller. In a note from Mr. Meredith which accompanies the item, he says that "since that time the regulations of the Treasury have been changed, and such engravings are neither sold nor presented to any one." 21. BARTOLOZZI'S ENGRAVINGS. Tuer (A. W.). Bartolozzi and his Works. Lists of his engravings, with prices realized at auction, etc. Fine full-page reproductions of his works. 2 vols. 4to, vellum, gilt, uncut. Fine copy. London, [1882] 22. BASKERVILLE PRESS. Works of William Congreve. Engraved portrait by Chambers after Kneller, and beautiful plates by Grignion after Hayman. 3 vols. tall 8vo, crushed brown levant morocco, gilt backs, line tooled, with corner fleurons, gilt edges by Zaehnsdorf. Birmingham, 1761 A CHOICE COPY OF THIS SPLENDIDLY PRINTED EDITION. RARE, especially in this state. 23. BEAUCHESNE (A. DE). Louis XVII. His Life-His Suffering-His Death. Translated and edited by W. Hazlitt. Vignettes, autographs and plans. 2 vols. 8vo, original decorated cloth, uncut. London, 1853 24. BEWICK (THOMAS). Complete Set of His Most Charming Works. With fine impressions of the numerous wood engravings. 5 vols. roy. 8vo, bound by Rivière in full polished calf extra gilt, gilt edges. Newcastle, 1791-1820 LARGE PAPER COPIES. History of British Land and Water Birds. First Edition, Newcastle, 1797-1804, and with the two Supplements issued in 1821. General History of Quadrupeds, Newcastle, 1791. This is the Second and Best Edition, having 212 figures and 168 tail-pieces and with the extra chapter on "Bats." The First Edition only had 200 figures and 104 tail-pieces. Fables of Æsop and others, Newcastle, 1818. Select Fables, First Edition, Newcastle, 1820. The Bewick's Birds" is the First Issue of the First Edition; the woodcut of the Sea Eagle before the addition of Wycliffe, 1791; the woodcut of the Magpie with two branches; the woodcut on page 285 of Vol. 1 before the bars; and the advertisement of the third edition of the Quadrupeds on the last leaf. Such copies are very scarce, and are highly esteemed for the proofs they possess that the impressions are of the earliest. 25. BIBLIÆ ICONES. Stimmer (Tobias). Nouæ Tobiæ Stimmeri Sacrorum Bibliorum Figuræ: versibus Latinis et Germanicis exposita. Title within elaborate woodcut border with figures, ornamental woodcut border to every page, including one of "the two last leaves (wants the other), printer's device on last page, which have neither woodcut nor text, with 170 fine woodcuts illustrating Bible History, by Tobias Stimmer. Small 8vo, old mottled calf gilt (worn and joints weak). Strassburg: Bernhart Jobin, 1590 RARE. Stimmer's fame as an artist is chiefly based upon the designs in this work. Bookplate of Frederick Symonds. BIBLIOGRAPHY LOTS 26-111 26. AMERICAN BOOK-PRICES CURRENT. Vol I for 1895. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1895 The earlier volumes of Book-Prices Current, up to 1904, have the Subject Index at the end, which renders them of great practical utility in many ways. They also contain, in many instances, bibliographical notes, which are important, especially when they relate to items that have appeared at auction only at long intervals. Complete sets of the work, therefore, are quite indispensable to those who would make a thorough study of rare books, etc. 27. The Same for 1896. 28. The Same for 1897. 29. The Same for 1898. 30. The Same for 1899. 31. The Same for 1900. 32. The Same for 1901. 33. The Same for 1902. 50. AMERICAN ENGRAVINGS. Stauffer (David McN.). American Engravers upon Copper and Steel. 2 vols. 8vo, half buck ram and boards, uncut. New York, 1907 GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. One of 350 copies printed. 51. AMERICAN ENGRAVINGS. [Supplement to Stauffer.] American Engravers upon Copper and Steel. Fine full-page reproductions. 8vo, half buckram and boards, uncut. Phila., 1917 A supplementary volume to Stauffer's larger work, by Mantle Fielding. 52. AMERICANA. Bartlett (J. R.). Bibliography of Rhode Island. A Catalogue of Books and Other Publications relating to Rhode Island. Imp. 8vo, cloth. Providence, 1864 53. Field (Thomas W.). An Essay towards an Indian Bibliography. (Books relating to the History, Antiquities, Languages, Customs, Religion, Wars, Literature, and origin of the American Indians.) Copiously annotated. Small 8vo, buckram, red leather label (stamp over imprint partly erased carrying away date). New York, [1873] 54. Harrisse (H.). Notes pour servir à L'Histoire, à la Bibliographie et à la Cartographie de la Nouvelle-France et des Pays Adjacents, 1545-1700. Finely printed on hand-made paper. 8vo, paper, uncut. Paris, 1872 55. Montt (Luis). Bibliografia Chilena, precedida de un bosquejo historico sobre los primeros años de la prensa en las pais. Tomo II, 1812-'17. Facsimiles. 8vo, paper, uncut (back loose). Santiago, 1904 56. Rich (O.). A Catalogue of Books, relating principally to America. [Parts I and II, Books printed 1500 to 1700] pp. 129;— Bibliotheca Americana Nova [Part I, 1701-1800], pp. 424. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (covers of one vol. spotted). London, 1832-1835 Presentation copy from the compiler to Only 250 copies printed. 57. Sibley (J. L.). Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard University (with BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF THEIR PRINTED WORKS, etc.). 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1873-'85 Scarce with the three vols. complete. 58. AMERICANA AND SPANISH LITERATURE. Catalogo de la Biblioteca De Salva, escrito por D. Pedro Salva Y Mallen. Numerous facsimiles. 2 vols. 8vo, buckram. Valencia, 1872 "The best catalogue of Spanish books ever printed." It contains many descriptions of rare books which were not in the Salva collection, as it was the intention of the compiler to produce a comprehensive catalogue of ALL THE RARE AND VALUABLE BOOKS OF EARLY SPANISH LITERATURE. 59. AMERICAN PRINTS. Weitenkampf (F.). American Graphic Art. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1912 60. ARMORIAL BINDINGS. Guigard (J.). Nouvel Armorial du Bibliophile. Guide de l'Amateur des Livres Armoriés. Hundreds of facsimile illustrations of rare old armorial bindings, arms, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, finely bound in half red crushed levant morocco, gilt inlaid backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Blackwell. Paris, 1890 61. AUCTION PRICES of Books. Edited by Luther S. Livingston. 4 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1905 62. AUTOGRAPHS. Draper (Lyman C.). An Essay on the Autograph Collections of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence and of the Constitution. Portrait. Large 8vo, cloth, unNew York, 1889 cut. With an appendix on the famous Washington and other forgeries by Robert Spring. Scarce. 63. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLES. Stevens (Henry). The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877, or a Bibliographical description of nearly 1,000 representative Bibles in various languages, 1450-1877. 8vo, cloth. London, 1877 Copiously annotated. 64. BIBLIOTHECA BIBLICA: A Select List of Books on Sacred Literature; with Notes. By W. Orme. 8vo, boards. Edinburgh, 1824 |