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Time's Telescope presents us with a new view of the ensuing year. To give variety to an almanack has long been considered as impossible; yet this this ingenious little work, by means of recent or passing events, by an appropriate new selection of Poetical Illustrations, and by a new Intro duction, offers an amusing novelty, without departure from its original plan.'-Literary Gazette, Dec. 12, 1818.

TIME'S TELESCOPE for 1820, with an Introduction containing the OUTLINES OF ENTOMOLOGY.

'TIME, not the world's Time, with wings besprinkled with cards, dice, and " at homes," but the Time of the Astronomer, the Naturalist, and the Historian, again opens his annual Magazin des Noveautés; and we can safely assure those who may wish to become purchasers, that all the articles in this literary bazaar are well selected, and of the first quality. This pleasing volume is well adapted for Schools, either as a class-book, or the reward of merit.'-Gentleman's Magazine, Dec. 1819.

We hail with pleasure the annual re-appearance of Time's Telescope, which presents, in an easy, popular style, with judicious arrangement, clear and copious illustrations of almost every day in the Calendar, not only in regard to Saints' Days and Holidays, but also memorable events of the earliest times down to the passing year. The Naturalist's Diary for each month is interesting to all classes, for the specific information it contains, as well as for the pleasing view it affords of God's Providence at all seasons. He who takes up this little volume must be wiser, and perhaps better, before he lays it down.'-Sun, Jan. 18, 1820.

TIME'S TELESCOPE for 1821, with an Introduction containing the ELEMENTS OF BRITISH ORNITHOLOGY.

TIME flies so rapidly, that a Telescope becomes necessary to look at him when past, and is not less amusing to examine him as he approaches. Time also is that which we can never reform, but still we may improve it: and if it be a mark of wisdom to make the most of our time, it must be allowed that the Editor of the work before us has equally succeeded; for he has not only improved the past to make it useful for the present, but has also made the most of the future, by showing that almost every day in the year is good for something. He who wishes to know why one day is more remarkable than another? Why he must eat mince-pies at Christmas, or Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday? Why he must eat goose at Michaelmas, or be made a goose of on All-Fools-Day?-he who wishes to turn his Telescope on human events, or on the Heavens;-he who wishes to be directed, agreeably to the season, in his observations of nature, enlivened and illustrated by apt quotations from our best poets; or who, in short, wishes to know what time was and will be, cannot fail of gratifying his curiosity by a reference to this useful little parlourwindow book. It has been before the public for some years, and is now considerably improved in arrangement, as well as in quantity; so that those possessed of former volumes will find that the present


is far from being a twice-told tale. In short, we wish it, and our readers, a happy new year!'-Sun, December 20, 1820.

To young persons, either in town or country, this volume will be very acceptable, as it will furnish them, in one case, with much novel and amusing instruction; and in the other, will prove an agreeable guide to many of those pursuits which are the peculiar charm of a country residence. We know not any publication of a similar nature in which there is a better union of pleasure and amusement.' - Monthly Magazine, January and July 1821.

'Time's Telescope blends something of the character which belongs to the Literary Pocket Book with that of a general Almanack; but at the same time possessing features different from either of these and peculiar to itself, and being altogether much more useful and compendious than both.'-Baldwin's London Mag., Feb. 1821.

TIME'S TELESCOPE for 1822 (2d edition), with an Introduction containing OUTLINES OF CONCHOLOGY.

'We should have called this work Time's Kaleidoscope instead of Time's Telescope, for at every turn of a page it presents the reader with a new and agreeable combination of form, colour, and material. But, while it resembles, it also surpasses that curious instrument, inasmuch as its express object and tendency is to blend instruction with amusement, and to make the one as attractive as the other. We observe that the pages of this useful miscellany are diligently enriched from the leading publications of the times, which are referred to in a manner honourable to the parties quoting them, and valuable to readers who may wish additional information on the subjects thus brought to their notice. Taken altogether, Time's Telescope is one of the best productions to be put into the hands of youth which our teeming press sends forth. It leads by easy roads to improving studies; it is exceedingly various; it is full of hints for thinking, and it is honest and unprejudiced. From the child of five years of age to the mature of fifty, it will afford both entertainment and intelligence." -Literary Gazette, Dec. 1, 1821.

'To look back with advantage, and forward with pleasure, is the sum and substance of human happiness. Fortunate is he who can doso; and still more fortunate is he who has this little work to assist him in his retrospect and prospect, thereby giving an additional value to the time present. Whatever his pursuit, however multifarious his researches, he cannot fail of finding here both information and amusement, united to a degree of novelty and variety by no means to be expected in an annual publication of this kind. In this selection, good taste is evident; recapitulation has been avoided as far as possible, without omitting necessary information; whilst the author, without seeming to infringe in the slightest degree upon its contemporary utility, has with ingenious propriety rendered it specifically adapted to its place in the regular series of which it forms the ninth volume.'-New Monthly Magazine, Jan. 1822.

See also Monthly Magazine for January 1822; Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, No. 1, Vol. I, N. S.; Arlis's Pocket Magazine, December 1821.

TIME'S TELESCOPE for 1823 (second edition), with an Introduction on the HABITS, ECONOMY, and Uses of BRITISH INSECTS.

We are acquainted with no annual work which has united so many suffrages in its favour as Time's Telescope. The present publication does not derogate from the character of its predecessors, but is indeed an agreeable and instructive miscellany.' - Literary Gazette, December 7, 1822.

This publication will convey, to young persons of intelligence and education, much entertaining and useful information, without that corrupting admixture of unsound principles, or improper allusions, by which so large a portion of the current literature of our times is unhappily debased.'-Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, Jan. 1823.

*We have now had the gratification of approving the design and execution of this useful annual work for ten succeeding years; and can safely assert that the present volume is inferior to none of its predecessors. Novelty has been so studiously considered, that each volume is almost entirely a new work. The poetical selections are numerous and judiciously introduced.'-Gentleman's Magazine, December 1822.

The sustained excellence and improving reputation of this agreeable and highly useful series, afford a gratifying illustration of the extent, depth, and richness, of the resources of English literature; and of the sure reward which attends the exercise of industry and judgment in exploring them. The present volume fully supports the character of its predecessors; and saying this, we are not aware that we could give it a higher praise.'-St. James's Chronicle, December 10, 1822.

Of all the annual publications of the present day, numerous as they are, there is not one that we long so much to see as Time's Telescope; for there is none, from which, in times past, we have derived greater pleasure and profit. Its reputation is now so fully established, that it stands in no need of any recommendation from us, or it should certainly have it. We scarcely know a work in which the utile and the dulce are more happily blended.' - New Evangelical Magazine, December 1822.

We have repeatedly recommended this work to our readers, who have a taste for scientific studies. The present volume contains a vast variety of interesting matter.'-Supplement to Evangelical Magazine for 1822.

If the times are not better, still it must be owned that their Telescope is improving annually. Indeed, we think this little work deserves peculiar credit for its constant variety, whilst still preserving the original plan on which it started.'-New Monthly Magazine, De

cember 1822.

'For the tenth time we meet this truly interesting compilation, which seems to improve with every recurring year, and may be justly said to afford a high intellectual treat to all who possess a love for literature and science. We know not a volume, indeed, even in the present productive state of the Periodical Press, which is so well calculated as this, to excite in the youthful and ingenuous mind a vivid and durable impression of the value of time, and of the beauty, sublimity, and utility, of the mighty works of God. It is evidently the production of a man of great ingenuity and research; for he has contrived, notwithstanding an apparent necessity for repetition in some of the details, to give to each succeeding volume, - and through every department of its contents, the charm of variety and the impress of novelty; a result which he has been enabled to obtain through a very happy use of the almost inexhaustible treasures which are to be found in the mines of Philosophy and Natural History, in the delightful stores of Biography and Literary Anecdote, and in the curious minutiæ of Manners, Customs, and Superstitions. With these he has mingled copious and judiciously selected illustrations from our best poets, living as well as dead; a feature in the work which stamps it with a lively and endearing interest, and which appears, indeed, in the volume before us, with singular attractions for our Suffolk readers, as it includes some highly finished effusions from the moral pen of one who resides amongst them (Mr. B. Barton), and who, whether regarded as a poet or a man, may be correctly said to reflect honour, not only on the sect to which he more peculiarly belongs, but on the country which has given him birth.'Suffolk Chonicle, December 14, 1822.

See also Morning Post, Dec. 19, 1822; Courier, Dec. 24, 1822; John Bull, Dec. 27, 1822; Ladies' Museum, June 7, 1823; Bell's Messenger, Dec. 29, 1823; Literary Chronicle, Dec. 7, 1822; London Journal of Arts, &c. Dec. 1822; Monthly Magazine, Jan. 1823; Monthly Censor, March 1823; Arlis's Pocket Magazine (Supplement), Dec. 1822, &c. &c. &c.

TIME'S TELESCOPE for 1824, with an Introduction containing OUTLINES OF HISTORICAL and PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, by T. MYERS, LL.D.-Prefixed to this Volume is a Medallion Portrait of Captain Parry, engraved by Charles Heath.

'Time's Telescope is really so meritorious a work, that we cannot refuse it the meed of a willing gift, unfeigned praise. Like its ten predecessors, this eleventh annual volume is an entertaining and well-selected miscellany from the good things of past literature, together with original productions of congenial character.'-Literary Gazette, Nov. 20, 1823.

This useful and agreeable little work, which is at once an annual and a perennial in the garden of periodical literature, has now reached the eleventh year of its revival, and yet still appears under a new aspect. It is "another yet the same" -" an old friend with a new face" and yet the better, instead of the worse on that account.'New Monthy Magazine, Jan. 1, 1824.

We have more than once noticed the former volumes of this very agreeable miscellany, and we must do the ingenious Editor the justice to repeat, that his eleventh volume is by no means inferior in point of merit or variety to its predecessors. The work is, indeed, kept up with great spirit, and no pains have been spared to render it as useful as it is entertaining.'-Eclectic Review, Jan. 1, 1824.

This work displays the same pleasing variety as was exhibited in the former volumes. It is one of those delightful books which is always welcome to us.'-Literary Chronicle, Νου. 29, 1823.

The number of Time's Telescope for the ensuing year is quite equal to its predecessors: there is no work of the kind with which we are acquainted, that contains such a variety of apposite and interesting matter: it is a work at once remarkable for ingenuity and industry.'-Times, Nov. 22, 1823.

We do not hesitate to pronounce the plan of this work a "felicitous conception;" but as it is much easier to plan than to execute, we must do the Editor the justice to say, that he deserves unqualified praise for industrious research and judicious selection, The numerous poetical flowers, with which it is both ornamented and enriched, evince the purity of his literary and moral taste. Like the bee, he has roved abroad and at home, collecting his treasures from the rich blossoms in the cultivated garden, and the wild flowers in the pathless desert; always, with becoming candour and modesty, acknowledging the field from whence he culled his sweets; by which, those who are pleased with his banquet, know the sources from which he catered. He deserves still higher praise, for the pure and exalted strain of rational piety which pervades the work; the sublime notions of the Great First Cause, which are every where inculcated; and throughout the whole an obvious tendency to render the wisdom and goodness of the Deity conspicuous, in his works of creation and providence. In all schools and seminaries of education, where English books are awarded as prizes for meritorious application, Time's Telescope should have a place among those distributed; and we have no hesitation in saying, that, nine times out of ten, it would be highly esteemed.'

This annual repository is replete with useful and pleasing historical and antiquarian illustrations of the Calendar.' -Encyclopædia Metropolitana, art. Calendar.

'C'est le onzieme volume d'un ouvrage qui se publie annuellement sous ce titre. Un choix bien fait des meilleurs morceaux de litterature qui ont paru dans l'année, et quelques productions originales qui ne manquent pas de merite, recommandent ce livre aux lecteurs curieux de suivre et de comparer les progrès que font les Anglais dans les belleslettres avec ceux de leurs voisins.' - Revue Encyclopedique, Aout


See also Gentleman's Magazine, Dec. 1823; Wesleyan Methodist, January 1824; Monthly Magazine, Dec. 1, 1823; St. James's Chronicle, January 10, 1824; New Evangelical Magazine, Jan. 1824.

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