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Bath Horel-New Bridge-Pump Room.

of the New Inn. The public dining room is large and handsome; and the number of chambers is nearly thirty.

PROCEEDING from the Bath Hotel towards the Bridge-on the left, are several pleasant cottages and smaller houses; and beyond them is the Bridge Well; near which are two or three good modern houses. One of these was, in 1810, dignified by the residence of their Graces, the Duke and Duchess of BEDFORD, who have twice honoured this Spa with their presence.

PASSING over the new stone Bridge of three arches-well built, but ill placed the new Pump Room appears to view-presenting a noble front, with its beautiful colonnade-forming, as before remarked, one of the most complete and magnificent structures of the kind in the kingdom. Its situation, however, is too near the road to admit of any good passing view; as there is no point, from which the whole extent can, at once, be seen. But, from the fields, at a small distance to the right, it appears strikingly grand, and finely shaded by the rich and variegated woods, that surround it.*-The form of its roof, which is in the cottage style, low, heavy, and admitting no relief, is indeed, considered by some, as not happily chosen ; and the introduction of a ponderous square pillar, between two round ones, in the colonnade, is still less admired by others. Such intermixture is surely not pleasing to the eye; and if the fine effect of duplicated columns depends at all upon unbroken continuity, throughout the whole arrangement, that advantage of course is lost-and what

• This view is given in one of the engravings which embellish the present work.

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