Jessamine, 273, 308 Libra, 323 Lilies, 273 Jewsbury, Miss M. J., lines by, 4 Lilac, 76, 109, 203 Johnston, Sir Alexander, 292 Jones, Stephen, 399 Jonquil, 169 Jovellanos, Don G. M., 141 July explained, 244 - poetical pictures in, 282 June explained, 210 poetical pictures in, 231, 240-243 Lily of the valley, 193 - white, 232 Lincoln Cathedral, west front of, 378 Linnets, 31, 110 London, ancient, 20-23 arms of, 376 bridge (old), 93 earthquake at, 88 at midnight, lines on, 64 University opened, 353 Longest day, 220 Longevity, remarkable instances Luminousness of the sea, 350 Lychnis, scarlet, 273 Mariner's song, the, 350 Marum, Dr., 17 Mary Magdalen, 253 N Name of Jesus, 290 Maundy Thursday, 134-ceremo- Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 330 ny at Rome on, ib. May explained, 175-poeticalpic- -Day, 175-poetical pictures - 201 Goslings, 176 Pole, origiu of, 175 NATURALIST'S DIARY for January Navarino, battle of, 355 lines by, 48 Nettle, common, 275 New Year in China, 4 Melons, different kinds of, 311. Neele, Henry, memoir of, 46- 313 Mignionette, 347 Year's Day in Scotland, 1- lines on, sent with an hour- glass, 4 ceremonies in Ney, Marshal, engraving of his tomb, 373 Migration of fishes, 76-79-of Nicomede, 210 O' Conor, Dr. Charles, 261 P Ptinus pectinicornis, 314 Purification of B. V. M., 41 Pyramid at Zeist, in Holland, cut of, 263 Palm Sunday, 129-custom on, Quinquagesima Sunday, ,86 Park, -, 357 130 Quintain, game of, 211 [ R Parting song, 404 Partridges, 75, 274 Passion-flower, 309 - Sunday, 128 Past Year, the, a poem, 407. Peach, 111, 169 Pear-tree, 169 Peas, 121 Penzance, custom at, 221 Perch, cut of the, 392 Petrel, engraving of, 106 Phalæna russula, 347 Phloxes, 347 Phryganea, 314 Pike, 201 November, 372; December, 395 Resurrection, ceremonies relating Pindar, Sir Paul, engraving of his Rennie, Eliza, lines by, 109 house, 23-described, 327 Pinks, 232, 273 Piranha, the, 84 Pisces, 41 Planta, Joseph, memoir of, 395 Planting and Sowing of trees, 115 to, 139 Plants, method of preserving spe- Ring-ouzel, 162 Rogation Sunday, 178 Roman altar, cut of, 329 Rooks, 274 Rosario de Madrugada, 90 Rose, lines allusive to the, 231 Roses, 231, 232 Ruff's and Reeves, 164 Rye, 203 S Sacramental bread, 217 Sagittarius, 372 00 1 Boniface, 210 Cecilia, 381 John Baptist, 221, 294 John Evangelist, 177, 405 Jude, 356 Lambert, 330 Lawrence, 291 Martin, 245, 335, 376 Matthew, 331 |