In a niche over the avenue into Christ's Hospital, from the passage leading from Newgate-street to the west door of Christ's Church, is the statue of Edward the Sixth, as represented in the following cut. Over the entrance of Bull-head-court, Newgate-street, is a small stone, sculptured with the figures of William Evans, the gigantic porter belonging to Charles I, and bis diminutive fellowservant, Jeffery Hudson, dwarf to the same monarch, as represented in the cut. In a small court before the house of Mr. Soane, the architect, in Lincoln's Inn-fields, is the following Roman altar, supposed to have been dedicated to Bacchus. The following cut represents the capitals of columns at the entrance of the church in the Temple. Eunerchus was Bishop of Orleans in the year 375. The circumstances of his election were regarded as miraculous. 8.-NATIVITY OF THE VIRGIN MARY. For particulars of this day, consult our previous volumes. 14.-HOLY CROSS. This festival was first observed in the year 615; see our volume for 1824, p. 236. For an account of the ceremony of kissing the cross, performed in the Greek church on this day, see T.T. for 1822, p. 245. -See also T.T. for 1826, p. 231, for a description of the Pentangle of Solomon, and other curious matters. Consult also T.T. for 1827, p. 300, for an account of the fragment of the true cross. 16, 18, 19.—EMBER DAYS. See p. 88. Lambert was appointed Bishop of Maestricht in 673, and was murdered September 17th, 708. He was canonized in 1240. 21. SAINT MATTHEW. St. Matthew the Evangelist was slain at Nadabær, about the year 60. He wrote his Gospel in Hebrew. His festival was not instituted till the year 1090. *23. 1828.-R. P. BONINGTON DIED, ET. 26. At the early age of three years, he discovered a very extraordinary attachment to the fine arts, which was principally evinced by his sketching almost every object that presented itself to his observation. But he went even farther, and not unfrequently ventured upon designs; some specimens of which precocious efforts are still in the possession of his parents. They were chiefly drawn in pen-and-ink, with surprising accuracy, and illustrative of history, which, from the moment our infant artist was capable of thought, became his favourite study and research. We ought also to notice, that his sketches of marine subjects (in which he afterwards shone so conspicuously) were, beyond description, wonderful, both for correctness and neatness. These productions completely confirmed his father's desire to take every opportunity of leading him to the arts as a profession; and he accordingly continued to direct his attention to the works of the best masters; but, above all, to Nature, the mother, nurse, and guide of true genius. Thus cherished, when Richard was not more than seven or eight years of age, he made some drawings from old buildings situated at Nottingham, which surpassed every thing he had before done; and, about the same time, he took a more decided turn for marine subjects, which bent of mind appears never afterwards to have forsaken him. At the age of fifteen, his parents journeyed to Paris, feeling assured that the facilities for study afforded by that capital were much more important than any which could elsewhere be attained. Upon his arrival there, application was made for permission to draw in the Louvre; and the gentlemen who conducted that department, astonished beyond measure at the examples of the young English painter's skill, instantly, and in the most flattering manner, granted the boon required. He very soon after became a student of the Institute, and also drew at M. Le Baron Gros's atelier. It was about this period, when not occupied at the Institute or at the Baron's gallery, that he made many extraordinary drawings of coast scenery; particularly some representing fishmarkets, with groups of figures, and for which he at all times found a ready sale. We should not omit to mention, that his study from the figure was exceedingly good; though, were it requisite to define his forte, we should certainly say, that, amid all the diversity of his unbounded talents, marine pieces were at once his favourites and chef-d'œuvres. Sometime afterwards, Mr. Bonington undertook a tour to Italy, from which country he brought back some splendid specimens of his abilities; his studies from nature literally breathing the atmosphere of the scenes so faithfully and beautifully represented. The public, and the lovers of the fine arts, will long lament the loss of this eminent artist; for, except, perhaps, in Harlowe, there has been no such ornament of our native school cut off in early prime, and in the full effulgence of spreading fame.- Literary Gazette. *25.1827.-GEORGE DODD DIED, ET. 44, Civil Engineer, and the original designer of Waterloo Bridge. This talented, but unfortunate individual, was son of Mr. Ralph Dodd, the projector of Vauxhall Bridge, the South London Waterworks, the Tunnel at Gravesend, the Surrey Canal, &c. &c., The works of his son were of a similar nature, alike beneficial to the public, but little productive to his own fortunes. Having revived the idea of the Strand Bridge, which was first proposed in 1766, in Gwynn's 'London and Westminster Improved,' he was, on its being seriously undertaken, appointed the resident engineer, with a salary of £1000 a year, though MR. RENNIE, from his superior experience and rank in the profession, became the principal engineer at the same salary. This situation Mr. Dodd was so imprudent as to resign; but it is known that the sums he received from the Company amounted altogether to upwards of £5000. To Mr. G. Dodd the public were first indebted for the idea of steam passage boats from London to Margate and Richmond: he prevailed on a party of tradesmen to purchase an old steam-boat, called the Margery, which was brought from Scotland, altered and adapted for the purpose, and the name changed to the Thames. This was followed by the building of the Victory, Sons of Commerce, and other Margate steam-boats; but his continuance with this connexion was of short duration; and he had the mortification of seeing his plans put into execution on most of the navigable rivers in Great Britain, with fame and credit to others; but without these, or, what was infinitely of more consequence, emolument |