Page images
[blocks in formation]

Jessamine, 273, 308

[blocks in formation]

Libra, 323

Lilies, 273

Jewsbury, Miss M. J., lines by, 4 Lilac, 76, 109, 203

Johnston, Sir Alexander, 292

Jones, Stephen, 399

Jonquil, 169

Jovellanos, Don G. M., 141

July explained, 244

- poetical pictures in, 282

June explained, 210

poetical pictures in, 231,


[blocks in formation]

Lily of the valley, 193

- white, 232

Lincoln Cathedral, west front of,


Linnets, 31, 110

London, ancient, 20-23

arms of, 376

bridge (old), 93
burnt, 323

earthquake at, 88

at midnight, lines on, 64
smoke, 189

University opened, 353

Longest day, 220

Longevity, remarkable instances
of, 398, 399
Lord Mayor's day, 376
Low Sunday, 145
Luminous arch, account of, 301,
302, 339

Luminousness of the sea, 350
Lychnidea, 232

Lychnis, scarlet, 273

[blocks in formation]

Mariner's song, the, 350
Marigolds, 232, 273, 347
Marriage, seasous for, 15
Marvel of Peru, 347

Marum, Dr., 17

Mary Magdalen, 253


Name of Jesus, 290
Napoleon child, 290
Narcissus, 111
Nasturtium, 347

Maundy Thursday, 134-ceremo- Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 330

ny at Rome on, ib.
Mauritius, meteorological calen-
dar of, 39

May explained, 175-poeticalpic-
tures in, 206-209

-Day, 175-poetical pictures
of, 176, 204-in three sonnets,



Goslings, 176

Pole, origiu of, 175

1829, 30-Feb., 72-March, 104
-April, 154-May, 188-June,
231-July, 271-August, 306-
September, 343-October, 365
-November, 388-December,

Navarino, battle of, 355
Nebulæ, description of, 360
Nectarine, 111, 169

lines by, 48

Nettle, common, 275

New Year in China, 4

Melons, different kinds of, 311. Neele, Henry, memoir of, 46-


[blocks in formation]

Mignionette, 347

Year's Day in Scotland, 1-

lines on, sent with an hour-

glass, 4


[blocks in formation]


Ney, Marshal, engraving of his

tomb, 373

Migration of fishes, 76-79-of Nicomede, 210

[blocks in formation]

O' Conor, Dr. Charles, 261
October explained, 353
Orchis, 194
Oriole, Baltimore, 163
Owl, cut of the, 238


Ptinus pectinicornis, 314
Puffin, 307

Purification of B. V. M., 41
Pyracanthus, 308

Pyramid at Zeist, in Holland, cut

of, 263

Palm Sunday, 129-custom on, Quinquagesima Sunday, ,86

Park, -, 357


Quintain, game of, 211 [


Parting song, 404

Partridges, 75, 274

Passion-flower, 309


Sunday, 128

Past Year, the, a poem, 407.

Peach, 111, 169

Pear-tree, 169

Peas, 121

Penzance, custom at, 221
Peonies, 232

Perch, cut of the, 392

Petrel, engraving of, 106

Phalæna russula, 347

Phloxes, 347

Phryganea, 314

Pike, 201

[blocks in formation]

November, 372; December, 395

Resurrection, ceremonies relating

Pindar, Sir Paul, engraving of his Rennie, Eliza, lines by, 109

house, 23-described, 327

Pinks, 232, 273

Piranha, the, 84

Pisces, 41

Planta, Joseph, memoir of, 395

Planting and Sowing of trees, 115

to, 139

[blocks in formation]

Plants, method of preserving spe- Ring-ouzel, 162

[blocks in formation]

Rogation Sunday, 178

Roman altar, cut of, 329

Rooks, 274

Rosario de Madrugada, 90

Rose, lines allusive to the, 231

Roses, 231, 232

Ruff's and Reeves, 164
Rundell, Mr., 59

Rye, 203


Sacramental bread, 217
Saffron, 347

Sagittarius, 372



[blocks in formation]

Boniface, 210
Britius, 377
Casimir, 87
Catherine, 382

[blocks in formation]

Cecilia, 381
Chad, 86
Clement, 382
Crispin, 355
Cyprian, 333
David, 86
Denys, 354
Dunstan, 178
Etheldreda, 355
Eunerchus, 330
Fabian, 17
Faith, 353
George, 145
Giles, 323
Gregory, 88
Hilary, 15
Hugh, 381
James, 260
James the Less, 175
Jerome, 334

John Baptist, 221, 294

John Evangelist, 177, 405

Jude, 356

Lambert, 330

Lawrence, 291
Leonard, 376
Lucian, 14
Lucy, 398
Luke, 355
Machutus, 381
Margaret, 251
Mark, 145

Martin, 245, 335, 376

Matthew, 331

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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