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[By Gay.]

ALL in the Downs the fleet was moor'd,
The streamers waving in the wind,
When black-eyed Susan came on board,
O where shall I my true love find?
Tell me, ye jovial sailors, tell me true
If my sweet William sails among your crew?

William, who high upon the yard
Rock'd by the billows to and fro,
Soon as her well-known voice he heard,
He sigh'd and cast his eyes below;

The cord glides swiftly thro' his glowing hands,
And quick as lightning on the deck he stands.

So the sweet lark high pois'd in air
Shuts close his pinions to his breast,
If chance his mate's shrill call he hear,

And drops at once into her nest.

The noblest captain in the British fleet Might envy William's lips those kisses sweet.

O Susan, Susan, lovely dear,

My vows shall ever true remain ;
Let me kiss off that falling tear,
We only part to meet again.

Change as ye list ye winds, my heart shall be,
The faithful compass that still points to thee.

Believe not what the landmen say,

Who tempt with doubts thy constant mind,
They'll tell thee, sailors, when away,
At every port a mistress find.

Yes, yes, believe them when they tell thee so,
For thou art present wheresoe'er I go.

If to fair India's coast we sail,

Thy eyes are seen in diamonds bright,
Thy breath is Africk's spicy gale,
Thy skin is ivory so white;

Thus every beauteous object that I view,
Wakes in my soul some charm of lovely Sue.

Tho' battle calls me from thy arms,

Let not my pretty Susan mourn;
Tho' cannons roar, yet free from harms
William shall to his dear return:

Love turns aside the balls that round me fly,

Lest precious tears should drop from Susan's eye.

The boatswain gives the dreadful word,
The sails their swelling bosoms spread;
No longer must she stay on board,

They kiss'd; she sigh'd; he hung his head: Her less'ning boat unwilling rows to land; Adieu, she cries, and waved her lily hand.


DAPHNIS stood pensive in the shade.
With arms across, and head reclin'd:
Pale looks accus'd the cruel maid,

And sighs reliev'd his love-sick mind:
His tuneful pipe all broken lay,
Looks, sighs, and actions seem'd to say,
My Chloe is unkind.

Why ring the woods with warbling throats?
Ye larks, ye linnets, cease your strains;
I faintly hear in your sweet notes,

My Chloe's voice that wakes my pains:
Yet why should you your song forbear?
Your mates delight your song to hear,

But Chloe mine disdains.

As thus he melancholy stood,

Dejected as the lonely dove,

Sweet sounds broke gently through the wood.
I feel the sound; my heart-strings move:
"Twas not the nightingale that sung;
No, 'tis my Chloe's sweeter tongue,
Hark, hark, what says my love!

How foolish is the nymph, she cries,
Who trifles with her lover's pain!
Nature still speaks in woman's eyes,

Our artful lips were made to feign.
O Daphnis, Daphnis, 'twas my pride,
"Twas not my heart thy love denied,
Come back, dear youth, again.

As t'other day my hand he seiz'd,
My blood with thrilling motion flew;
Sudden I put on looks displeas'd,

And hasty from his hold withdrew.
"Twas fear alone, thou simple swain,
Then hadst thou prest my hand again,
My heart had yielded too!

'Tis true, thy tuneful reed I blam'd,
That swell'd thy lip and rosy cheek;
Think not thy skill in song defam'd,
That lip should other pleasures seek:
Much, much thy music I approve;
Yet break thy pipe, for more I love,

Much more to hear thee speak.

My heart forebodes that I'm betray'd,
Daphnis, I fear, is ever gone;
Last night with Delia's dog he play'd,
Love by such trifles first comes on.
Now, now, dear shepherd, come away,
My tongue would now my heart obey,
Ah Chloe, thou art won!

The youth stepp'd forth with hasty pace,
And found where wishing Chloe lay;
Shame sudden lighten'd in her face,

Confus'd she knew not what to say.
At last in broken words she cried,
To-morrow you in vain had tried,
But I am lost to-day!


[By Rowe.]

DESPAIRING beside a clear stream,

A shepherd forsaken was laid, And whilst a false nymph was his theme, A willow supported his head;

The wind that blew over the plain

To his sighs with a sigh did reply, And the brook in return to his pain

Ran mournfully murmuring by.

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