Come shepherds we 'll follow the hearse Corinna cost me many a prayer. 91 203 Damon, if you will believe me 197 60 314 157 200 347 62 Fly, thoughtless youth, th' enchantress fly From anxious zeal and factious strife 134 155 309 133 320 143 From place to place forlorn I go Gentle air, thou breath of lovers Had I a heart for falsehood framed 226 326 201 '305 129 104 310 124 Hard is the fate of him who loves 306 Hark, hark, 'tis a voice from the tomb 295 How blest has my time been, what days have I known 274 74 In vain, dear Chloe, you suggest I tell thee, Charmion, could I time retrieve 241 196 Mistaken fair, lay Sherlock by 210 151 84 331 131 My love was fickle once and changing 189 My sheep I neglected, I broke my sheep-hook Not, Celia, that I juster am 267 339 268 190 121 Now see my goddess, earthly born O Nancy, wilt thou go with me 161 One morning very early, one morning in the spring 69 The nymph that I lov'd was as cheerful as day The rose had been wash'd, just wash'd in a show'r Too plain, dear youth, those tell-tale eyes 117 To the brook and the willow that heard him complain 139 We all to conquering beauty bow When all was wrapt in dark midnight When daisies pied and violets blue When Delia on the plain appears 273 198 53 131 319 259 109 275. 236 120 202 234 287 When gentle Celia first I knew -232 When here Lucinda first we came 141 142 |