to himself. The want of encouragement to his last invention, of extinguishing accidental fire on board vessels at sea, which, by men of nautical experience, had been much approved, contributed greatly to depress his spirits; and to those who formerly knew, and lately met him, there was an evident aberration of intellect. 26.-OLD HOLY-ROOD.-See HOLY CROSS, p. 330, and T.T. for 1826, p. 233. St. Cyprian was made Bishop of Carthage in the year 248. After many persecutions, he was beheaded in 258. His works were translated by Dr. Marshall, and published in one folio volume. *28. 1827.-C. G. KIESEWETTER DIED, The celebrated violinist. He was born at Anspach, and his father was the first violin at the Royal Chapel of that court. The subject of this notice was first introduced to a British audience in the winter of 1821, at the Philharmonic Concert. His success before that judicious assembly was complete; and since that period he spent much of his time in England, and acquired great popularity by his concerto and solo playing. He was the first who introduced the compositions of the celebrated Mayseder into this country. A competent judge of the science has observed - Kiesewetter was on the violin what Munden was in comedy; like him, he could either raise a smile by his comic skips and eccentric roulemens, or move the heart by his touches of exquisite feeling.' 29.-ST. MICHAEL. St. Michael, the Archangel. His festival was first observed in the year 487.-Some curious particulars relative to this day may be seen in T.T. for 1827, p.302. St. Michael's Chair. On one of the angles of the tower at St. Michael's Mount, in Cornwall, is to be seen the carcass of a stone lantern, in which, during the fishing season, and in dark, tempestuous nights, it may reasonably be supposed that the monks, to whom the tithe of such fishery belonged, kept a light as a guide to sailors, and a safeguard to their own property. This lantern is now vulgarly denominated St. Michael's Chair, since it will just admit one person to sit down in it: the attempt is not without danger; for the chair, elevated above the battlements, projects so far over the precipice, that the climber must actually turn the whole body at that altitude in order to take a seat in it; notwithstanding the danger, however, it is often attempted: indeed, one of the first questions questions generally put to a stranger, if married, after he has visited the mount-Did you sit in the chair? -for there is a conceit, that if a married woman has sufficient resolution to place herself in it, it will at once invest her with all the regalia of petticoat government; and that if a married man sit in it, he will thereby receive ample powers for the management of his wife. This is probably a remnant of monkish fable, a supposed virtue conferred by some saint, perhaps a legacy of St. Keyne, for the same virtue is attributed to her well. The person of that man or wife 30.-SAINT JEROME. St. Jerome was the most eminent biblical scholar of the fourth century. He was born at Stridon, about the year 331, and died at or near Bethlehem, A.D.420, in the 90th year of his age. *SEP. 1828. MAJOR LAING MURDERED. This enterprising traveller had reached Timbuctoo, where he had resided for a considerable time; but upon his taking his departure for Sego, he was, three days after he quitted Timbuctoo, murdered, between the 21st September and the 1st October. This lamentable intelligence was communicated to the Colonial Office by his father-in-law, the British Consul at Tripoli. *SEP. 1828.-PROFESSOR BOUTERWEK DIED. Literature has sustained a considerable loss in the death of this eminent man, who was of the University of Göttingen. His health had been in a declining state for some time, and his decease is considered to 1 The Guide to Mount's Bay and Land's End. have been hastened by his incessant application to literary labours. Independently of various other writings on philosophy and the belles lettres, he acquired, by his General History of Poetry and Eloquence (a stupendous work on the history of French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, English, and German literature), the reputation of one of the most distinguished littérateurs of the continent; and his dicta are considered as affording unquestionable authority on the most important subjects of modern polite letters. Astronomical Occurrences In SEPTEMBER 1829. Oh! it is beautiful to see this world Poised in the crystal air, with all its seas, e Of ether, circling the resplendent sun ATHERSTONE. THUS faithfully does the poet describe the rotation and revolution of the Earth, which beneficent arrangement, combined with the inclination of its axis, successively adorns this globe with the flowers of spring, tempers the fervid heat of a tropical sun, dispenses abundantly the ripened fruits of autumn, stills the howling tempest, and loosens the icy fetters which mark the gloom and desolation of winter. This interchange of the seasons is forcibly presented to our minds by the arrival of our planet at that part of its orbit when the sun shines from pole to pole, and the days and nights are every where equal, -a cheering event to that part of the human family in high southern latitudes, who will, on the 23d, have their vernal equinox, and bid adieu to the rigours of winter, to anticipate the cheering influence of the summer's sun; while to our hemisphere there awaits the sere and yellow leaf of autumn, the fitful blast, and the snowy livery of winter; but bearing also to the Briton's home the anticipation of the cheerful hearth, drawing around it, as with a magic wand, the social and domestic circle. Literary Gazette. SOLAR PHENOMENA. The Sun enters Aries at 17 m. after 8 in the morning of the 23d of this month. He will also be eclipsed on the 28th; but the eclipse will be invisible, as it takes place under the following circumstances:Ecliptic conjunction at 24 m. after 2 in the morning, in longitude 6o 4o 391', the Moon's latitude being at that time 33' north. The Sun will be centrally eclipsed on the meridian at 312 m. after 1 in the morning, in longitude 157° 51' east, and latitude 30° 22′ north; he will also rise and set during this period as in the following TABLE Of the Sun's Rising and Setting for every fifth Day. September 1st, Sun rises 14 m. after 5, sets 46 m. after 6 6th 11th 16th 21st 53 5. .... 37 5.... 27 43 ..... 5 .... 17 ..... Equation of Time. When apparent time is known, and true time required, it may be found by using the equation as directed in the following Table. The equation for any intermediate day is to be found by proportion. TABLE Of the Equation of Time for every fifth Day. M. s. Tuesday, September 1st, from the time by the dial sub. 09 LUNAR PHENOMENA.. Phases of the Moon. First Quarter.. 6th day, at noon Full Moon ....13th........29 m. after 6 in the morning New Moon ... 28th... 3........ 2 in the morning. Eclipse of the Moon.... The Moon will be eclipsed on the 13th of this month, and the eclipse will be partly visible here. The following are the circumstances under which it will take place: viz. |