becoming tedious. With what pleasure does the poet feem to exult in recollection of the former refpectable state of poets! with what feeling and what energy does he complain of that modern neglect, of which many, and none more than himself, have had occafion to complain ! V. 369. Suffice it now th'Efquilian mount to reach, With weary wing, and feek the facred rests Of Maro's humble tenement; a low Plain wall remains; a little fun-gilt heap Grotefque and wild; the gourd and olive brown Weave the light roof; the gourd and olive , fan, Their am'rous foliage, mingling with the vine, Who drops her purple clusters through the Here let me lie, with pleafing fancy footh'd: grew; Here oft the meek good man, the lofty bard Dyer in general wn fimplicity and clear inftance in which h explicable. What addreffed by the Nymph, it seems sc cover. Painting, Sifter Mufe, and r meant; but why CRITI talcribed a Ionely van. E poies, coll a Evening be act Fancy may be ..... claim to the t the above circum cable. That Farm really defigned, 1 fully ascertained. Fev originally written, and volume of prem, cle the year t, in w 1, that form var initial line a apes elm'd Happy Auguftus! who so well inspir'd, And dignify thy mind. Thrice glorious days The Poet chose to tune the ennobling rhyme Since nature's ftores are fhut with cruel hand, The length of this Poem, and its fuperior merit, have hitherto caused it to engross a confiderable share of attention. The remaining part is of the fame general character, and relates, in a spirited narrative, the rife, meridian, decline, and fall of the Roman Empire. The conclu conclufion defcribes in the moft animated manner the irruption of the Goths and Vandals, with their confequences; and reflects with equal dignity and pathos on the fatal effects of national luxury. V. 526. But fee along the north the tempeft fwell O'er the rough Alps, and darken all their fnows! Sudden the Goth and Vandal, dreaded names, Down fall their Parian porches, gilded baths, Vain end of human ftrength, of human Conqueft, and triumph, and domain, and pomp, And ease and luxury! O luxury, Bane of elated life, of affluent states, What dreary change, what ruin is not How doth thy bowl intoxicate the mind! K 4 O'erwhelm'd |