About this book
V. For the new Year, 1761
VI. For his Majesty's Birth-day, June
4, 1761...
VII. For the new Year, 1762 ............256
Prologue to the Roman Father, 1750
Epilogue to the Roman Father, 1750.........
Prologue to Every Man in his Humour, 1751. 272
Prologue to Creusa, 1754
ib. The Lyric Muse to Mr. Mason, on the Re-
covery of the right hon. the Earl of Holder-
nesse from a dangerous Illness. (From Dods-
ley's Collection, Edition 1782) ........
The Vision of Solomon. Written when at School 275 On the Conclusion of the Peace. Written in
Verses to his Mother on her Birth-day. Writ-
ten in his early Years
1748, and printed among the Cambridge
Gratulatory Verses...
XII. To a Friend
VI. To a Friend
VII. Written in Summer.
VIII. To a Friend
IX. Leaving Bath, 1776
X. To J. Payne, Esq. Accountant-Ge-
neral of the Bank of England
XI. To a Friend, apprehensive of a de-
clining Friendship
XIII. I hate that drum's discordant sound. ib.
XIV. Written after reading some modern
XXI. Written after a Journey to Bristol.. 484
XXII. To Criticism
III. After reading Shenstone's Elegies. 1766. 497
IV. Prefixed to Langhorne's Poetical Works,
V. To Britain, 1766...
Stanzas on reading Mrs. Macaulay's History
of England, 1766
Elegy in the Manner of Hammond: supposed
to have been written in the Author's Gar-
den during a Storm, 1756
The Author to his Wife, 1776
Stanzas written at Medhurst, in Sussex, on the
Author's Return from Chichester, where
he had attempted in vain to find the burial
Place of Collius
Verses to a Friend, planting
To an absent Friend
The Shepherd's Elegy. Occasioned by the
Death of an ingenious Friend.......
On the ingenious Mr. Jones's elegant Transla-
tions and Imitations of Eastern Poetry, and
his Resolution to decline translating the
Persian Poets
ib. Hymn from Psalın viii.
Conclusion. To a Friend
487 Postscript.......
Psalm lxviii. Paraphrase. The Majesty, the
Power, the Justice, and the Mercy of God.. 554 The Author's Preface
An Epithalamium. Written in Hebrew by
Sonnet to Vasco de Gama. From Tasso ......
555 Sonnet from Petrarch
The Siege of Marseilles, A Tragedy
To a Nosegay in Pancharilla's Breast, 1729... ib.
An Epistle, written in the Country. To the
right hon. the Lord Lovelace, then in Town.
September, 1735
An Essay on Virtue. To the honourable Phi-
lip Yorke, Esq.
The modern fine Gentleman. Written in the
Year 1746
The modern fine Lady. Written in the Year
The first Epistle of the second Book of Horace.
To the right honourable the Earl of Chester-
field, on his being installed Knight of the
To a Lady in Town, soon after her leaving the
To a Lady, sent with a Present of Shells and
Stones designed for a Grotto
To a Lady, in Answer to a Letter wrote in a
very fine Hand
To the right hon. the Lady Margaret Caven-
dish Harley, presented with a Collection of
Horatii, Lib. ii. Ode xvi. Imitated. To the
hon. Philip Yorke, Esq. Soon after the
general Election in 1747
On Lucinda's Recovery from the Small-Pox..
Written in Mr. Locke's Essay on Human Un-
Written in a Lady's Volume of Tragedies
Cupid relieved......
The Way to be Wise. Imitated from La Fon-
Lusus Pilæ (Amatorius) ex Nive Coactæ. Pe-
tronii Afranii Epigramma
The Snow-Ball. From Petronius Afranius
596 Anacreon, Ode xx. Greek and English