Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Books on AmericaBergen & Tripp, printers, 1869 - 176 pages |
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50 copies 75 copies printed Aaron Burr Account Albany American Revolution Army Autograph Letter back and edges Beautiful Portrait boards Boston BOSTON MASSACRE British Bruce clean copy cloth Colonies containing Cotton Mather crimson levant morocco Dartmoor Prison England engraved Excessively rare extra plates Fac-simile Fisher Folio Fowle Franklin George Wash George Washington gilt edges gilt top green levant morocco H. A. Smith half calf half green morocco half morocco half Russia HENRY LAURENS History India paper Indians ington inside borders JAMES Jared Sparks JOHN John Gilmary Shea Joseph Galloway LARGE PAPER late London Matthews Memoirs Morrell Narrative New-England North America Notes Philadelphia Plates inserted Portrait inserted Portrait of Gen Portrait of Washington Portrait on India President PRIVATELY PRINTED Rare Portrait Reprinted Revolutionary Roche rough edges Royal 8vo Samuel G Scarce sheep Sketches Small 4to Small 8vo THOMAS tion uncut condition United Virginia Whitmore Wight WILLIAM York
Popular passages
Page 16 - An Oration, delivered March 5th, 1772, at the Request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, to Commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March, 1770.
Page 33 - By the Spaniards called Florida, and by the French La Louisiane. As also of the Great and Famous River Meschacebe, or Mississippi, the Five Vast Navigable Lakes of Fresh Water, and the parts adjacent, together with an Account of the Commodities of the Growth and Production of the said Province, and a Preface containing some Considerations on the Consequences of the French making Settlements there.
Page 34 - As a remarkable instance of this, I may point out to the public that heroic youth, Colonel Washington, whom I cannot but hope Providence has hitherto preserved in so signal a manner for some important service to his country.
Page 150 - But why should I expect to be exempt from censure, the unfailing lot of an elevated station ? Merit and talents, with which I can have no pretensions of rivalship, have ever been subject to it.
Page 58 - ... Four Thousand Miles, between New France and New Mexico; with a Description of the Great Lakes, Cataracts, Rivers, Plants, and Animals.
Page 66 - Wherein you have the setting out of a Ship, with the charges; The prices of all necessaries for furnishing a Planter and his Family at his first coming...
Page 156 - The United States in Congress assembled, ordered this statue to be erected in the year of our Lord 1783, in honor of George Washington, the illustrious commander in chief of the armies of the United States of America, during the war which vindicated and secured their liberty, sovereignty and independence.
Page 83 - New England's Memorial ; or, A brief relation of the most memorable and remarkable passages of the providence of God, manifested to the planters of New-England in America ; with special reference to the first colony thereof, called NewPlimouth.
Page 60 - A Candid and Impartial Narrative of the Transactions of the Fleet, under the Command of Lord Howe, from the Arrival of the Toulon Squadron, on the Coast of America, to the Time of his Lordship's Departure for England.
Page 39 - The History and Antiquities of Boston, the Capital of Massachusetts, and Metropolis of New England, from its Settlement in 1630, to the Year 1770. Also, An Introductory History of the Discovery and Settlement of New England. With Notes, Critical and Illustrative. By Samuel G.