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TIME'S TELESCOPE for 1825, with an Introduction containing a BRIEF HISTORY of ENGLISH SACRED POETRY, by Mr. RICHARD RYAN.

* This work is really what it has been pronounced to be, a " feli citous conception;" and, notwithstanding the pretensions of its more showy competitors for public favour, most of whom have taken a few lenses from Time's Telescope to fit up their instruments with, it holds a distinguished place among the various Etrennes of the New Year. It happily combines the useful with the agreeable, and is well fitted to assist in forming the taste and guiding the conduct of youth of both sexes, as well as to instruct and amuse those of maturer years.'-New Monthly Mag., Dec. 1824.

'Without attempting those expensive ornaments and that external appearance which distinguish some of its contemporaries, the utility and various intelligence of Time's Telescope, aided by the contributions of Poetry, Natural History, and other judicious concomitants to Almanack lore, have placed it high in the scale of popularity: it has thus become so well known to the public, that it would be superfluous to describe the present annual volume. Suffice it to say, that it equals its precursors, and is full of miscellaneous and entertaining notices, adapted to almost every day of the coming year.-Literary Gazette, Nov. 27, 1824.

This publication, since first it challenged public attention, has gradually increased in its powers of pleasing: it mingles the useful with the agreeable so tastefully, that it is a gift equally acceptable to youth, manhood, and old age. The volume before us, besides presenting to the view much new information (of a biographical and historical nature), al nature), abounds in apposite quotations from esteemed authors, together with much that is original and beautiful; and throughout the work are scattered, scattered, with no sparing hand, "gems of poesy," some light and imaginative, others clad in the garb of "sober sadness," but placed with such discernment, that each forms a contrast to the other.'-European Magazine, Dec. 1824.

'The caution with which the Editor guards against the introduction of any matter that may be injurious to morality, and the judgment with which he selects his subjects, entitle him to public respect, and his work to public patronage. There is, indeed, amusement of all kinds, and for all ages, in this Annual Repository. The testimonies of the several Reviews, Magazines, and Public Journals, in favour of the former volumes, are equally applicable to the present. Time's Telescope is indeed, as stated, A GUIDE TO THE ALMANACK, and every thing relating to each month of the year is introduced to illustrate every important circumstance or character with which each month is respectively connected.'-Sun, Jan. 1825.

See also St. James's Chronicle, January 6, 1825; Suffolk Chronicle, Jan. 4, 1825; Stirling Journal, March 24, 1825; &c. &c. &c.

TIME'S TELESCOPE for 1826, with an Introduction on the PHYSICAL POWERS, INTELLECTUAL FACULTIES, and MORAL PERCEPTIONS of MAN, by T. MYERS, LL.D.-N.B. The Frontispiece to this volume is a bighly finished Engraving of Corregiơ's Madonna and Child, in the National Gallery, Pall Mall.

In the present volume, we have all the characteristic excellencies of its predecessors, with some manifest indications of the improving effect of competition. The scientific departments of Astronomy and Natural History, in which this publication stands alone, are executed with the same industry and judgment as hitherto: the antiquarian and biographical notices, in which too, we believe, Time's Telescope has no rival, are at least as rich and as interesting as those from which the public has derived so much pleasure and profit, in former volumes of this delightful work. While the poetry and general literature have assumed a tone of excellence which fully supports the contest with the many admirable annual volumes that now grace our lighter literature; and, taken altogether, we must still regard Time's Telescope as at once the most instructive and the most permanently interesting volume of its class which the father of a family can lay upon his parlour-table.'-St. James's Chronicle, December 29-31, 1825.

'The present volume of this various and useful work, is, like its predecessors, extremely well executed.'-Literary Gazette, November 19, 1825.

We are always happy, at this season of the year, to welcome another volume of this entertaining collection, in which the utile et dulce are ever sure to be judiciously blended.'-Gentleman's Magazine, vol. xcv, part II, p. 541.

Thirteen years have now elapsed since the publication of this very interesting and instructive work was commenced; and during this period it has been deservedly popular among all classes of readers. It contains an endless and delightful variety of scientific notices, anecdotes, biographical sketches, poetry, historical facts, and so forth. Of the present volume it is a sufficient recommendation to say, that it is worthy of its predecessors. It is rich in original poetry, and is decidedly Protestant in its character. In narrating the occurrences of particular days, the editor has given considerable prominence to the murderous exploits of the Church of Rome. For this peculiarity in his work he has our cordial thanks, as well as for the other parts of his useful compilation.'-Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, January 1826.

TIME'S TELESCOPE for 1827, with a Series of Papers on SCOTIAN BOTANY, by Mr. ANDREW KERR YOUNG, of Paisley; and a DESCRIPTION OF RARE AND REMARKABLE INSECTS, by Mr. CURTIS, Author of the British Entomology.

This publication has the credit of being the first which aspired to a literary character as an annual work, in connexion with the present season of the year. Having now enjoyed a large share of public favour for fourteen years, it is scarcely necessary to enlarge on its utility.-Amid more splendid publications, which are gaining ground in our country, and which reflect credit on the intelligence and taste of the public, Time's Telescope will continue to occupy its sphere of utility: here none of them can cope with it. We may take up the Forget-me-Not, the Literary Souvenir, and the Friendship's Offering, when we need amusement; we may be delighted with their literary character, and their splendid embellishments; we may take up the Amulet when we are in a more serious mood; but if we want a never-failing companion throughout the year, capable of interesting, informing, and improving us, adding to our stores of knowledge, and directing us how to enlarge them still more from the abundant resources of Nature, commend us to Time's Telescope.'-Spirit and Manners of the Age, vol. ii, p. 351.

This is a work that may be safely put into the hands of youth, and is calculated at once to minister to their innocent gratification, and to promote in them a love of reading and knowledge.' - WesleyanMethodist Magazine, January 1827.

Fourteen years have elapsed since the commencement of this publication, and each succeeding twelvemonth has enhanced its fame, and realized the hopes of its projectors. Rich in varied talent, and glowing with general knowledge, we can almost imagine that we behold a smile of self-complacency on its title-page, as if fully aware of its claims to regard. Those claims we will not question or deny, for we well know its optical beauties have suited the eye of the public; and Time's Telescope is now a standard instrument of pleasure and instruction. From so often treading over the same ground, we anticipated somewhat of sameness and mannerism; but we are happy to observe, that the editor has avoided all re-iteration, and, like a skilful traveller, has made his journey easy to himself, and pleasant to his companions: nor has he forgotten his former fame, and wantonly thrown industry aside; but has used, if possible, additional energies, enlisted on his behalf eminent contributors, and arranged the proceeds in a manner worthy the materials and the renown of the work.'-Literary Chronicle, Nου. 25, 1826.

"We recommend this volume as an excellent manual for young persons. It has not only the negative merit of being perfectly unexceptionable as to the information and entertainment it conveys, and the language in which it is written; but it will also tend to cultivate those pure and simple pleasures which the God of Nature has so abundantly provided for inquiring minds; it will wean them more from those worldly and less intellectual pastimes, by which too often health is injured, vanity engendered, and the high bloom of an inno cent heart brushed away.'-Gentleman's Magazine, December 1826.

'I am indebted to this excellent publication for many poetical illustrations, taken from recent or living authors, which I should not otherwise have had an opportunity of seeing. I know of no work so well calculated to spread and improve a taste for Natural History in these kingdoms as Time's Telescope; and I would most strenuously recommend it to the attention of every student and lover of nature.'Drummond's First Steps to Botany, p. 295, Second Edition.

: For other commendations see also Literary Gazette, November 25, 1826; World of Fashion, February 1827; Ladies' Museum, Jan. 1827; Quarterly Juvenile Review, No. 1; Monthly Magazine, Jan. 1827; St. James's Chronicle, Dec. 28 to 30, 1826.

TIME'S TELESCOPE for 1828. This volume is embellished with a highly finished Engraving, by Hawksworth, of Sofonisba Angosciola, from an original painting by herself in the Gallery at Althorp.

This popular annual volume is too well known to stand in need of description. Like a piece of amber, it incloses and preserves a multitude of matters concurrent with the year of its publication, which are seen to great advantage through this medium, Saints' days, reminiscences of history and antiquities, contemporary biography, and snatches of contemporary literature, as well as original productions, astronomical occurrences, natural science, and other subjects, fit for such a work, of mingled reference and amusement, are very judiciously selected and extremely well arranged in Time's Telescope. The Naturalist's Diary for every month is agreeably written, and distinguished for good feelings.'-Literary Gazette, Dec. 1, 1827.

This is the fifteenth year in which this publication has made its appearance. Its motive, objects, and marit, are now so well known, that neither praise nor explanation can be useful. Incominon with contemporary journals, we have already had occasion to commend the work; and have now only to say that the present volume is not inferior to those which have preceded it, in accuracy and variety of information, in judicious selection and arrangement, and in the ability displayed in the original communications. The principal novelty of the volume consists of accounts of French customs, introduced at their several appropriate seasons.'-New Monthly Magazine, March 1828.

This is a very useful and amusing book. The perfect propriety of the whole, the absence even of a questionable phrase, either in morals or religion, renders it a most apposite present for the young of either sex. It is a year's gathering, or rather a selection, from the most valuable products of the year, and it is also a museum where specimens of a more antique ore are deposited. We assign it, with confidence, a place with its precursors and compeers-a worthy brother of a deserving family.' - Gentleman's Magazine, December 1827.

Time's Telescope is just the sort of volume we would elect king of our library table. If one page wraps our senses in Elysium with some of Felicia Hemans's poetry, the next leads them back again into the clear atmosphere of knowledge, and pours before us information most valuable, and frequently new. With industry and taste almost unparalleled, the admirable Editor has brought within the focus of his Telescope a ray from every star, remarkable for its beauty or utility in the literary firmament. His book is a little world of instruction, enlivened by extracts, both in prose and poetry, of the most meritorious character imaginable.'-Literary Chronicle, Νου. 24, 1827.

'Time's Telescope is a pleasant miscellany, into which the observer of days, the lover of nature, the inquirer after reliques of the olden time, and the general reader, may look, year after year, with increasing satisfaction. It has ever been a favourite book of ours-its reminiscences of customs and manners now yearly fading into oblivionits brief and spirited notices of celebrated men-its attractive introductions to the various sciences-its selections from cotemporary authors, always beautiful and interesting-its astronomical notices, furnishing ample amusement to those who read the starry heavensand its sweetly flowing poesy, -all render it to us a delightful companion for the months. It is our guide in our walks, and we have often been indebted to its suggestions for some of our choicest pleasures. We have a strong attachment to the country-we do not mean the vicinities of large towns or watering-places, but those retired spots, amidst woodland scenery, where we can hold communion with the works of our Creator, and participate, unnoticed by our fellowmen, in that joy and happiness with which all animated beings seem to be filled in such sequestered nooks. The Naturalist's Diary is our counsellor there, and we recommend it to all who, like ourselves, prefer the scenery of nature to the monotonous and noisy bustle of the town. Independently of the Naturalist's Diary, to which we have referred, there are some very interesting notices of French provincial customs, and some choice scraps of information under the "Remarkable Days." There are few works better adapted as a present to young people of both sexes than Time's Telescope: with much that is pleasing in literature, attractive in science, and useful in daily life, there is an undeviating regard to morality and religion.'-Spirit and Manners of the Age.

Fifteen years have now elapsed since the publication of this very useful and entertaining work was commenced; and during that period it has been extensively circulated, and has enjoyed a large share of approbation among the reading part of the community. The plan upon which it is conducted is sufficiently explained by its copious title; and the entire volume reflects great credit upon the moral principles, the judgment, and research of the intelligent Editor. It is valuable as a book of reference on all subjects connected with the Calendar; and the antiquarian, the naturalist, the astronomer, the botanist, the gardener, the historian, and the lover of poetry and polite literature, will find, in its pages, numerous articles adapted to their respective tastes and pursuits. To young persons it may be safely recommended, for the useful information which it contains, and for the absence of objectionable sentiments in its multifarious contents. The ample accounts of French customs, interspersed through the volume for the present year, are a new feature in Time's Telescope, and add greatly to its interest and value.'-Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, Jan. 1828.

'Of the various periodical calendars and annual literary repositories which issue from the Protestant press, we are unacquainted with any one less objectionable to the Catholic reader than Time's Telescope. It is really a valuable and interesting work.'- Catholic Miscellany, vol. vii, p. 52.

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